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Generic Name: bevacizumab

Brand Name: Avastin intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Ended up with very high bp in a person with previously low bp. Next, I developed awful migraines for months followed by a Mini- stroke (TIA)- transient ischemic attack). Now I have to carefully monitor my pressure and pray for no strokes in addition to cancer. Also it did not work after using 3 months or so. The TIA happened while 3,5 weeks off the drug

Over two year period, had injections very 8 weeks, progressed to every 6 weeks. My vision in my left eye did not respond to treatment, but right eye did and I can still read, drive, do the things I wish to do. I feel it has been successful for me.

I was so blessed to get introduced to this product from my local Kaiser Permanente Office by Dr. Lee P. Schelonka, MD. I am according to my care team, a perfect example as to how your amazing drug should work. I could not be more happy. In four years, this drug has calmed down a bad situation and actually improved my vision. I do think, however, that it is equally important that the doctor be bot only knowledgeable and competent, but trusting as well. Thank you so much for this drug! It has improved both the quality and the comfort of my life.

Only one eye injection so far. Already improvement. Wish I'd had this years ago when this started. Not pleasant to have. Two more injections to go. One a month.

I have Idiopathic Chordial Neovasculaization which is non age related wet macular degeneration. I had just turned 33 years old when in one day my vision went from perfect to 140/20. I have now had more than 7+ injections each one worse then the one before. Mine are extremely painful as the doctor susp cts that I may be allergic to the idolize used to clean the eye after. While my vision has improved 80/20 I have other things going on with my body that are just not adding up. Such as: I've been losing a lot of hair, at first I didn't think much about it but now when I shower or brush my hair I have gobs of hair come out. Also I've noticed recently that eating certain foods that swollowing is very difficult and food is getting stuck in my throat. After reading things on here I am going to make an appointment with my primary care doctor and tell her my concerns. It's hard for me to acknowledge that I will be needing these inj crooks for the rest of my life.

Just had my 2nd shot, which was more severe than the first. Maybe dosage was increased? Severe stomach pain, abdomen pain, so painful I finished off the Pepto Bismol at 1 am, and took two Alka-Seltzer at 5 am. The first short just caused fatigue, but the second makes me think about taking any more shots. Side effects are too drastic for me.

I have diabetic retinopathy which has caused macular edema. My retina specialist initially used laser treatment to stop the bleeding in the areas not in the field of vision which was highly effective. However, in my right eye, there was bleeding in my field of vision where the laser can do damage. I have had about 10 Avastin injections over the past 20 months. The shot does not hurt as you get numbed up. Eye is sore for 12 to 18 hours after shot, but fine after 24 hours. I've had no side effects. The shots have been successful in managing the edema but it does wear off after 6 to 8 weeks requiring an additional injection on that schedule. The doctor's appointment to get the injection can be long (worst was 2.5 hours) as you need to do the vision check/OLT scan then get prepped for the shot, then get the shot. On a busy day at the Dr's office or if there is an emergency he's dealing with, it can be frustrating. Overall, an effective treatment regimen for me with no side effects.

I had my first shot May 25th 2017. It was uncomfortable and had to keep my eye shut for 35 min. I felt sharp pain too 2 midol and it subsided. Had to go back to Doctor was seeing a dark spot to right and bottom of eye. It was an air bubble I was told, from the shot and it finally went away. I can see a little more from my right eye still a bit uncomfortable, using preservative free eye drops OTC and doubtful about continuing shots but still researching alternatives.

After 1 injection into my eye, in less than a week after the injection I suffered from uncontrollable nosebleeds lasting up to 90 minutes of bright red blood pouring from my nose and mouth. I'm a truck driver so I would have to pull over and wait them out. It was very scary. My eye doctor denied that this medication had any side effects let alone nosebleeds. My PCP was baffled and sent me to an allergist. He stated that this medication's major side effect was in fact uncontrolable nose bleeds. I was then sent to an ENT doctor who cauderized my entire nose passages to attempt to stop the issue. It did and I would rather go blind then to be injected with Avastin ever again.

I have received 2 shots in my right eye for WMD. Very good response so far. Not too painful, and so far no noticeable side effects.

Just had my fifth injection...not only has the drug stopped my macular degeneration symptoms (wavy lines, dim vision, and flashing spots)...problems have reversed and nearly disappeared. I had an aggressive onset of the disease...and could not be more pleased. My injections schedule has moved from monthly to every two months. Although getting injections in the eye is an unpleasant thought...the outcome has been excellent.

I am very young and was told by my retinologist I have Wet macular degeneration in my right eye. He started me on Lusentus and that was ineffective,then started me on Avastin (CHEMOTHERAPY!), which also proved to be ineffective and in fact, made me very sick! Within 2 weeks of receiving an eye injection, I had my first ever sinus infection and I was miserable. I wondered what was going on? Then, I did some research and discovered Avastin is chemotherapy and used as off label for WMD. It was ineffective and the side effects are horrendous! Never again will I let the doctor inject Avastin in my eye.

I have had DMD for 5 years, within the past 6 months, both eyes have turned wet. About 4 months ago, had the first shot of avastin was in my left worse vision eye,although painful there was no change, and no problems. My better eye once I had the shot I had problems. Its been a week, my eye was inflamed, bruised, and really raw looking. I also have a small tire shape circle with a yellow middle, I have in my lower vision that is not going away after a week.I was very tired, and just felt sick for a few days after shot. Dependent on if there is any improvement, might just let nature take its course.

I had two injections-within two days of the injections I had sinus issues which lasted two weeks, my throat became tight,difficulty swallowing,horrible joint pain and felt tender spots on throat around thyroid.Right before the next appointment all of these symptoms disappeared. I had the next injection and experienced all of the same except this time the spots on my throat became worse. I made an appointment with my DR and had blood work done-my thyroid was in a hypothyroid state which is not the case months prior. My Dr also said I had nodules on my thyroid and should have further testing. I told him my suspicions and just like the Opthamologist he said those side effects would not be from the Avastin injections in the eye as it's such a small amount. I asked him to wait a month before doing the lab work again to see if my thyroid has improved. All of the symptoms disappeared after 5 weeks of my last injection and the nodules on my thyroid if there are no longer painful. My concern is that the drug would case permanent issues. I won't risk another injection

At 36 I had a retinal branch vein occlusion in my right eye and my eyesight which started to go blurry and I was losing my eye site which was very upsetting to me as I work on a computer for my job and had 20/15 vision my whole life. I consulted with about 3 Dr.'s for treatment and they all suggested I get an Avastin shot in my eyeball. I was very scared to do this but I took the Dr.'s advice and it was like a miracle. I could immediately see perfectly again. I had to have this shot twice. It was not painful at all as they really numbed my eyeball w a q tip of numbing medication and I just didnt look at the needle. It really worked for me and I do highly recommend it. I can see perfectly again.

I am writing this review on behalf of my sister, now deceased because of Avastin. Less than 2 weeks after her first and only infusion, she was rushed into emergency surgery for a perforated bowel. Because Avastin interferes with healing, the surgeons made us well aware of the risk of surgery. She passed away in the ICU 4 days after surgery.

I was diagnosed with wet macular degeneration at age 65. The Opthomologist recommended Avastin eye injections. I was very nervous about getting an injection in my eye. Let me state, right up front, this doctor I sm going to is supposed to be good but is a pompous jerk. Actually, the eye is numbed, the injection itself is quick and I didn't even feel it. A patch was placed over my overnight. This doctor injects under the upper lid. After the first shot, no pain but the top of my eye was red for a month. Second injection, no problems. Third and fourth injections, horrible discomfort and burning, clogged sinus on that side and horrible runnr nose. This seemed to improve by the next day. I just received my 5th injection today and am having the same horrible discomfort as I type this. Came home and have been laying down for hours trying not to move my eye, even though it is patched. Horrible burning, scratch feeling if the eye moved, plugged sinus, nose running, scratchy throat. I told the doctor this before this last injection and he just to,d me I am over sensitive. At one appt, he told me I was a big baby. Who does that??!! I have seen some improvement and he says it has improved but my central vision loss is probably permanent. I cannot find on the Internet anyone having problems like this after an injection. I am almost tempted not to get any more of these. Yes, should probably try to find a new doctor but hate to switch if the results are going to be the same. I hope this discomfort is gone by tomorrow.

Every time I get and injection in my eye hurts, Water streams out of my eye for 2 days. I get crust all around the out side of the eye. I dread my appointments. I feel like I am being tortured.

I was given 5 years (maybe) to live after being diagnosed with brain cancer. I first received Temodar, a spot returned on my MRI in 6 months. I was then switched to Avastin. MRIs have been stable for over 6 years now. Seven year "thriver" thanks to God, some great doctors, and a very good medicine.