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Generic Name: Azithromycin

Brand Name: Zithromax

Zithromax Drug and Medication User Reviews

Don’t listen to the reviews by hypochondriacs. I’m one too. Your anxiety may be a little higher than normal on this but not debilitating. My one big issue with this is it causes gastrointestinal issues, diarrhea, nausea that lasts even after finishing this medication. I have to take pepto, immodium and probiotics a week after or more which is annoying.. positive is it works. It treats everything it says it will. I had a bad sinus infection and it helped with that. However I need to eat super light till my stomach heals now. If you have a mild sinus infection don’t take this unless it doesn’t go away after 10 days on its own because you might feel like you got a stomach bug afterwards.

The key when you take this is probiotic, fiber, and hydration. Liquid iv or pedalite. Any antibiotic will give you the runs and nausea. Unless your allergy is to sulfa drugs then you should be fine. The same people that talk about thecsideceffects are the same people that eat McDonalds. Stay healthy

I have a penicillin allergy and was prescribed this in place of the other antibiotics. Turns out I’m allergic to this antibiotic as well. 5 days after stopping the drug I broke out in a HORRIBLE rash head to toe. Even my palms and soles of my feet. Trouble breathing and a bad cough now. Never again ...

I am experiencing a buzzing sound in both ears and a minimal hearing loss. I had a sinus infection and feel better overall. This buzzing is no fun. Will not take again.

At the end of the 4th and 5th day I got really nauseas morning, evenings, and horrible diarrhea. Yes, it has helped my acute bronchitis but the side effects hit me hard. I would take it again unfortunately if my cold ever gets as bad as it did.

Got strep somehow. This stuff works pretty good but I don't know why but about every other time I take this medication it makes me pee out of my butt.

This is the only antibiotic I am not allergic to and it works great. I feel better in a few days and I like that it keeps working after the last dose. I usually am prescribed it for sinus infections.

Have been prescribed 10 day Z-pak for sinus infections. I found that medication to be completely ineffective and a complete waste of money. Amoxicillin has been far more effective for me. Now, anytime I'm given a prescription for Z-pak, I get the doctor to change it to Amoxicillin.

I took this medication for 2 days and experienced huge issues. The middle of my second day, severe abdominal pain disrupted the rest of my day. Shortly following, I had extreme diarrhea. It progressed into bloody diarrhea. Fearing something was wrong, I went to the emergency room and was there for 5 hours to be diagnosed with colitis, inflammation of the colon, most likely due to this antibiotic. I was taking this medication at the same time as Excedrin migraine which may have been part of the problem. Colitis causes extreme abdominal pain and discomfort where I am only able to eat a clear liquid diet for days, if I even have an appetite to intake anything at all. Do not recommend.

I pooped for hours, but I'm no longr sick so that's a plus. I give it 5/5 poops

For me this medicine was great! I started feeling better almost immediately. This is medicine I will definitely take again.

Although my condition improved, the new symptoms created due to being side effects of z pack were unbearable to tolerate whereby I would avoid taking it at all costs in the future. Wax

Worked well for my sinusitis symptoms but the side effects are terrible. Bloating, severe cramping with diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.

The side effects of this drug were terrible. I experienced every side effect listed. I will not take this medication again.

Characterized infection on young adult male, sore throat, cough, sinus infection. Possible other causes, however, no flu-like systems such as fever or body/muscle aches. Prescribed - Z-pak and Sudafed(OTC). First day without food, diarrhea exhibited. Taken with food, diarrhea exhibited. Nutrition and diet, normal intake of typical types/groups of food.

I have year round allergies since moving to Florida from NY. Everything but my cats...lol...pollens ...mold...dust...you name it. As a result I end up with terrible respiratory infections. After the double dose on the first day...I felt so much better the next day...I was tired but my other symptoms dramatically improved. I have other issues with my skin ( the water is not as good down here) and intestinal issues...so everything gets addressed at once with this med. This is my first Z-Pak..usually on other stuff. Good stuff the Z-Pak.

I also have a comprised immune system and allergic to pennicillin. I have been given this medication for different illnesses, sinus infections, bronchitis, and strep throat. I have also experienced stomach upset, ( I have SEVERE GI ISSUES!). But I have discovered that as long as I eat and do NOT take this on an empty stomach, all is well! WORKS WONDERFULLY!!

Bad strep throat for over a week. After three pills I was feeling much better, almost human! No side effects after taking four pills.

Was givem Zithromax Z-Pak for bronchitis. Liked the idea of only 5 days but I am thinking that was a bit strong for me. I have never had side effects to an anti-biotic in my life but they have been the usual 10 day regiment. I had some side effects the first day but countered it with a probiotic. But on the 5th day the nausea started and got worse from there. Food tastes horrible and constant feeling of wanting to vomit.Doubt I will ever take this again.

My husband took this medication for tick fever. The tick fever is back. But the main thing is the severe left arm and chest pain he has had since he took it. I'm not sure at this point what will happen or fix the problem, but I never want him taking this medicine again. He is in constant pain.