special offer

Generic Name: dipyridamole

Brand Name: Persantine oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am of the opinion that it is causing me severe arthritis and calf muscle weakness with which I am unable to walk and stans

Fik blodprop i hjernen for 11 år siden på ferie,blev behandlet med PLAVIX,alt gik godt indtil kom til Danmark,og fik byttet behandlingen med persantin+75mg magnyl.Så begynde det hele at gå ned ad bakke.Fik en slags tinitus,d.v.s at helle tiden havde en susende lyd i højre øre,klagede over det og fik en suplement pile som hjelp kun første dag.Desuden fik smærte i højre arm og ben,men lægen kun ikke finde på at skifte persantine med plavix.Har prøvet flere gange at snakke med forskelige læger,men alle afviste plavix p.g.a. at være for dyrt.Vidste ikke,at persantine er den værste medicin som findes i verden til at forebyge blodprop.Efter 2-3år hold op med persantine,og tog kun 75mg.magnyl,som har den samme forebygende virkning,d.v.s blodfortyndende og opløsning af blodprop.Den dag jeg hold op med at tage persantine,har ikke haft tinitus i øret,men smærtene i vænstre arm og ben er stadigvæk som det var i den tid jeg tog persantine.Min overbevisning er,at jeg blev invalideret af persantine,og anbefaler på det kraftigste andre patienter som bliver ramt af blodprop,at afviste persantine som behandling.

Made calves feel like legs were not getting oxygen. Could not walk w/o legs hurting

Non Problems except difficulty in openingbthe container!

after open heart surgery I was given this med by my doctor 12 years ago. This pass Feb my insurance co. said I no longer needed it since I was 74 years of age. I have had all kinds of problems since . I would like my dr. to put my back on it. I have had serious leg pain, bad cramps in the feet and legs and am tired all the time. Also my blood pressure and heart rate have been extremely low - heart rate in the low40's. I am disappointed that my dr. went along with the ins. co. I am 74 and I say if it ain,t broke leave it alone. I sure wish someone would help me withthis. I will pay for the meds myself. I would like to feel like my old self again. Thanks

is it for pain

Had a TIA 16 months ago and have not had another one since so treatment must be working. However I do suffer from a lot of muscle pain and cramps in my legs but that is a small price to pay for not having another attack.


This was prescribed following a stroke and I had a blood clot located in a crucial spot in the brain. I cannot tolerate Coumadin and this drug works wonders for me!

I cant' get used to the side effects of this drug, I have stopped using it,