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Generic Name: carisoprodol-aspirin

Brand Name: Soma Compound oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

While I was taking this medication the spasms where better it didn't cause any interactions with my other heath problems and medications, I slept a little better ,I was able to do more house hold chores. I was to move. However, due to changes made for patients on Medicaid it was stopped abruptly and everyone of the preferred medications interfered with a health problem or other medications I take regularly. So now I am being woke up because of the spasms after 45 minutes of sleep and I can barley get around.

I've been on this med for years & I desperately depend on it. I was warned by my Dr that because of abuse of this med by others, the co is considering removing it from the market. It's unfair to punish me for what people out there chose to do without thinking. for Good sake, if you can't control yourself, don't mess with it. This med can hurt as much as it can help. Please realize that your actions have an effect on others.

Soma has worked so good for me it works really me with my pain medications that i take

ALL medicines have a major impact on my system, not that i am elegiac to them but my body is very acute to them. 87mg of SOMA is equal to any other persons 350mg dosage

it has helped

Pain managemant--Physical Therapy,Muscle spasms

This medication does work. I've had to take it because I broke my back from L1-L4 and have had serious muscle issues since. This medication is effective, can make you sleepy at first but it does pass. This medication can be addictive, but that does go along with other medications as well. People will continue to abuse all sorts of medications, and those are the people who make life harder on the others who really need these types of meds.

I have taken this in the past, and it helps with pain in my back alot.

depression and to help me sleep

I've been on this med for 10yrs and have had no side effects from its use. It has helped stop muscle spasms in my back more than I had hoped.

I have fibromyalgia and suffer with pain throughout my body. I have been taking Soma for about 2 years and it really makes a difference. I spent 40 yrs in pain. I take the smallest dose that I can as I don't want to be sedated. As for side effects, the chronic pain made me moody, Soma helps my moods.

I'm writing hoping to warn potential users to PLEASE BE CAREFUL! I've had severe,chronic pain-5+yrs & several serious medical problems with no hope for cure. I've had signifigant relief with Soma, but at the expense of my family's sanity at times. My husband & kids have threatened to leave me if I don't get my sometimes misuse of this med under control. I've taken Methadone,Morphine,Oxycontin...now Opana,Actiq(fentanyl)suckers, Lyrica & more. I;ve been under control with all, but Soma will sneak up on you quick. By the time you feel anything you're well on your way to trouble. Along with other meds it can make a difference(+ & -)& insomnia can make Somas attractive. Just remember they don't call it a Soma Coma for no reason. With Soma...Less really is more.

does anyone know if there are any lasting side effects of abusing soma compound?

This medication is in fact far more dangerous than an opiate. It causes parkinsons like tremors, a stupor, seizures, drug seeking behavior, which is in itself familial destructive , i would suggest taking a 5 mg valium before taking even one of these. I know someone that has taken over 15 of these at a time continuously and walked around in a idiotic stupor for 24 hours driving and everything . This drug should be banned completely.

Great medication, however, for me, it's like taking a sleeping pill. Have to fight to stay awake, but that side effect is worth the alternative, pain.