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Generic Name: MorphaBond ER (morphine)

MorphaBond ER Reviews

For Chronic Pain "Garbage. No pain relief! Should never have been approved. The study they did was they gave it to 25 junkies and asked them if they would abuse it. Why should I care? What about people suffering in pain? Did they test it to see if it stopped pain? It doesn't release the medication! Why not cover pills in stainless steel? Then there is zero chance of efficacy, isn't that the goal? If there is microplastic in everyone's bodies and the environment, what is the cumulative effect of the ingredients in this garbage? Who wants a buildup in their gut of some toxic plastic rubber covering? But more than that, for the dying, the person in serious pain, it doesn't release the medication, period. I know this was approved so the FDA could appear to be 'doing something' about illegal drugs. Follow that logic, all this will do is harm people in agony while costing a fortune. Dangerous to give to people in serious pain. If suicides occur on it, because it doesn't work, don't be surprised."

For Chronic Pain "So, I was on 30 mg of MS Contin (morphine) two times a day for 6 months. Then they took me down to two 15 mg a day, and I complained. Now they give me this Morphabond two times a day, 15 mg. I'm on day 4 and have not gotten ANY relief AT ALL from this! The only relief I get is when I get to take a breakthrough oxycodone at 8-hour intervals! This medicine is useless! I even said I didn't think it was dissolving or something. Now reading the comments, no wonder people OD on this. It's NOT because they ABUSE them, it's because they aren't getting any of the meds that they are paying for! Then when I go back to pain management and they pee test me, they will say there's nothing there. Watch, because the stuff doesn't dissolve or get absorbed!! What a waste!!!"

For Chronic Pain "After trying Percocet, gabapentin, Hysingla, I tried Morphabond. It did nothing for my pain, and I was on 45 mg a day. It was less effective than Advil. I was in agony and couldn’t get out of bed by myself. Switched to Norco, and I am a different person now, almost pain-free. I’m not sure why this med didn’t help because it’s supposed to be stronger, and Norco is much lower, but for whatever reason, it didn’t work for me and was $200 a month for a year! I’m glad I switched as Norco is $6.81 a month."

For Chronic Pain "I was prescribed this medicine after a surgical procedure on my arthritic hand. As recommended, I took one in the morning that was supposed to last all day. I did not feel any relief whatsoever from my pain during the first week. I continued taking them and accidentally found one of the pills in my poop. I took it out of the toilet, and it was still enclosed in the thick plastic surrounding the pills. When I opened the thick plastic cover, the powdery substance was still inside. Needless to say, I discontinued use. I would not recommend this medicine for anyone who is in real pain."

For Chronic Pain "WAY overpriced almostn$800 out of pocket and no one carried it either. One more way these abuse deterrent meds really hurt the ones who don’t abuse anything. Now I can’t afford my meds and my mortgage. I am a guy living with severe chronic pain. I got taken off OxyContin and oxycodone which was 1/10 the cost out of pocket. Guess it’s suffer and wake up every hour in severe pain till I get insurance. Oh wait then my dr will say you’ve doing fine without morphine for 3 months so I’m not going to give morphine to you anymore"

For Chronic Pain "I was switched to morphabond after my ileostomy, I keep finding the pill partially dissolved in my pouch. a hard plastic like cover with a powdery cotton material inside. Could this be due to the slow release mechanism"

For Chronic Pain "This medication actually worked very well for me! I have deneritave herniated back neck and I take 30 mg of this and 10mg of hydrocodone a day"

For Chronic Pain "Terrible medication for chronic pain."

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: Opioids (narcotic analgesics)
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Morphabond advanced reading
  • Morphabond ER (Advanced Reading)
  • Morphabond

Other brands

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Professional resources

  • Morphabond ER prescribing information
  • Morphine Sulfate (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Chronic Pain