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Generic Name: alefacept

Brand Name: Amevive intramuscular

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I began using Amevive as soon as it became available and it's been the most effective treatment I've ever used. I like it better now that I'm able to self inject (those weekly office visits anger employers). My psoriasis began at age 19 and had rarely been in remission until about age 40. Generally it's been bad enough to negatively impact work, employment, and relationships my entire adult life. I've tried most available treatments up until 2000+/-. Most treatments were marginally effective. When I started Amevive I was at 60-80% topical coverage, in chronic pain from the plaques and working in a highly physical job. After the 1st two courses of treatment I went to nearly 100% remission...1st time in my adult life. This lasted for 1.5 years. Annually in October/November I start treatment with near total remission lasting around a year. This time around (June 2011) the Amevive has not been 100% effective, the plaques fill my armpits and several 1-2" plaques on my trunk. Only downside so far...nobody seems sure of long term side effects and high product cost (without insurance).

I have suffered from Psoriasis for years I have tried many medications all with problems. Amevive has improved my life 100%. I also have Psoriatic arthritis and Amevive has arrested all symptoms. Without it I would be covered in Psoriasis and disabled from the arthritis. Please find a way to make this drug more affordable right now I am covered but my husband may not keep his job and between the bloodwork and medication I would have to stop treatment. Thank you

This medication has given me my life back

I have a severe case of psoriasis covering more than 80% of my body. I have had three courses of Amevive with excellent results at the end of the 12 week course. The only negative is that if I do not go back on the drug right at the end of 12 weeks the psoriasis returns worse than ever. The other problem is the cost of the drug. My first and second rounds of this drug were covered by my insurance carrier. I changed workplaces and insurance carriers during my second round. Although both providers were Manulife, my first carrier gave me a coverage letter for $250,000 lifetime and the second gave me $10,000 a year. This does not even cover one round of Amevive and because I was in such dire need of the drug my parents guaranteed payment thinking that I would still have lifetime coverage and are now stuck owing $15,000 for this round.

Had severe plaque psoriasis for many years. It seem to worsen with age. Went thru two 12 weeks treatments. Work very well for about 1 year. Now 2 years later I have developed multiple (3)cancers, One is a very rare type. My Docs feel the only cause for these rare unrelated cancers was this drug. I am 53 very fit with no lifestyle history that may cause cancer and no family history of cancer. To top it off my psoriasis is little changed from when I first started Amevive. The drug maker has switched ownership of this drug to a recently created holding company as a shield.

Had horribly obvious psoriasis patches on arms, legs, and scalp- after 12 weeks, they were all gone! 2 years later, flare ups are rare and muted. This was the ONLY treatment that had worked for me.

Have had 12 injection, no effect