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Generic Name: Vortioxetine Tablets

Brand Name: Trintellix

Trintellix Drug and Medication User Reviews

Posted earlier. Felt great at first for the first few days, then back into depression for 4 weeks until now on week 5... Finally feeling truly not depressed and just excited, motivated, happy. Such a relief! Can't believe the drastic difference this Trintellix has made in my life. It has saved my life that was really painful before now.

I started on ten mg of this medicine and it worked for a few months. Once my dr increased it to 20 mg the intrusive suicidal thoughts and dread came and are overwhelming. I am getting off this medicine.

Feeling so happy. Was in a 10 month major depression episode prior to taking this for a week. Been feeling excited to wake up and having a happy, content mood throughout the day. I want to go out and do things and talk to people again. It's amazing. On 10mg every morning. Zero side effects thus far! No nausea personally even.

I've only been on trintellix for 3 days, and I already swear I see a huge difference in my perpetual dark, super low mood. I know it could be a placebo because it's so so early, but honestly I doubt it because I had the same neutral hopefulness when starting other similar meds that never ended up helping... And I've had the energy and motivation to go to the store for the first time in years, walk around the block and back 6 times, etc... As someone with pretty severe depression, I recognize those as huge feats. I am so looking forward to continuing on this journey.

Discontinued Zoloft for Trintellix in the hopes of a better libido. I have seen maybe a very slight change as far as that goes. Sadly, that’s the only positive change I’ve seen. Nausea is terrible, insomnia is terrible, and despite 4+ days a week of working out, I’ve gained about 5lbs. Racing thoughts and anxiety are through the roof. This does nothing to stabilize my emotions and depression. I’ve had more bad days in the 3 months! Very emotionally unstable. I have always taken melatonin to help me fall asleep while on SSRI’s, but on Trintellix, I wake up at all hours of the night WIDE awake with racing thoughts, tossing and turning. I will be going back to Zoloft asap.

I’ve suffered with depression for over 30 years now. I’ve taken so many antidepressants that I’ve been told that I burned through almost all the medications that treat depression. I wished doctors had some compassion because that’s very sad to be told. I started with 5mgs on trintellix in January of this year and now here it is May already and nothing it has done nothing for me except to make me itch like I have fleas, gave me headaches and yes some weight gain. I’ve taken 5,10,20 mg does and from what I understand that’s it there’s no more than that. The last thing I don’t like about this is I can’t take an ol medicine because trintellix doesn’t mix well with other drugs including OTC like ibuprofen or aspirin. It also has a long shelf life so now that I stopped taking it I have to wait for I’m not even sure how long before I can start something else or even take an aspirin for the headaches I suffer. I’m happy others had a good experience with this drug but it did absolutely nothing for me.

This drug has done nothing for me. Zippo, nada. May as well have been a placebo or a tic-tac.

In January I weighed 109 pounds, my BMI was 21 (actually UP from 19.) Have always been petite and athletic; regular 5k races, was getting my group fitness instructor certification, handstands, crow pose, visible abs. I went through a depressive episode and got on this med, having had bad reactions to others before. It isn’t even 4 months later and I am officially overweight. 132 pounds. My BMI is 26 and the weight won’t come off even with >10,000 steps a day and workouts. This isn’t about starting to get an appetite again or feeling better. It shuts off my ability to feel full, I eat at night to make myself go to sleep. The carb cravings feel impossible to control. And my metabolism is shot. So now I waddle and huff and puff, my joints are in pain and I’m about to get my thyroid and glucose levels checked, but the only difference is this SSRI. And I guess it serves me right, I had some nerve thinking I could be thin AND not suicidal.

I am on trentellix for the third week. Pros: if you miss a day the medication does not mind. Cons: I am more irritable and had one public outburst which is very unusual for me. I am shopping and eating more; not in a good way. This medication replaced pristiq which did not help with depression and was very unforgiving if you miss a day. This is my fourth antidepressant I have had with side effects that are dealbreakers. One or two made me stare off into space like i'm checked out; one made me dizzy and seeing double, one caused severe insomnia no matter what time I took it. As an aside, these were all from meds ok'd by my genesight. Going forward, am considering a more holistic option since I don't seem to be having success with the chemical route.

I took it for 2 months. ALL i wanted to do was eat. My anxiety was horrible. I had no self worth. I couldnt sleep well had the most insane dreams. I will stick with zoloft. Trintellix is not for me. Im 23 years old. Made me nauseous the first few days and then it was fine. Also made me very hostile

I rated this poorly because I can’t say it’s great. Only one week but I am more volatile than ever. I get angry quicker. I am just irritable all day but I sleep well. No nausea. I was on Vybriid 40 mg for years and my ups and down got worse. I have ptsd from the military. They switched me to trintellix. Anyone else with this at first!

I started with 10mg trinellix I was on Lexapro 30 MG and wellubutrin 300mg for 5 years. Psychiatrist told me to reduce Lexapro 20 MG 1 week and 10 MG the next week then off. I am also taking 150mg wellubutrin. It has been 3 weeks and I have noticed improvements with my depression ,anxiety and ptsd. I am positive that this medicine is the one for me. I have had been different medications over the past 30 years. No side effects is very amazing to me.

I have noticed insomnia since starting this medication

I went thru an intense period in my life and I had obsessive rumination. I thought about suicide to stop the thoughts. I went on trintellix and it stopped the rumination and desire to end my life. It was hard on my stomach So nauseating and I got jaw pain and chest pain too on and off ..My dr said that’s common. I guess it just helped me get thru life not really affected by much. I didn’t gain weight. I only took 10 mg. 5 mg to start. I guess I’ll give it thumbs up for stopping negative thoughts

It did nothing for me. I saw no improvement in my depression.

Did not help with my depression. Everything stayed the same. Still feel sad and uninterested in life.

Took this medicine for 8 weeks with nothing changing. I’m still depressed and miserable.

I have had MDD and anxiety from mild to bad for the last 35 years. The last three years were severe, I didn’t want to leave the house and in the last year did not even want to leave my bed. I lost all interest in everything even my favorite hobbies and did not want to interact with other people at all. I had anxiety from morning until I went to sleep which I needed a sleeping pill for. I started taking the trintellex 10mg (I would suggest starting at 5 mg because of the nausea ) and after like five days to a week I could feel a significant difference in my mood. The only bad thing was the nausea. However I’m on other medications and vitamins so I re-organized my schedule for taking my other medications and in some cases stopped taking some vitamins that can cause nausea and after about three weeks I got the nausea under control. I can re-introduce the vitamins after I’ve taken the Trintellix for a while longer when there’s less chance of nausea from that. I hope that helps other people that are starting trintellex who are suffering from nausea. At the three week point I feel 50% better I have more energy and feel more positive and joy than I have in a long time. My anxiety is like 90% better, I don’t have waves of increased anxiety every time I think of having to do something. I am very happy with this medication and I still have 3 to 6 weeks longer to get the full effect. I would definitely recommend Trintellex to others who are suffering from MDD and anxiety and especially to those who are having trouble finding a medication that works for them.

I have been taking this medication for 8 weeks. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the worst - I am at a 6. This is not any better than the medication I discontinued to start Trintellix. I am at 20mg. I am very tired and have dry mouth. I had stomachaches for the entire time I have been taking this medication.

My dr prescribed this and I’m also on Bupropion. Adding the Trintillex has made a big difference. I feel really good on it. The only drawback for me it seems to intensify my tinnitus. I have stopped Taking it and tinnitus gets better. Wonder if anyone else has experienced this.