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Generic Name: acamprosate

Brand Name: Campral oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Acampral took away the craving completely. I'm sober for a month. I feel completely different no withdrawal no craving no hacullination. I feel peace. It took a week to work. Last year i stopped alcohol for 3 months due to health reason by cold turkey. but my craving was severe it stuck entire day i get tired dealing with that but acampral took away craving so this time being sober is beautiful. My life is back. I felt my food craving is minimised.

I started taking campral the day I stopped drinking. It does not help with cravings during withdrawal period but I wanted it to kick in ASAP. I was drinking 2 bottles of wine a night for the past year. Before that, one bottle for the last 7 years. I’m now 9 days sober and I noticed it’s easier to not drink. From day 2 I noticed I felt more elated and had more energy. No side effects but I am more hungry, especially for sweets but I believe it’s from not drinking as alcohol turns to sugar in the body. I plan to stay on it for a year. So far so good!

6 weeks and not a single craving. Feels like i was never a hard core alcholic as i was fo past 15 years. Miracle drug and should be an ober the counter drug, so all heavy drinkers can get help, without reaching rock bottom.

I was taking Naproxen but had to switch to Campral because I was having surgery (Naproxen doesn't play well with opioid pain meds). Campral certainly works -- absolutely zero cravings for booze at all. But unfortunately, Campral also immediately crushed my sex drive. I mean, I don't even think about sex anymore and have no interest is sex or masturbation or *anything.* So I will be switching back to Naproxen soon. Also a nuisance to have to take it 3X a day (Naproxen only one pill a day).

Was a heavy drinker of hard liquor the last 35 years. Decided that it was best for me to go to a 5 day detox to quit to avoid the withdrawal symptoms. Was able to stop and was prescribed Campral 666 MG 3 times a day for cravings and for the three months I have been sober have had no cravings for alcohol and have remained alcohol free. Other than some really bad gas and joint pain no other real side effects. Do plan on continuing with it I feel it has really helped me remain sober

I was 20 years sober, sponsored women in 12 steps, was a 4-5 day a week meeting maker. It worked, but none of that mattered when I suffered for years with a serious health issue, during which my husband left me and our son for another woman. I felt very broken, physically, mentally, spiritually. No amount of meetings, therapy or support helped. I consequently entered into a violently abusive relationship, which I'd never experienced. I tried to get help, but it's not easy with domestic violence. After 6 months of trying to leave, I figured either my health or this jerk would kill me, might as well drink some wine. What a huge mistake that was! After a month, I was drinking wine and liquor. I end up in the ER close to death from alcohol poisoning. After this scare, I got help, was able to get rid of my abuser with an order of protection and stayed sober for several months. Then, I got this crazy notion that if I stuck to beer it'd be ok. Nope. Progressively, I got worse. Quit again for several months. All the while I was in and out of meetings. Drank again. Finally, my psychiatrist put me on Antabuse and Campral. It worked, but then I stopped taking them or forgot to take them. Drank again. Now I'm following my prescriptions to a "T". Seriously, not playing around. I augment with 12 step meetings because I KNOW they work. I am focusing on family, traveling, earning back money, and developing peace and serenity. If I try to drink even a little on Antabuse, I can't breathe, my mouth burns, develop a wicked headache and have insane diarrhea. Keeps me from drinking. The Campral keeps the strong cravings at bay, but leaves me with brain fog and some GI issues. Still, I can walk by a liquor store or beer aisle and not be phased. Keep in mind, Campral only works after being off alcohol a few days and it's built up in the body for about a week or two. So, be patient! I do get pain in my right side but I think it's from the Antabuse affecting my liver and bile duct.

After quitting drinking daily and starting Campral after detoxing, I am on day 53 and can't think about sex or even begin to get an erection. My memory is terrible, and I have trouble picturing many things in my mind. It has eliminated my sex drive, and I am very depressed. Everything I am experiencing I read about online tonight when deciding I've had enough of this impotence. I am usually very sexually active with my wife, and this is miserable. I'm not sure that Campral is causing these symptoms, but my mood and sex drive have gotten worse since quitting drinking, not better. I am quitting Campral tonight and will review what happens. Enough is enough of this miserable headspace.

I took Campral 3 x daily as prescribed and was sober for over a year. Silly me thought that I’d won so didn’t need Campral. Now I am having to start all over again I didn’t realise that is of great benefit to stay on Campral for 1-2 years. Lesson learned.

It worked for a week then the cravings came back with a vengence

I have been sober off and on for 15 months. I had six months straight of sobriety with no cravings at all. I started to drink again because I was bored and wanted to try it. It was a mistake I had to do and learn from. This lead me back to where I was, a daily drinker... alcoholic. I was on campral during those six months and had zero cravings... and zero side-effects. That said, I never did take the recommended dose. Instead of 3 times a day, I took it 2 times a day. Seemed to work. I did notice that when I did drink at the end of those 6 months, I felt the effects of alcohol, but not the euphoric high. I believe that was due to the campral. When I stopped taking it and drank, I did feel the euphoric effects. I'm back on campral today, and heavily into AA (thankfully!) I recommend Campral to those who struggle with Alcohol.

I had been a heavy drinker for 10 years. Because I recently developed a heart condition, I made the decision to end drinking. At first I tried disulfiram(antibuse) mainly thanks to the harsher side effects. I had to end that treatment due to a sulfur allergy. Campral 333 was my backup. Honestly, this treatment hasn't stop my alcohol cravings but I feel that it has softened the physiological effects. Though I still crave alcohol from time to time, after only 45 days of treatment, I feel no withdrawal symptoms. Although the cravings are still there, the frequency and intensity shrink more and more each day. It's become quite easy to say no to drinking.

50 years alcohol and 20 years of some cocaine with alcohol. Don't use pills, pot, or any downers. Dislike most all psychotropics tried. Campral seems to be working and with minimal side-effects. Hope that it is so long term.

Campral has not been effective in the least for me. Unfortunately I can't see a doctor to try something else since I can't afford it.

Has not reduced cravings any.

I have been a very heavy drink for most of my life... have had times where I couldn't control it..since I have been on this medicine..I don't ever crave a drink and that helps with the thoughts of it alsi... I am so happy to be once again free from alcohol

Campral has helped a lot, but does anyone else experience joint pain? I have osteoarthritis any way. Now wondering which is from campral if any or just my arthritis . Can anyone tell me what has been the worst side effect?

After detox start treatment with campral and still using alcohol

was a heavy daily drinker for 10 + years. Have been on for a year no cravings worked wonders it needs time to really start working been off it for 2 months now and still no cravings and been sober for year and a half just stick with it

Daily drinker for 40+ years Urge to drink completely gone. Only side effect is fatigue