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Generic Name: cisplatin

Brand Name: cisplatin intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

My PET Scan showed significant shrinkage of the tumor so I would have to say this treatment is effective. I did have bouts of vomiting but had medication to counteract it. One of the veins in my forearm seemed to harden, but a few weeks after treatments were completed, it felt normal again.

Age 57 male tumor above tonsils surgery not a option,chemo 6 cycles plus 25 rad.3 years remission, still have bad headaches, back pain, swallowing hard.taste 50% back .no hair loss at all.

2009 stage 4 tumor left tonsil.Same day surgery, removed 90%. After G.I. inserted feeding tube, started 80 radiation treatments w/3 rounds of chemo..first day, middle of treatment and last day.8a.m.thru ,5p.m. w/8 bags of saline simultaneously to protect kidneys.Thyroid and most saliva glands destroyed by rad, now take thyroid drug daily, and lots of h2o for dry mouth.Nausea controlled very well with meds. Scar tissue in throat has never improved, so after 2+years on feed tube, am very careful about choking episodes.pills need crushing or cutting up...also had all my teeth removed right before treatment started, as I needed extensive dental work which drs said no time to complete...they wanted me to start chemo etc immediately after surgery and feeding tube placement.Very fatigued thru treatment,with 80lb weight loss.Mouth was severely painful with very thick thrush,med.rinses etc not effective.Also, severe diarrhea and dehydration, you just don't want anything, even water in your mouth.Took me a long time to regain any energy,and not getting adequate nutrition had alot to do with that....I lived on Ensure in feeding tube. 8 years out, I'm totally clear, and very grateful.I have significant hearing loss, vision changes, memory loss. Thought these might eventually clear up, but after 8 years.....Food and beverages taste awful, particularly wine, which I was very into. All in all? I've seen alot worse experiences. I now know from all my subsequent reading and research that if I had had more time to prepare, I could've helped myself alot more, but it was a totally unexpected shock, and I was rushed into everything with my drs and all other caregivers directing me to one appt to the next in a blur! Today I would do things differently, but am very happy overall with the efficacy of the cistplatin. Most side effects were handled completely with medication.Long term? Time will tell......

Relapsed non-hodgkin lymohoma. The chemo nearly killed me. 11 days in hospital with non-stop vomiting. Initially the tumours shrunk, only to return 10 days later. The most horrible if chemos.

Three high dose treatments along with 35 radiation treatments. Harsh side effects, vomiting, 20% hearing loss, ongoing neuropathy in feet, 10 days in hospital, 20 loss of body weight. Cancer free 1 year later. Weight back to normal, food still tastes terrible but I think radiation more to blame. Overall better than dying.

I was predictably sick three days after infusions and it lasted for about 5 days.

I am now 8 years past my last treatment with this drug. I have had permanent negative side effects including almost all side effects present during treatment. All over body pain and fatigue. No appetite. I can't eat heavy meals and my digestive system changes daily. I highly recommend trying another, safer option first. I cannot gain muscle mass and my immune system has never recovered. Also about 3 years later I started forming lumps in my breasts. Not sure if this is related or in direct correlation with my immune system being compromised. I was very sick during treatment and was unable to absorbs nutrients through my food. This is still true today and I'm a very unwell 25 year old.

I was diagnosed with Poorly Differentiated Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Lung in May 2012. I didn't get sick or lose my hair. This drug was paired with Navelbine, Emend, Nulasta and an ulcer med. I did however develop neuropathy in one of my legs after treatment. It is now 12/13 and my cancer is back and has spread to the other lung and lymphnodes. I'm not sure if they will use this drug again or not, but It worked the first time, so I'm not opposed to it.

Best if you are not a weenie cause this stuff is tough. Tough but effective. If youcan stand it I believe your chances are more than good at picking up a litle extra life.

Husband has squamous cell carcinoma. 3 cisplatin treatments and 33 radiation treatments with surgery. VERY sick throughout! Lost 60 pounds in 3 months. One month after last chemo started having symptoms of MS. 4 months after chemo now has lost use of hands and arms, muscle atrophy throught body, short term memory loss, and back on a feeding tube because his throat muscles are so weak he can't swallow without aspirating. Neurologists say it is systemic nerve damage from the cisplatin and he may never recover. And now the cancer is back and he isn't strong enough to go through another chemo treatment. I would tell anyone to try another drug before they subject themselves or their loved ones to this one.

kidney problem, de-hydration

just finished treatment so really can't answer effectiveness etc. need to wait a while and go in for another petscan to seeif it did work. problem i'm having is metallic taste constantly and very bad ringing in ears constantly! want to know if hearing will clear up? also went thru 7 wks of radiation. i was diagnosed with stage 4 tonsil cancer, hpv the cause along w/smoking.

developed neuropathy in feet and fingers

I was treated with a combination of cisplatin and taxotere for ovarian cancer. The treatment was administered thru two ports, one in my left shoulder and one directly into my stomach cavity. After six months of chemo my cancer went into remission but I have been left with a severe case of neuropathy and lymphodema. This drug combination has given me almost five years and I have to be very grateful to my doctor and his team who took very good care of me. I was very weak during the treatments for about three out of four weeks and then back for more,however I only got sick once in the six months of treatment.

Did not notice amny side effects.

My hair fell out within two weeks of this treatment and it makes my stomach hurt.

Had cancerous parotid salvia gland removed(10/08) followed by 6 sessions of chemo (Cisplatin and Taxotere). Never got sick, but used Emend & Anzmet the day of treatment. Also took the Emend for two days following. The steriod taken was Decaron. The cancer had spread to the chest and lung and the chemo (11/08-3/09) was successful. Eight months later the cancer returned to the neck, which was removed. Radiation of head neck followed (33 sessions). Also during this time a nodule was found in the brain. Simultaneous to the radiation I had CyberKnife of the brain done. A double dose of radiation. The fatigue, and side effects, caused by the radiation was greater than chemo, but, one month since the last radiation, I am very hopeful about the future.

This Drug left my dad with a condition called autonomic neuropathy.He is incontinent,can not walk, blood pressure issues, and the list goes on and on. The cisplatin got rid of the cancer,but the side effects ruined the quality of his life. He now lives in a long term facility.

this is the nastiest chemo drug there is my doctor told me it would be, and that a couple of weeks i would start getting sick with it 4 hours after my first treatment i started vomiting and did not stop for the next 6 months i lost about 70 pounds during my treatments and as ugly as it was it did save my life i was a stage 4 npc- and i am very lucky to be alive so i have to say i am satisfied with it but dont fool your self it is the most horrible drug but if you have to chose life or death its pretty good

I took cisplatin& etopaside for test.cancer, very eff. for me. I also suffered from loss of memory.So far my short term mem. has returned.Short term side effect.I hope this helps.