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Generic Name: amlexanox

Brand Name: Aphthasol mucous membrane

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

For me this is a wonder drug. I use it when I first feel a canker sore starting. It stops it from developing, all symptoms are gone within 3 days. To those trying to get it to stick to the sore, don't bother. Acording to the literature the effect comes from ingesting the drug, not absorption by the sore. I just squeeze out the 1/4 inch smear close to the sore, and basically swallow the paste.

As a Doctor I had excellent result with this medication, the only problem is that it is difficult to find now in California.

This is the only medication that does shorten the discomfort and duration of canker sores. But as another reviewer stated, it can be difficult to get it to stay where you want to put it. It is a paste and unless the area stays completely dry, it does not adhere to the sore for any length of time.

I get numerous canker sores, often a rash of them at once. My major complaint with aphthasol is getting it on the sore. Because it is a paste it often sticks to my finger rather than the canker sore where I want it to stay. (It becomes sticky and more difficult to use with each try.) Thus I end up using up the medication more rapidly and it is quite expensive. I find it effective is used immediately but I wish there were a different delivery system, such as drops or a liquid application.

This is the best treatment I have ever tried for canker sores. Sores that usually take two weeks to run their coarse are completely gone in one day.

I get sore places on my tongue. My Doctor prescribe this medication. The Aphthasol soothes the inflamation and calms the pain when I use my tongue to talk or eat. The paste also creates a barrier which helps the movement of my tongue.