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Generic Name: Trimethobenzamide Hydrochloride Capsules

Brand Name: Tigan

Tigan Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am highly allergic to compazine and all it's relatives or anything in the phenothiazine phenothiazide family. This is about the only thing I can take. They used to also make it in a suppository form but now it is a capsule or injection. Worked fairly well for me, there are very few choices I have.

Helped with nausea though only moderate relief. Takes an hour to start working. Large pill if you have difficulty with pills. Caused drowsiness. Manufacturer has decided to stop making this drug for financial not medical reasons.

Even though my vomiting has ceased, the nausea is still with me.

I've been taking Tigan capsules for nearly a decade when I need them. It's the only thing that soothes my chronic nausea from gastroparesis. Even when I feel for sure like I'm going to vomit, I won't if I take Tigan. Can't live without it!

I used this drug when I was on Chemotherapy and it worked wonders. Highly recommend it.

It helps with nausa and stops me from votming

i went to urgent care to find out i have gastritous they gave me a shot of tigan and i can finally eat with out vomiting and actually get some food in my stomach

I take a lot of meds and have had several alcoholism relapses. The Tigan makes me more comfortable when i detox. What other conditions is it used to treat? Is it similar to any over the counter drugs? Someone suggested it is being discontinued; is this true?

Love it. Works very well for me. (ESRD patient) Is available as a generic very inexpensively.

only nausea med i can use i have been tolo it is not being made anymore WHO MAKES TIGAN ANYMORE

By far this is the best treatment for nasuea that I have ever had. For Reglan, Promethazine Compazine and Zopran cannot hold a flame to this medication. Granted the sedative effect is slightly higher, but when your sick who cares if you're a little drowsy when the nausea is gone and its not coming back for a very long time.