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Generic Name: almotriptan malate

Brand Name: Axert oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was given Axert samples by my doctor to try and ease my migraine pain. There were NOT the answer for me. Made me violently ill and unable to even sit up in bed. That being said, my migraine dissipated but I was otherwise unable to function so I ceased taking this and am back on the hunt for something that doesn't make me sicker.

Imitrex gave me terrible heart palpitations and anxiety. I have had no discernible side effects from taking Axert and it stops the headache in its tracks. It is bordering on miraculous. Incredibly expensive, but the four times a year I take it are worth it.

I have tried many other headache medications and they all made my jaw and neck feel tight and it was extremely uncomfortable. Axert is the only migraine medication that I can take and have little to no side effects and it ALWAYS takes the migraine completely away. I wouldn't be able to function normally without it! It's truly a life saver!

I tried OTC Migraine Meds that did nothing. Then I got a Migraine that lasted for the most part of a month. My Neuro had me go thru the trial and error of 6 triptans before finding Axert was the only one that worked. It was a long painful process. She reccommended her cocktail of Axert, an anti-inflammatory and Reglan which helps with nausea. It works the first time, I have only needed a second pill a handful of times. It is extremely expensive with no generic. My insurance is threatening not to cover this in my new formulary. I dread having to go thru that process again. She gave me Vicodin to help in between trials but all it does is DULL the pain to a manageable level but it never goes away. I'm disabled with Multiple Sclerosis on a fixed income and fear I will not be able to afford to pay out of pocket.

So far this is the only triptan that completely works for me on my hormonal migraines. Takes care of the nausea, vomiting, everything. I have no side effects either -- I can take a dose then go about my day. Other triptans either don't clear the pain or make my heart race. The only time it doesn't fully work is when I wake up with one in the middle of the night when the migraine has already taken hold, but even then at least it takes the pain down to a manageable level and you can take a second dose after 2 hours which usually clears it.

It's expensive but works great

Axert has been an effective migraine treatment for me. About 2 years ago I had constant headaches and full-fledged migraines about once or twice a week. Axert worked well to combat the head pain, nausea and sensitivity (light, sound and smells) I experienced. Recently, I'm having another bout of constant headaches and the Axert isn't as effective. In Canada, there is a generic version which I find doesn't work as well. But, these migraines don't seem to respond to much of anything, including getting IV meds in the ER. I'm curious if any others have found a difference between the brand name Axert and the generic Axert. My doctor now puts "no substitutions" on my prescription and they are covered by my benefits that way.

Axert usually stops my migraines with one pill. Sometimes I have several a month. With my insurance I have to pay a fourth of the cost (which I do willingly); but I only receive 24 pills for 3 months. How can an insurance company say that you are only going to have that many? I have no side effects from this pill and it works great!

I began having migranes as a 23 year old in 1977. I have tried discontinuing birth control pills, avoiding msg and bright lights, stress and most know "triggers"--Medications tried were: Midrin and Maxalt- before finding Axert. Like many others profess--WISH WE'D MET SOONER...This drug gave me relief when others sputtered into ineffectiveness. It's my "go to medication", I NEVER leave home without it.

I find this medicine very effective for the relief of my migraines, including visual disturbances, sound & light sensitivity, headache, & nausea usually with only one dose.

50 year old male, have had migraines for about 10 years now. Chronic neck and upper back pain too. Axert works the best of all the triptans I have taken (Frova, Zomig, Immitrex, etc.). Works within one hour on almost all occasions, and with little to no side effects. Insurance company is telling me I need to try generic sumatriptan or naratriptan now or else I will have to pay out of own pocket. Reluctantly going to try it with hope it works as well. I suffered for years before getting diagnosed with migraines, and self treated with ibuprofen, excedrin migraine, tylenol, etc. before getting this. Atenolol has also helped in prevention of migraines.

I use to have chronic migraines without taking prescription medications. I got to the point of severe vomiting and could not function, my day was over. But after taking this medication my migraines are controlled. Yet no medication is 100% effective, axert has certainly saved me from the dreadful days of pain.

I am 15 years old, and began getting intense migraines last year. I was hospitalized twice and put on over 20 different medications all at different times. None of these medications worked. Then my Neurologist prescribed Axert. Axert is the only medicine that will eliminate my headaches every time without fail. Axert is the go to drug for me and I highly recommend it to any migraine patient.

My son was given Axert as other triptans did not work and had too many side effect. His first dose it worked, his second dose left him dizzy with blurred vision and no reduction in migraine. His symptoms increased to faintness on position change, extreme fatigue, tingly feeling in legs and feet, chest heaviness, along with memory issues and cognitive deficits. Neurologist thinks it is a migraine variant. Pediatrician has no clue, ped cardiologist thinks he is dehydration with no data to back this up - he is well hydrated and had two bags of saline in er less than a week ago. Double dose - 12.5 Axert give and symptoms increased. He only gets migraines from hard exercise and increased his workout routine coinciding with second dose. Has gone from running miles on a treadmill to barely able to walk on some days. Familial history of atherosclerosis, elevated cholesterol and bp - but ped cardiologist thinks he is either dehydrated or under emotional duress. I am convinced this is a reaction to increased exercise with adverse reaction to Axert - extremely healthy fit 16 yo kid prior to this. Any ideas out there?

Usually within 30 minutes I am pain free with no side effects. I've bee forced in the past by insurance companies to try generic drugs & none of them worked. Now I'm being forced again to go generic. I get weather migraines so I can't avoid any migraine triggers. I need something that works & works quickly & that is what I get with Axert.

Tried 5 other triptans this is the only one that worked without side effects. Usually one dose is all I need

This was the second pill I tried before taking Frova which I have now taken for five years. I get hormonal/menstrual migraines, so mostly just once a month and once in awhile may come and go for a few days. The Axert worked for a little while (a few months)and then I began getting facial bone pain before the migraine would go away after 2 hours. The first pill I ever tried, which I cannot recall it's name...was worse because the facial pain was ridiculously long before the migraine would subside. This would've been good, but seemd to be more ineffective with facial pain as time went on.