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Generic Name: Ivermectin for COVID-19 (ivermectin)

Ivermectin for COVID-19 Reviews

"In February 2021, I was diagnosed with Covid, later turning into pneumonia. Most recently, the pneumonia has completely taken over my life. I can’t talk, walk, or eat without great difficulty because I cannot breathe. The pulmonologist I was seeing just put me on prednisone, which hardly did a thing. I went back to my primary, who put me on dexamethasone and ivermectin, and within two weeks, two weeks, I could breathe again. I only wish I went to my doctor sooner. I am thankful for my primary care physician and the ivermectin."

"50-year-old female, 37-year-old smoker. I took ivermectin on the day I tested positive for Covid and woke up the next day symptom-free. My lungs did start congestion on day 7 but I was taking the ivermectin every 4th day so it kept it from going deep, and I was fully recovered at two weeks. My husband also took it, 52-year-old, 310 lbs, and he too knocked out symptoms using ivermectin every fourth day. Both are fully recovered."

"My husband and I did not take the vaccine, but we are not high risk. We got on Ivermectin to hopefully keep us from getting the virus, and we were both very hopeful since my neighbor said it worked and I read a lot about it online too. My daughter and grandkids visited the first week of July, and the day after they got back home, they were diagnosed with Covid. On July 12th, my husband and I also tested positive. But we were still taking the Ivermectin!! Thank God we survived and are finally doing better. I’m still really tired and having issues with my heart racing and dizzy spells, so I’m on leave from my part-time job at my church. My husband got much sicker than I did, but he survived, thank God. He is on oxygen still, but he’s out of the hospital after 25 days! I do think Ivermectin helped us survive this horrible virus! It was easy to take, and while it didn’t keep us from getting it and being very sick, it may have kept us from dying, as we know several that have died, and they didn’t take it."

"I am 67 and my husband is 68. Neither of us were vaccinated. My son is a frequent visitor to Mexico, and he noted that he had not seen a huge epidemic of Covid in Mexico. Mexicans take Ivermectin, as it is sold over the counter. He brought back a supply to keep on hand. We contracted Covid, two months ago, from a fully vaccinated couple we met at a party. Our symptoms were the same: congestion, lots of mucus, and exhaustion. It felt like we were coming down with colds. My husband visited the doctor for his congestion and tested positive for Covid. He couldn't believe it. We had no fever or loss of taste or smell. We had no dire symptoms. We took the Ivermectin and the next day, our symptoms had dissipated. Within 10 days, we were over it. We took two pills daily, for two days. There were no bad reactions. It worked like a charm, and we were much better off than people who had been vaccinated."

"My wife and I are 65 and 64 years old. We both contracted Covid-19 the second week of May 2022. She displayed symptoms first on Monday, by Wednesday, she was very sick with headache, breathing difficulties, cough, and fever. After testing positive, she took ivermectin and doxycycline. Within hours of starting the ivermectin, she improved rapidly. I tested positive and started my medications, and within three days, we were both doing much better. As a side benefit, we both have arthritis in our joints, and we were absolutely pain-free for nearly two weeks after taking the ivermectin with doxycycline."

"My son and I both had long Covid. I had trouble with my smell and taste while my son was in bed for months. We tried everything, and he was seeing a specialist, but nothing was working. I decided to try ivermectin. My son was back to himself after three treatments, and I was better after one. No adverse reactions, only unbelievable results. So thankful for this drug."

"I'm a male at 63 years of age who contracted COVID on an airplane. As of Wednesday morning of this week, and now it's Friday evening. The 1st day was pretty uneventful with some weird feelings of headache and a little bit of body ache. Then, day 2 turned into a violent day of major headache pain. I couldn't breathe out of my nose and had restricted airways into my lungs. I figured because of my underlying conditions of asthma, heart disease, and weakened immune system that this was not going to work for much longer by itself with no treatment. So, I chose to use ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. I was able to get my hands on that product by Thursday evening and took my 1st dose of both. Within one hour of taking the dose, my fever had dropped back to normal. As of the next morning's dose yesterday, I felt 100% normal again with no body aches, no headaches, full ability to breathe. I felt like I had energy. I felt like I could go out and mow the lawn."

"It works. I think I had delta and started it on day one of testing positive. Was better in 3 days. Wife didn’t take it and ended up getting covid pneumonia! She wishes she took it because she was sick for 3 weeks."

"I did not use Ivermectin as a treatment when I was COVID-19 positive. Post infection, I have been a disaster with every imaginable lingering symptom. I suffered for months with massive fatigue, pain, dizziness, brain fog, etc. Helpless, I finally did a run of ivermectin at 22mg per day for 3 days. On day 2, my brain fog lifted significantly and I felt more like myself. I improved, but still have lingering symptoms. I did a second run and this time had massive improvements in all my symptoms. It’s not a cure, but without question, it has been very effective in treating the lingering effects from the virus that many are struggling with."

"Husband (72) tested positive and was on a scary decline. Was able to get Ivermectin and is on the mend now. As for myself (58), I have not gotten it so far. Doctor gave me preventive ivermectin treatment. We are 16 days into this illness. I wish I had been able to get ivermectin sooner for my husband but even after 7 days delay, he has been hospital-free. He is overweight, has high blood pressure, type 2 diabetic, and is unvaccinated. We are thankful."

"Took ivermectin (along with supplements Vitamin C & D, zinc, quercetin) day one of COVID symptoms (headache, 103 fever, slight cough, fatigue). I’m 63 and have asthma. Almost fully recovered in 36 hours - fluid in ear lasted another 5 days. No lingering symptoms whatsoever."

"My husband (48) & I (44) took Ivermectin trying to protect us from Covid. Side effects were AWFUL: stomach pains, nausea, diarrhea & my husband had really bad blurred vision & dizziness. He stopped taking it after 3 wks because of side effects. I hoped it would work better than it did, but we BOTH still got Covid 4 weeks after starting Ivermectin. My son, who refused to take Ivermectin since he was vaccinated for his job (mandated), didn’t get Covid although he is currently staying with us. I think it was all for nothing since we’re both still so sick after 16 days & my son didn’t have any of these side effects with his vaccine & also didn’t even get sick! Worth noting that the ER doc said my husband was already weak & dehydrated when he got Covid-19 since he’d been having diarrhea for weeks before, from the Ivermectin. I don’t recommend taking Ivermectin-It didn’t keep us from getting Covid & we are still really sick with Covid."

"I have taken ivermectin as a prophylactic once a week for two years. I came down with a positive test two weeks ago. At that point, my doctor had me do a 5-day regimen. I had one bad day, and after that, I dramatically improved daily."

"I tried it and had terrible just terrible neurological side effects. I even took a pretty low does 9mg. If you have any CNS issues whatsoever or have had tinnuties, peripheral nerve issues DO NOT TAKE THIS. I am suffering big time with shaking, internal vibrations, and nerve issues and crossing my fingers this goes away."

"I had a bad cold, possibly COVID, in December. Started ivermectin on the third day, and it was gone by the next day. My friend was very sick at the same time, in bed for two full days. He got well almost immediately after starting ivermectin, too. My elderly dad (85 years) had the same cold/COVID, much milder than me, and he was well after the first day on ivermectin."

"My husband and I would both be considered high risk for COVID. When we caught it in 2021, we paid hundreds of dollars to get ivermectin and jumped through hoops to do it because local pharmacists at Walgreens and CVS criminally refused to fill it. My husband, a diabetic, was sicker than me (I’ve had worse sinus infections), and when he eventually went to the doctor for the nagging cough he was left with, x-rays confirmed the virus had never reached his lungs, thanks to the ivermectin. Additionally, my husband just had it again and used ivermectin again with success. I also used it prophylactically and never got sick. The only “side effect” we ever noticed was some sensitivity with our eyes while we were taking it that passed after we finished the medication."

"My husband and I both got Covid exactly 3 days after being exposed at my grandparents, senior living complex. Wednesday, the first day of symptoms, we both started ivermectin. My husband recovered within 24 hours and was back at work (from home) within 48 hours. I started to feel better after 48 hours, but on day six after the course of ivermectin was completed, I got rebound. So I was really sick for two weeks. I should’ve kept taking the ivermectin and I bet I would’ve been OK. Now we are starting to take it as a preventative. It has been working great so far. I am very sensitive to medication‘s. What is I can tolerate on an empty stomach with no side effects. My husband had no side effects either. I wish more people are open to using ivermectin ice label."

"I am a 38 year old female and took ivermectin for 9 days. I would rate my experience as 1/10. I started ivermectin 2 days after getting a positive COVID-19 test. I don’t think ivermectin works at all! I have pneumonia and I can barely breathe. I can hardly walk and I can’t keep food down and literally feel like death. I have literally been having diarrhea, nausea and sometimes throwing up since I started it and so i don't know if it's from the Covid or the Ivermectin but on advice from urgent care I stopped it today to see if maybe I’m having a bad reaction. This sucks! I can’t believe I’m still sick at almost 2 weeks. Can’t hardly move or anything. I’m taking steroids, albuterol, and, antibiotic now. I know I’ll get crap for it but I’m getting the vaccine ASAP because this hasn’t done anything but make me MORE sick than I probably would have been with just Covid by itself!"

"I know most people who read this will probably think is propaganda, but I must tell my story. Ivermectin was not helpful for my husband, and he insisted that it was. He caught covid and passed away in September of 2022. I trusted him because 'there are many sources that can validate its effects.' I'll regret that for the rest of my life. I've seen other reviews on here saying that ivermectin is a cure-all. And I just wanted to provide an example of it not being a cure-all. I've lost my husband. Please, please don't repeat my mistakes."

"I started feeling better two hours after taking it. (except for the diarrhea that I got!)"

"My experience was very positive, I took tablets over 3 days from the outset and had mild then no symptoms. I did experience any side effects that I could tell."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: anthelmintics
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Ivermectin drug information
  • Ivermectin (Systemic)

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Professional resources

  • Ivermectin monograph
  • Ivermectin Tablets (FDA)

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  • Ascariasis
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