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Generic Name: QNASL (beclomethasone-nasal)

QNASL Reviews

For Allergic Rhinitis "I’m that guy with allergy, sinus, bronchitis rubbish since I was a little boy. Been thru it all and after many, many years on Flonase from my primary, my allergist put me on QNASL...after just 4 doses I’m thinking “Where has this been all my life?” I will report back after more doses."

For Allergic Rhinitis "I have year round allergies and have tried everything, shots, antihistamines, Flonase and nothing ever worked. For 20 yrs I had three of four sinus infections a yr because of my allergies. My ENT finally put me on Qnsal and within three days my symptoms were gone. I was on it for four years and all of a sudden every pharmacy in a town was out of it and couldn't get it. That's been a year ago and I'm still waiting for them to get it in stock. I'm back to taking Flonase which drains down the back of my throat and leaves an awful taste in my mouth. I miss my Qnsal"

For Allergic Rhinitis "Absolutely great! I was prescribed flonase and all of the other aquas nasal sprays for my constantly stuffed and inflamed sinuses, and they never did anything. My new dr prescribed QNASL - which sadly my insurance refused to cover, so I suffered on the water-spray for a few months - I found the mfg coupon though and decided to give it a shot, within a few days my sinuses were clearer than I can remember. I've not noticed any side effects or issues."

For Allergic Rhinitis "I used QNASL 80 MCG for years. I think the steroid with the propellant worked great as it really got the medicine deep into the sinus cavity. Unfortunately, my insurance stopped covering and the product became way too expensive at full price approximately $230 a unit. I also experienced side effects when I ran out. There is no generic yet and the cost is about as much as a weeks groceries for family of 6. The medicine became a luxury I could no longer afford even with QNASL discount card my HC premium rendered the savings null."

For Allergic Rhinitis "It worked to prevent a runny nose but it made my sinuses feel so DRY. I switched to this from Flonase because it gave me frequent bloody noses. QNASL did not cause bloody noses, but didn't really make me feel any better. It made me feel more congested but a "dry " congestion. I will not longer be taking this."

For Allergic Rhinitis "My son tried every prescription spray out there for his allergies. QNasl finally worked for him! He loves that it's not a drippy wet spray- it's more like a fine powder. It stays where it needs to be. He loves it. I can tell when he forgets to use it because he has a runny nose and watery eyes again. Only occasionally when pollen counts are extremely high does it still gives him breakthrough runny nose. Most of the time it's as if he doesn't have terrible allergies at all. Worked miracles for us!"

For Allergic Rhinitis "QNASL CHANGED MY LIFE!!!! I had been on allergy shots, and prescribed all the nasal sprays/allergy pills on the market as I had suffered with severe nasal allergies since the mid 80's. I was prescribed Qnasl spring 2015 and have had no incidence of nasal allergies since. The only side effect is the medicine will burn your nose the first couple of times you use it. The aforementioned temporary discomfort is worth it for the relief of not having to constantly blow your nose and take facial tissue with you everywhere you go. Ask your allergist/doctor for Qnasl today!!!"

For Allergic Rhinitis "Qnasl works great when the pump works. If your pump drops the count more than one at the time stop using and contact the manufacture immediately or they will do NOTHING for you. This happened to me, the pump dropped count almost 10 at the time and it got to zero was to fast. I contacted the manufacture and they told me that because it was already at zero then there would be no way for them to test it and nothing that they could do for me. Forget about replacing their defective product. Very expensive medicine and poor information available regarding its issues."

For Allergic Rhinitis "I suffered from chronic sinusitis had a deviated septum, using Afrin daily for over 30 years. Multiple ENTs over the years tried to help me break the Afrin habit was various medications and sprays to no avail. My sinuses with swell up, and I would be unable to breathe, and run to the store to buy more Afrin. FINALLY, a new ENT suggested Qnasl, and within days of using it, I was able to breathe through the night without having to use Afrin. QNASL IS A MIRACLE MED!! The cost is high and out of pocket for me was $39, but it was well worth it!"

For Allergic Rhinitis "I suffer from chronic rhinitis and have tried all of the garden variety prescription over the years with none making any noteworthy relief. My doctor gave me a sample of the Qnasl metered spray and it significantly decreased my symptoms within 24 hours. I try to use it daily for around 3 months and then stop for about 3 weeks in hopes that it won't cease to be effective. It is the only prescription spray I've found that dramatically improves my sinus condition. My insurance doesn't cover it but I got some coupons from the manufacture that brings the cost down to $75, but it's worth it."

For Allergic Rhinitis "Qnasl is by far the best drug that has ever worked for me. When my allergies are acting up I can normally breath partially through 1 or 2 nostrils while I'm up walking around but as soon as I sit down, they lock up. I'm on shots, singulair and zyrtec and I think I could stop the shots and stick with the other three and be good. Unfortunately my insurance thinks Flonase should work fine but it doesn't so I've been forking over $230 and recently it went up $30 more. This truly is a miracle drug for me. But these guys are awful charging an arm and a leg for medicine. I've been taking one spray a day to make it last longer."

For Allergic Rhinitis "I've had sinus surgery, and all that. I used to get sinus infections 4-6 times a year. Now, after surgery I use Qnasl only at any time I feel a head cold, or allergies or congestion. I do not use it all the time, but when I do it is the best. This is the best steroid nose spray I have ever used. Obviously, if you are are in the small % with side effects then stop. I had zero side effects."

For Allergic Rhinitis "I have evening and morning allergies, likely due to dust mites. I tried all sorts of allergy meds, and have finally found relief with Qnasl. My insurance won’t pay anything towards it, so I currently shell out $200+ a month for my miracle drug. This is outrageous and I will be pressurIng United Health Care to reconsider."

For Allergic Rhinitis "Non-stop allergies this year - finally requested QNASL script & it was EXPENSIVE & of course the insurance would NOT cover any of the $275 but the pharmacy applied some discounts & got it down to $132. I left the pharmacy & within 2 minutes the sneezing & runny nose started- I grabbed the QNASL & it STOPPED the symptoms instantly. I still have breaking thru nose draining but I think after 2 weeks of QNASL I will get total relief. There are some side effect risks but I am willing to take that risk because I have tried ALL the OTC's sprays & pills & believe me they have side effects that are intolerable over a long period of time. I am 75 & this is a blessing right now."

For Allergic Rhinitis "Qnasl is far superior to all liquid steriod sprays I have tried. It gets deeper into the sinuses and lasts all day. It burns going in, but that was a minor price to pay for not having to blow my nose all day."

For Allergic Rhinitis "Was prescribed for year-round allergies. Initially it was awesome - odorless/tasteless, and didn't run down my throat. A few months later I felt an irritation inside my nose with random nose bleeds. Drs said It wasn't from the Qnasl otherwise it would have happened sooner. My ENT diagnosed a nasal ulceration but not from the Qnasl. After months of tests they were all baffled and 11 months in the ulceration became a perforation! Discussing with my ENT I asked again if it could be the Qnasl (which had been initially ruled out because the clinical trials only had 1 nasal ulceration and no perforations.) I asked him to review everything because I'm the patient that gets those super rare side effects, and he finally agreed that it must be the Qnasl and I must stop taking it. So after using Qnasl daily for 11 months it was finally decided that it caused the septum perforation that I still have - 6 years later!"

For Allergic Rhinitis "I have severe every season allergies, Spring and Fall the worse. I was prescribed Qnasl as a last result cause allergy shots and everything else failed. I have my own nebulizer and still end up in the Emergency room several times a year. QNASL is a Blessing! I have been using for 5 years and can live a normal life! I use it at beginning of a bad time, and I'm able to control my symptoms and actually stop the medicine for periods of time. My insurance will not cover either until my Max. co-pay is met, which is never. The coupon helps but I pay $129.00. No problem with applicator, ever. No side affects but breathing good!"

For Allergic Rhinitis "I've had year round allergies my whole life. About 8 months ago, my allergist suggested this nasal spray. I will tell you, it was amazing. For the first time in my life, I could breathe through my nose, and I could smell EVERYTHING. I was ecstatic. That honeymoon phase ended though. About a month after starting, I had a nose bleed. I had never in my entire life had a nose bleed. I stopped using it. I've tried two more times since then, and for the past month and a half, I've been having bloody snot but haven't used it."

For Allergic Rhinitis "Great medication at reducing my suffering from severe allergies to dust, pollen, cats and most everything in the environment. Leaves me with horrible taste in my mouth, though, and changes the way food tastes. Flonase and Nasocort gave me coughing fits because the watery mist would drip down the back of my throat. This dry spray is much much better, but I hate not being able to enjoy food the same way due to yucky taste in my mouth all the time. May have to go to shots because I’m miserable without a nasal corticosteroid."

For Allergic Rhinitis "Its the only product that works. I've tried everything from sinus surgery, to all the sprays to shots. Only this gave me relief."

For Allergic Rhinitis "it works great for me but I can not afford it"

For Allergic Rhinitis "Spray pump keeps malfunctioning and price too expensive. I liked how it helped my allergies but got tired of the pump breaking and the ridiculous price."

More about QNASL (beclomethasone nasal)

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: nasal steroids
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • QNASL drug information

Other brands

Beconase AQ, Vancenase AQ, Vancenase AQ DS

Professional resources

  • QNASL Nasal Spray prescribing information
  • Beclomethasone (EENT) (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Beconase AQ

Related treatment guides

  • Allergic Rhinitis