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Generic Name: benzoyl peroxide

Brand Name: Benzagel-5 topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I’ve been dealing with acne for more than 4 years and I just started this treatment this week. It does cause dryness to your face so you would need to use a lot of moisturizer. I also used Vaseline bc my skin got very dry. But after that my acne spots were diminishing and my skin condition was getting better. You would need to exfoliate your face if it gets better from dryness to get rid of dry skin.

It's the first ever cream that caused an allergic reaction. I had swatche it on one pimple for 2 nights in a row with no effect. On the 3rd night I put it on all my pimples and woke up the next day with hives, bright red spots on my face burning. Watch out!

Works great, I only apply a small amount at a time so a single tube lasts a very long time. I haven't had any side effects aside from mild irritation at first.

I have been dealing with acne form many years now and I have to say that I'm soo glad that I found this product. It works VERY EFFEcTIVelY on my skin. After a week 70% of my dark spot were gone and I almost have no more acne..Its amazing. I look younger and my skin look cleared up already. However, its very drying therefore use a lot of moistrurizer.

(Regarding the gel/cream) It was extremely effective in clearing up my acne, but it's been a week since I've used it and my skin seems very damaged. It's very rough and very dry. It looks damaged. This stuff is quite potent, so I suggest using the Benzagel 2.5 instead.