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Generic Name: ampicillin-sulbactam

Brand Name: Unasyn injection

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

This is an IV antibiotic so once the needle is in, the rest is downhill. I was in terrible shape 48 hours after being bitten; swelling, high fever, pain and lots of infection. This is a must if you have an infection. If you think you can just take the pills in your medicine cabinet, you are DEAD wrong! Once the infection spreads to the lymph nodes, your'e risking sepsis.

Has helped with the septic arthritis too; just having the injections and I even had the swelling of my hands and feet gone; plus the stiff neck and the abdominal pain are fading away. Very soft treatment and very helpful! hope many can have it too! M.J.

I had to take it I/V Q6H for 1 week.Due to a cat bite...After a week I was rid of the infection, although very tired !