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Generic Name: atenolol-chlorthalidone

Brand Name: Tenoretic 100 oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have developed a rash as well as itching with swelling anyplace I have either a belt or bra stap. I sit on a hard surface only to have my buttocks hard as a rock. I also have had severe backache and vaginal bleeding. While the drug lowers my bp it has caused me pain and tiredness and swelling. Want to stop it now. My back hurts and hard to get out of bed in am.

After taking this med over a year, a skin biopsy FINALLY diagnosed 'drug eruption due to chlorthalidone.' My doctor ignored my complaints of this truly horrible, itchy rash that developed within 2 months of starting this drug. I spent 15 months & several hundred dollars going to doctors trying to get this skin rash diagnosed & hallelujah the biopsy told it all. Over that 15 months, I was told I had scabies, bed bugs, head lice, & eventually, Prurigo Nodularis...NONE were true!! Do yourself a favor & DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG!! If you do, report a rash immediately!!

Good, still have dizzy spells upon sitting up.

Just make me sleepy and tired feeling and I do have to go a lot. But is very effective at keeping my blood pressure low.

Caused very dry mouth, fatigue, and anxiety. I drank fluids all day long but still wound up dehydrated. Did it's job lowering my BP from 150/100 to 130/90 and removing 5 pounds of edema from my face, legs, and ankles though. I will stick with Lisinopril and Atenolol.

I urinate 60-80 times a day. I have become a chronic bed-wetter. I go through 20-30 adult diapers a day. This started with my use of Tenoretic.

Hard to control my BP with this & most meds. BP is up & down, 189/84 to sometimes 130/60

very good so far I have problem with tirdness all the time. heavy eyes, need to sleep alot now.

no any other treat my high blood preasure but after 2years i developed d m and high uricacid which i think its from chlorthalidon

It solved my high blood pressure which was family related.

felt constant disorientation,tiredness,and ill feeling