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Generic Name: Ginger Root (ginger)

Ginger Root Reviews

"I have been doubling over from pain in my lower abdomen every day. I started using fresh grated ginger about 6 weeks ago. I am almost pain free. This week was the first time that I had some pain, 2 days in a row. It is gone again. Here is my recipe: 2 cup grated ginger, 2 quarts of water, 5 cloves, 3 tb sp almond extract , 1/2 c sugar more if you prefer. Place it all in a large pot. Bring to a boil. Turn off heat. Cover. Let sit 24 hrs on stove. Strain thru a cheese cloth. Place in bottles. Keep ref. How to use Place some in a glass, like 1/4 up the glass, add water and ice. Enjoy. Keeps 2 to 3 weeks in ref."

For Herbal Supplementation "I use ginger rood for joint pain from arthritis. Cut 7 - 8 thin coins of fresh Ginger root and placed in 6 cups cold water and brought to a boil for a few minutes. Allowed to cool until able to drink. Strained and drank a cup, refrigerating the rest (about 4 cups left.) After drinking this over the next few days, I noticed that my joint pain was much better."

For Herbal Supplementation "OMG, took one 525 mg ginger root at 4 pm. In severe pain in my lower pelvic area for 13 hours. Steady pain like labor. Drank plenty of water to flush it out. Never again. I’m very sensitive to vitamins anyway."

For Herbal Supplementation "Each time I have root ginger grated into boiling water to make a tea.. I feel faint tho very relaxed. It wears off after 30minutes or so."

More about Ginger Root (ginger)

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  • Drug class: herbal products
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Ginger Root drug information

Related treatment guides

  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Herbal Supplementation
  • Motion Sickness