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Generic Name: budesonide-formoterol

Brand Name: Symbicort inhalation

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Was on Symbicort for 3 years with excellent results...then VA switched anyone on Symbicort and Advair to Wixela for economic reasons. What a disaster! You see, big pharma and the Government and insurance companies do NOT give a damn about YOU..Only PROFITS. It truly is time for violence against these evil, corrupt SCUM.

I was using it for almost 2 weeks and I have to admit that it made my breathing better quite a lot, when all of a sudden, it just started to give me tremors, pain in my chest and nausea. It was really unexpected and I thought it was another medicine first, so I stopped using everything but Symbicort. Unfortunatelly it turned out that Symbicort was the reason for my symptoms so I will use something else. It is an effective medicine with terrible side effects.

I have been using Symbicort for over 10 years for COPD. This past year I developed ectopic heartbeats. My doctor reduced my dose and my heart came back to normal. Beware of the side effects.

Helps with breathing an has increased my appetite, which I need.

From the first dose, I had severe stomach pain, vomitting, headache and nosebleed. Disturbing that no side effects listed on information sheet that comes with the drug. Very expensive drug. Going back to old meds.

I was diagnosed with pneumonia and and after battling the pneumonia for about a month once I got onto the Symbicort after a week I could tell the difference in my lungs and my breathing. This drug definitely worked for me. My energy levels returned and if I didn't have to wash my mouth out every single time I used it I would have given it five stars.

It made me more cough by drying out my throat. As soon I stopped using it - I stopped coughing

The dosage mechanism did not work. It was faulty, so I returned it for a refund. Considering how much it costs, it's a disgrace that they've got a faulty design. I would strongly recommend an alternative.

It does take my wheezing away, but my hair has been falling out when showering, and brushing hair. This inhaler is the only new medicine that I am taking.

If you are a diabetic I strongly advise you not to take this drug. My blood sugars skyrocketed and I gained 19 pounds in 2 months. Since I have stopped it in just 3 days my sugars are starting to normalize and the eight is coming off. This in my opinion is a bad medication and it really does not help COPD or Asthma.

I had a bad flu that stirred up my asthma and left me with a deep cough. I was prescribed Symbicort. The first day it seemed to help. The second day I developed severe stomach cramping. The third day I became nauseous as the cramping increased. The fourth day I went into serious seizure. My husband called 911 and I was taken to the hospital where I was administered meds to break the seizures. I stopped the Symbicort and immediately the cramping and nausea stopped. I has been 7 months now and never another seizure!

I have been using Symbicort for 1 1/2 years

Using Symbicort stopped my severe coughing, but TOTALLY removed my olfactory senses. I am 79 and have cooked all my life. But now, I can't tell the difference in taste in ANY foods. Shrimp tastes the same as chicken, as bread, as eggs, as ice cream. HELP!!!

I noticed hoarseness when talking. Have to clear my throat a few times before I get my voice back. Also you have to rinse your mouth with water after each use. I also tried Bevespi but it doesn't have steroids. I noticed it leaves a bad taste after each use even after rinsing my mouth.

Have trouble breathing when walking and had to stop to catch my breath every 15-20 steps up hill I have COPD and quit smoking and have gained weight so I want to walk to get the pounds off . Started to use symbicort and noticed the difference right away now I can walk up hill with out so many stops this works the for me.

It works great at controlling the asthma but I have gained 6 lbs in only 8 weeks of use. As you gain weight, this can excaserbate your asthma, so this is an unacceptable side effect. I have not found any medication that works well without serious negative side effects.

It made me hallucinate. I had to stop using it.

Intially, I gained weight and was bloated. Then, I had a unquenchable thirst and was having night sweats.I thought it was menapause, until I woke up blind. This medication caused me develop diabetes and cataracs in both eyes. I had my sugars checked before going on this medication. It was normal. After being on this medication, my fasting sugars were 600.I gained 3 dress sizes. This medication ruined my financial future. Everyone waiting for catarac surgery with me when I had my second eye done was on Symbacort.No one told me this drug could cause this much havoc to my health. The optomologist told me when I went to get a stronger set of glasses. My boyfriend and I researched the medication at that point. I went back to my physician and told him what I found. He left his practice shortly after.