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Generic Name: trastuzumab

Brand Name: Herceptin intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have taken Herceptin in 2014 for stage 1 breast cancer. After 4 years it has metastasized in the pelvis and I�m back on Herceptin and Perjeta has been added to the treatment. It has stopped the progression but it did not shrink the tumour. Taking one day at a time. I�m 58 years old and never had a health problem before BC. Had and continue to leave a healthy life style.

Diagnosed last year, had lumpectomy and one node removed. Six rounds of chemo, 33 days of radiation and now Herceptin every 3 weeks. I was doing fine in energy and then started going downhill. Low energy, painful muscles and back ache. My primary tested iron levels and oncologist suggested ferritin levels, which were low. Started me on iron and Vit. C and am feeling better. My only complaint is that the oncologist is looking for a source of bleeding (had cat scan and endoscopy) but won't admit that this drug can cause anemia. Am also taking anastrozole.

I was diagnosed in January with triple positive stage 1A breast cancer. Treatment has been double mastectomy, herceptin given alone every 3 weeks and tamoxifen. No real issues. A little joint stiffness and fatigue for a day or two following infusion. No heart changes according to my echos that I get every few months.

I have been on Herceptin since 2004. I will be on it indefinitely. I am also on Tykerb and Xeloda, as I have had recurrences in the brain. No extreme issues with Herceptin, other than aches, brittle nails, and fatigue. Sometimes headaches. Tykerb and Xeloda are another story. Just recently my heart funtion has begun to show the effects of chemo and Herceptin.

I am 56 yrs old and was diagnosed with Stage one HER2Neu breast cancer. Had a bilateral mastectomy with a chest port in Sept 2015, then began 12 weekly doses of Taxol and Herceptin from Oct 2015 to Jan 2016. I was given steroid and Benadryl each week. Once the chemo was done I began the Herceptin for every three weeks and will go thru Oct 2016. I wasn't given the steroid or benadryl for my first dose of just Herceptin and by the second week I was experiencing extreme allergy sypmtoms with runny nose; watery, itchy and swollen eyes. Over the counter benadryl, Zyrtac or Claratin were not helping. I lost my eyelashes (three weeks after my final chemo). The allergy symptoms were so bad when I went for my second dose of Herceptin (every 3 weeks) that I was given the steroid and told to take two benadryl when I got home. The symptoms subsided but losing my eyelashes AFTER chemo was a surprise. I have my tastebuds back and feeling much better than when I was on the Taxol and thought just the Herceptin was going to be a breeze. I guess not. I didn't know that the Herceptin had any side effects. I need to keep hydrating otherwise my lips start peeling and cracking. My hair is starting to grow back and looking forward to my youngest daughter's wedding in May 2016.

I am 56 yrs old and was diagnosed with Stage one HER2Neu breast cancer. Had a bilateral mastectomy with a chest port in Sept 2015, then began 12 weekly doses of Taxol and Herceptin from Oct 2015 to Jan 2016. I was given steroid and Benadryl each week. Once the chemo was done I began the Herceptin for every three weeks and will go thru Oct 2016. I wasn't given the steroid or benadryl for my first dose of just Herceptin and by the second week I was experiencing extreme allergy sypmtoms with runny nose; watery, itchy and swollen eyes. Over the counter benadryl, Zyrtac or Claratin were not helping. I lost my eyelashes (three weeks after my final chemo). The allergy symptoms were so bad when I went for my second dose of Herceptin (every 3 weeks) that I was given the steroid and told to take two benadryl when I got home. The symptoms subsided but losing my eyelashes AFTER chemo was a surprise. I have my tastebuds back and feeling much better than when I was on the Taxol and thought just the Herceptin was going to be a breeze. I guess not. I didn't know that the Herceptin had any side effects. I need to keep hydrating otherwise my lips start peeling and cracking. My hair is starting to grow back and looking forward to my youngest daughter's wedding in May 2016.

I have been on Herceptin since May of 2015 in weekly doses. I'll have it once a week for a year. No side affects so far. Has been easy to use.

Breast Cancer Her2 positive. They injected me with Perjeta, Herceptin, Taxotere, Carboplatin, Benadryl and a steroid!!! Thank God Chemo is done, now they want to continue with the Herceptin. However, the tumor has NOT shrunk as they claimed it would. I've researched information on Herceptin, and have come to the conclusion it is NOT worth the risk for the extremely low percentage of benefit. (and, so far all of this hasn't done anything but make me sick) Side Effects: Bloody nose, swollen eyelids, runny matted eyes, muscle cramps and twitches, breakouts on my face, bruises under my fingernails, nail pain, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, back pain, kidney pain, extreme tiredness, extreme weight loss, hair loss, inability to smell, changes in taste, sleep interruption, racing heart. We'll see the surgeon tomorrow and get a surgery date set up. I pray this will all be over soon, it's been horrific.

Diagnosed with triple + Breast Cancer 1-29-13. I went through Chemotherapy, Apr to July 2013 (Adriamycin, Cytoxan and Taxol), radiation to breast aug to Sept 2013. Started Herceptin in May 2013 and continued 52 treatments to May 2014. All went well at the start with no side effects but during that time my mitral valve weakened and I went from normal to moderate functioning. I started losing my breath in Feb and by June my legs started cramping up and going numb! I still have this problem today. One more ECG test will tell me if I now need a heart dr.

I'm a 64 yr. old with stage#2 HER2 positive breast cancer. I have finished Adriamycin,cytoxin,& taxol. I'm on my third dose of Herceptin. I'm very thankful the drug was invented but have had the following side effects. Severe leg and joint pain, swelling and difficulty making a fist, pain in left eye with eye lid crusting,watering. Watering (intermittent)from left nostril. Fatigue is less than on other chemo meds. I'm looking forward to my hair growing back and haven't had any signs of cardiotoxicty! I will be receiving Herceptin every 3 wks. for a year. If this drug saves my life, so far, the benefits far exceed the side effects which can be managed with narcotic pain relievers.

Dx'd with BC 10/2012, R side mastectomy 11/19. Started chemo (TCH) in Dec. Have had NO problems with chemo OR the Herceptin. 2 sessions of chemo left and then Herceptin until Dec. 2014. I am very thankful for this drug as it is working and NO heart issues/side affects as I also have High BP, and a mitral valve prolapse. Everything is going fantastically. I am praying all goes well with just the Herceptin treatments once my chemo is finished Apr. 3, 2014.

I have had 2 infusions thus far and I feel absolutely horrible. Am looking for the side effects.

treatment every 3 weeks, eperienced slight numbness in big toe and some fingers which goes away before treatment.

The muscle and joint pain and stiffness so many others mentioned before me is present. I have not started the Gabapentin for the pain because I was hoping it would go away. The kind of stiffness and pain I feel (in hips, on the sides of my legs, feet, neck, shoulders, top of arms, waking up with swollen and painful knuckles of hands, knee pain going down the stairs, I also have numbness of my feet and toes, just a touch of numbness in my fingertips)started after the 8 sessions of chemotherapy was done and midway through the radiation. At this point I would have had 5 or 6 doses of Herceptin. Will go on for 1 year with a treatment every three weeks. Immediately after infusion I noticed seeing dark shadows infront of my eyes after a couple of my infusions. Ejection fraction decreased from 72 to 60%. I will pray and meditate that my heart can handle this treatment all the way through.I appreciate that this medication is available (only since 2006-right?). I say "thank you scientists and thank you supporters of research"

coughing, diarhhea, short of breath..

I don't seem to have any side effects from this medication unless fatigue is an effect.

My tumor has shrink

Weekly Herceptin IV since 10/2012 - to continue through 9/2013. Flushing day after treatment. Massive abdominal weight gain. Rapid pulse, difficulty breathing (sometimes)... higher blood pressure and general fatigue. Bleeding gums. Hate this stuff! Guess it's better than having cancer, but.... Dr. doesn't seem to be concerned about "problems". Had 8 months chemo, lumpectomy and 6 weeks radiation prior to Herceptin IV. Doc says chest pain is radiation nerve damage. Not sure... can't wait to get it over and done!

A problem i am having, are muscle and joint aches,mainly while i am sleeping!I am 7 months out of taking it. Had the infusion for a year.Good results otherwise