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Generic Name: Valsartan

Brand Name: Diovan

Diovan Drug and Medication User Reviews

Makes me dizzy. I hate it

I am a 69 year old male, and I have been taking the medication for 4 years for borderline high blood pressure. Have been seeing an orthopedist for arthritis in my knees. I had 2 series of lubrication injections with no benefit in reduction of pain. I was prescribed meloxicam then celebrex to help with inflammation with no results. I could barely walk because of the pain. I ran out of valsartan and after two days of not taking it, my knee pain was completely gone. My back pain was completely gone. My fatigue and lack of stamina was completely gone. My cloudy thinking and irritability was gone. This has been the most miserable 4 years of my lifetime.

I was prescribed generic Valsartan for BP. Steadily have to increase dose. Caused severe ED and painful shrinkage. Controls BP ok after a few weeks then I will get BP spikes and the Dr. always wants to increase dosage.

5/6 years ago(the heâ??ll began)Started on?diovan,started to not beagle to get inner breaths, doc sent me to pulmonologist(1st of many), had breathing test, all fine.insurance comapany switched me to the generic version(valsartin), felt detached, back pain, severe pressure chest pain, throat felt like it was closing, dizziness and the feeling of passing out(while sitting!), forgetfulness after MANY trips to the ER, and diagnosed with anxiety,(which I do have and I know what that feel like THIS WAS NOT ANXIETY!THIS was bringing ON anxiety!I kept telling them it was the med, so on to the heart doctor, and 2 treadmills, then back to the pulmonologist , said I have asthma(never did!), checked for gallstones and unltrasound on my fall bladder(all ok!)these doctors donâ??t care anymore itâ??s all about the money and sending you to their hospital for MORE MORE AND MORE procedures!finally stopped taking it, just before the recall!and they put me on Amlodepine, NO BETTER!took myself off, blood pressure high, but the symptoms slowly went away!!

By day 4 the worst diarrhea of my life began, back pain, sodium level dropped frighteningly low and all the while my B/P kept climbing. I will NEVER take this med again!

80mg in the morning was working but not all day. Went to 160 mg, but was too much, light headed, dizzy, so I went to 80mg in morning, and 40mg at bed time. That got rid of the side effects and gave me a better result. AND STOP EATING SALT, THAT'S THE KILLER.

I have taken Diovan for 3 years. I am pleased with the results. My BP is effectively lowered to normal.

Day 4 on this. Severe lower back pain. I mean scream out loud on movement severe. Almost to the level of traumatic.cant continue with this. Be forewarned!

The medication is not worth a damn, I have been taken it for a couple of years 80mg to 160 mg and the doctor has change it again. I still have HBP 160.

I was prescribed Valsartan 80 mg. I have been on it for 14 days. From the beginning, I have had severe headaches to the front of my head. In addition, my ear was feeling funny and my heel on one of my feet was hurting, but I thought nothing of it. On day 13, my headache was so sever, it felt like it was traveling down the side of my neck and into my left arm. Then, on day 14, in the early a.m. hours, I had severe, severe shoulder and elbow joint pain in my left arm. Pain level was a 10. When I woke up after taking a pain killer to sleep, I had pain in my heels and the headache, shoulder, neck and elbow pain continued. I called my doctor and said I will NOT take another one of these pills ever.

My dr prescribed this pill for me ,instead of lowering my bp, it shot it thru the roof ! So high, that I had to be seen at the er to get it lowered ! Never again will I take this drug ever again !!!!

this medication lowered my blood pressure which a plus. However, my pulse has dropped in to the 40's and I am very dizzy and my heart pounds. I also get a pain up my nose through my forhead. been on this med for 10 years. went from 320mg to 160 mg. I am now thinking of stopping this because this happens throughout the day and when I lower my head or stand up from a sitting positon. I see my Dr next week. Hope sto get some answers.

My insurer WellCare required I take this to see if it worked before approval to try one that worked in the past. 1st day my heart raced. 2nd day in less than 15 mins. My head felt in a vise grip. I was so dizzy I had to hold on to furniture to make it to my bp cuff. My bp was 98/66 with a pulse of 95. It took over 4 hrs. to get it even close to normal.It put my body under so much stress that I got shingles in less than 48 hrs. My bp

Had a myocardial infarction of the LAD in 2007, nothing previously, and nothing since. Started with 40 mg 2 X's a day, cut back to one time not long after. Also started the generic when it became available. I take it at bedtime and have not had any of the side effects mentioned in the articles on WEB MD. I'm still living here in 2016, so I'm supposing along with my MD that it's doinig a good job. I never really had high blood pressure though even previous to the heart attack. but it's been a very stable 110-120 over 80 average since.

This drug worked well until I was switched to generic, my dose increased from 80 , then 60, then 320; doc added lopressor , am now weening off the diovan, every time I take it with the lopressor my BP spikes 160/95 , dizzy blurred vision etc, I think the generic is bogus

When I switched from Diovan to generic Valsatran 80 mg made by Sandoz, my blood pressure went up, felt nauseous and very tired... In the morning ( fasting) my blood pressure was high, and 2 hours after taking this medication there is no improvement. My doctor resolved my health problem when he switched me to another generic. Within one hour my blood pressure became normal. I kept the Sandoz tablets in case anyone wants to analyze their content and if there is any active ingredient in them..

Severe joint pain have been to 2 orthopedic MD before realizing that the medication was causing all my joint and muscle pain feel like I am slowly being poisoned...seeing the MD in 4 days if I live that long

Diovan (or Valsartan) is an excellent medication! I have used this for years and it works perfectly.

I was on Valsartan (Diovan) 80 mg twice a day for about 3 months. I developed joint pain after taking for 2 months. Lost motivation, tired all the time no interest. If I sat too long or laid down, would experience pain in my lower back and joints. I am no longer on this pill, experienced severe allergy - swelling of my throat and nose area. In the hospital for 2 days. Don't know what caused it, but was taken off the Diovan and put on Norvasc. Other than that my blood pressure was low. Unfortunately all BP pills have side affects, although I am hearing that Diovan (Valsartan) has many more.