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Generic Name: Tranexamic Acid Tablets

Brand Name: Lysteda

Lysteda Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have heavy, flooding periods due to two golfball size fibroids in uterine wall, and was diagnosed with severe anemia. Lysteda does reduce the bleeding moderately but I do still have gushing/flooding on day 1. After days 1 and 2 I reduce the dose, because bleeding is light after that. Main side effect so far is mild headaches, feeling tired.

51 yr old with multiple fibroids, not ready for hysterectomy. Decided to take Lysteda. On day 3 and pleased I'm not changing pads every hour. Pain is tolerable and I'm able to wear a tampon with no problems. I'm hopeful this will continue to work with no problems.

This drug is very dangerous. I experienced almost every side effect and ended up on the hospital. Blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, excruciating leg pain which continues even though I stopped taking the drug over a week ago. I passed out which landed me in the hospital. Blood pressure through the roof and still not under control. It's a miracle that I did not have a stroke or worse. DON'T USE IT. Deal with the Heavy Bleeding or opt for surgical intervention which is my next step. DNC/Ablation. Good luck!

I am currently taking Lysteda but can only take this drug for only to days because I have the prothrombin mutation G 20210. I am at a slightly higher risks for DVTS, venous blood clots. To reduce my risk and to get the maximum use of this drug, I take it on day 2-3 of my period and then stop. My Bleeding is reduced by 50 percent! Those two days are my absolute worst soaking through heavy pads. My doctor didnâ??t want to prescribe it to me at all, so I found another doctor who told me to take it only for two days to reduce have a stroke. While, I am on my period I also take Proferrin an iron pill to help with my low iron issues.

I used this drug while I was going through menopause

I am an elementary teacher, so needing to go to the bathroom during my monthly cycle can be a hassle, and even more so with the problems I was having. I was experiencing VERY heavy bleeding with numerous

Not a miracle, but a definite game changer. The pain is still strong, but not to the point where I can't stand up anymore. Give it time. The first few months there was little change, but after several months it really made a difference.

Lysteda saved me, I was bleeding profusely due to a very large fibroid. I took it days before my fibroid surgery in order to avoid further blood loss. It worked the first day I took it. I would highly recommend this for very heavy bleeding. After taking I only had minimal spotting.

I was prescribed Lysteda to slow down my heavy, long periods. It has done nothing for me. My periods are still extremely heavy. I don't have any side effects..but it doesn't help me at all. Very disappointing.

I have very heavy bleeding/many clots from fibroids. Lysteda cut bleeding in 1/2 and lets me function with family/work better. side effect: occasional headaches. 2 pills/3 times a day for 5 days. When I run out, heavy bleeding sometimes returns on last days of period. But overall, medication helps me be able to go to work/leave the house. It is helping me manage through my periods until I have a uterine artery embolization in the future to deal with my fibroids.

I have experienced very heavy and long periods (12-14 days with a period, 14-16 days without each and every month) for the past three years. I'm always very reluctant to seek medical help, but I finally got my answer: an overgrown endometrium (endometrial hyperplasia). I wanted to try this product because it's non-hormonal. This is my second month using this product, and it doesn't work for me. The first month I had my usual ridiculously heavy flow for five days of my 14-day period. I thought maybe it was a fluke and that I should try again. That was a waste of money. I'll be going back to the doctor to see if she can possibly recommend treatment for the cause of my problem instead of seeking to simply treat the symptoms, which in my case didn't treat them anyway.

I have adenomyosis, and a failed oblation, with very heavy periods.I am 52 and not close to menopause yet and have resisted having a hysterectomy bacause my uterus is too big for the easier type of surgery. I have used Lysteda for two cycles, and so far, I think it is working and I'm pleased. I was able to go to a 7am yoga class on morning three and have no problems!! I do think I might be experiencing some back pain as a side effect, and I did have a very heavy day 6 which was unusual. I think you may have to be very consistent about taking three doses a day for the five days. I will try to come back and update this review after a couple more months, but if I continue like this, I will be very happy to continue getting a cycle and avoiding menopause for a little longer!

I call this my miracle pill.....thank God my doctor put me on this. The heavy extra long periods at the age of 52 was out of control. I tell everyoe about this.

I have severe Endometriosis & Adenomyosis, and I have been on this medication for 4 years. I've had multiple endometrial tissue removal surgeries and was taking various hormone therapies for 20 years (with terrible results) prior to taking this medication. My periods typically lasted 15-30 days prior to this medication, and now they last about 10-15. I still have very heavy bleeding with large clots (along with severe cramping), however this medication has helped with breaking up the clots, and decreasing the amount of days that are 'very heavy flow.' The only side effects I have experienced have been nausea and vomiting. The medication is prescribed for 5 days at 3x's/day, however, I take it 2x's/day for 7 to 8 days, and that has worked well for me. When I take it 3x's/day I will vomit, but at 2x's/day I only experience nausea. This medication has helped me more than hormone therapy has in terms of controlling heavy bleeding & clotting. Now that a generic is available, more insurance companies are covering it, making it more available and affordable.

Just started - I have 2 fibroids and was in a "wait and see" mode for a couple of years, but they've been growing and now I have problems every month. I'm on day three of this medication and the bleeding is controllable. I'm still having all other period symptoms (cramps, bloating) but I am not constantly running to the bathroom. As for side effects, I only noticed a little light-headedness the first day. I can recommend it based on my experience, but I'll need to try it for several months to really know if this is a solution.

I tell everyone about this drug. It is a miracle. I can't take hormones and I dont want to have surgery. I have been taking it every month for 2 years. It decreases bleeding about 75% on average each month. I still bleed for about 5 days but thats better than 7 or 8. My cramping is reduced greatly as well. I don't have any side effects from it. I do have a lot of headaches during my period but thats not unusual. I had headaches with my period before I began taking this drug. I CANNOT go back to life without this drug! I keep 2 in my office and 2 in my purse just in case I start early. I don't want to go a minute without it. The only issue I have found with it is that if I dont taking it around the clock, the effects wear off quickly. It is very short acting. That's fine though. I'll take that any day over hormones or surgery.

I've have an ablation (Novasure) about 2 1/2 years ago. Didn't work. I have fibroids. I've been on Lysteda for about 9 months. In the beginning it was good. Three to four heavy days instead of 5 to 7. But, the heavy days started getting really heavy again. Now I have had Mirena implanted into me. This is my second month with that. I was so nauseated that I had to leave work. I'm happy that this helps other people. I have heard that it does and I know that it can. Unfortunately, it just hasn't for me.

I called it the miracle drug, because it works beautifully for me. No side effects at all

EXTREMELY heavy periods due to a 7cm fibroids. I am scheduled for a hysterectomy in 3 months. Asked my doc if there were any meds to help with the heavy bleeding and I got this miracle pill. I usually go through 1 super size super pack the first 3 days. Day 4 and I've barely gone through 20 pads. I have some headache after taking the pill, but I TOTALLY take it over the heavy flow and the fear of having an "accident" while on my menses. Highly recommend it.

I've had heavy painful periods all most of my life. Worse in my teens and then came back strong in my mid thirties. No kids or pregnancies but I get ovarian cysts. While I was considering a Novasure, my doctor prescribed lystera. I only have taken it on my heavy days or when I know I need to function outside the house as I can most work from home. I took it steadily this last month and it made a huge difference. I had scheduled the Novasure but after doing a deeper dive into the supposed 10% it doesn't work for .. I'm going to stick with the lysteda and aleve. After all, this too shall pass ... I've dealt with it for over 30 years .. What's another 5-10?