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Generic Name: alprostadil

Brand Name: Caverject Impulse intracavernosal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Two bouts with cancer and meds + radiation left me limp. This med requires one get over squeamishness about needles...even though the one in the kit is super small...super fine and one barely feels it at all if you do. Only a small dot of blood at site and 5-10 minutes later I am 18 years old again...for about an hour and one half. Don't use if you can't follow instructions. (But you could have your spouse do it for you).

Great product. I would like to know how much time the mixed solution will retain its effectiveness once it is prepared i.e. days or weeks? Anybody know?

Post radical prostatectomy for Ca 5yrs ago. Tried oral treatments-cialis, levitra. Very little response so was feeling that was the end of my sex life. Started using Caverject Impulse what a response , can't praise this medication enough. No worrying about loosing my erection. Easy to use the needle is virtually painless, erection started after about 5min lasted long enough. Haven't had an erection like this since the prostatectomy. Very happy! I'd recommend this to anybody with ED. No side effects (unlike the oral treatments)


I used Caverject for the first time not knowing what to expect. I was very hesitant to inject myself. However the preparation is very easy and the injecting needle is very small and causes hardly any pain. I achieved an erection within 10 minutes using the 10 mg dosage. I tried using the 20 but my erection lasted to long after sexual intercourse. The 10 mg gave me an erection for about 1 1/2 hours. It was fantastic not having to worry about losing my erection during intercourse.

This drug works very good and I maintain my erection for about one and a half hours. Perfect drug and no side effects. I've also used a tri-mix with equally good results.

Easy to use; fast acting--usually erect within 10-15 minutes; effective every time; not for the squeamish--does require an injection; erection typically lasts for a couple of hours; somewhat expensive

Been using for 6years once to twice weekly. If large dose is used erection can be painfull and can last up to 2 hrs. If you try till you get a perfect dose erection not painfull and only last as long as intercourse. most of the time

Work's all the time lasting over 1 hour with a drop of blood seeping out of the injection spot. 10 minutes after injection and I'm ready for action. Even after sex it remain hard. A wonder drug.

I had one injecton in my doctor's office. I had a mild erection, but the pain I had in my testicles and down both legs, was excruciating. The pain lasted about 3 hours. I would not go through that again!

The reason for the four stars is that I had two different reactions. In the Doc's office the injections WORKED beyond a expectations. The Doc did the first injection and a great (!) erection resulted in about fifteen minutes and lasted for over an hour. The next week I was the injector and once again the results was super and lasted for over an hour. All the way home I drove with a real bulge in my pants. But a few days later I did the injecting at home. NOTHING! Three days later: NOTHING The erections when successful were like I was a teen again. I was in exam room alone and I just stood in front the mirror and almost giggled. But next time at home was such a disappointment. I tried again in a week and once again nothing. The stuff is expensive but worth it if it works. NOW WHAT? My doc is in Mobile, I am now in California for the summer, a phone call to his office did nothing. I am going to try one more time and then............

I wanted to write a bit about my experience with the Caverject Impulse so that anyone worrying about whether to use it or not could have some thoughts from a (very grateful) user... Over the last four or five years, I have used a multitude of drugs to assist with my E.D. (which is as a result of diabetes and medication). Over those years, I honestly cannot remember ever having a fully "useable" erection - until last month! I wasn't overly impressed with the specialists idea of sticking a needle into my penis, but when you really want to re-gain a decent sex-life, well, it's worth a go. Once I got over the initial reticence of actually giving myself the injection, I wondered what all the fuss was about. There was minimal pain, (the old adage of "just a little prick" from the nurse came to mind) and there was just a single spot of blood from the injection site on removal of the syringe. My wife helped with the gentle massage to help the solution spread and, as it says on the pack, five minutes later I had my first real erection for years - and what a surprise and pleasure THAT was! Some time later came another strange phenomena - the erection remained just as firm AFTER ejaculation, but there are benefits to this too. It was almost like being a teenager again!!! I have now used the injections about six or seven times and had the same result each time, and only once had more than a drop or two of blood from the injection site. The erections that I have experienced have lasted about an hour and a half to an hour and three quarters without any great pain to make them difficult to endure. I've had no side-effects or problems (other than the erection lasting about 30-45 minutes longer than we do) and I would have no hesitation in suggesting that, if given the opportunity, you try them. E.D. is a real problem for many men to admit to - but don't miss out on a sex-life when something like this could invigorate it. It did mine!

Have been using since 1993 (due to fractured hip in accident). Use the type that has to be kept in fridge. The non-fridge type does not work at all for me. Celias, etc do not work with me.



I don't know where i would be today if i had not used this treatment.. The injection itself was a little hard to get used to but the benefits by far outway this... As with most medication ther are weakness and strengths. Myself, Don't leave home without your little blue box.!.


Amnow 67 yrs old, and have been using this treatment for almost 8 yrs!! It gave me a new lease on my life...and am very satisfied! The injection hurts a little, but the rewards are beyond description.. I have tried pills, ie Viagra, etc,, I prefer Caverjet cause the effect is local not over the whole body!!

Erections were less than satisfactory at around age 63. Could not always keep an erection. For the pleasure it affords, the pain is insignificant. This drug works wonders. Sex feels like age 25 again. I get it from the VA and for 8 injections (50 units each) it's only $8.

I am scared to do the procedure. Does it go under the skin or right into the shaft of the penis ? I am a middle aged guy with diabetes who until recently-had a great sex life. I am now dead in the water. I satisfy my lady friends in other ways but I have run out of excuses about myself unable to cut it. Can anyone help me with this ? Thank-you very much.