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Generic Name: clindamycin phosphate

Brand Name: Clindesse vaginal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had been struggling with bv for about a year and it was absolutely exhausting. The smell was horrible and it made me so insecure, i believe it was something about my partner that was causing it. When I first was diagnosed with it my gynocologist gave me the oral antibiotics which tasted horrible. It went away for a little while but as soon as I started having sex again it came back. Then she prescribed me nuvessa. At first it seemed to work, it went away for about 3 months but after my partner and I started having sex again it came back. I was horrified and purchased boric acid suppositories online got a quick cover up but they would literally cover it up for less then a week. I tried nuvessa again but it barely worked the second time around. I was so fed up with the messy suppositories. My doctor finally prescribed clindesse.I had read the reviews and was little nervous about the side effects of possible yeast infection but I am so happy that I tried this medication. I have been BV free now for a while, it feels so good to be rid of it. I hope it never comes back and I didn't even get a yeast infection. I would definitely recommend giving this medication a try.

I had trouble with BV and occasional UTIs until I learned what caused them and Iâ??ve been able to avoid both. I was a little careless recently and was happy when my doctor offered the one time dose instead of the usual week long Flagyl treatment. Itâ??s definitely easy to use and worked right away. However, I started itching pretty bad day after two days and started to see a change to a thicker white discharge. So now I have a yeast infection and Iâ??m trying not to treat until day 7 but itâ??s hard. I wish I would have chosen the 7 day flagyl pills and avoided drinking alcohol instead. Also, people with recurrent BV. Semen is my biggest trigger. Any semen gets in me and I end up with BV. It sucks to have to be careful but so does smelly like a fish.

This drug was easy to use but on day 3 it caused some itching/burning of the vulva. It seems as if this is just a side effect. When I wipe the residue that leaks out it often times stops burning but now Iâ??m just not sure if this common or a yeast infection. I donâ??t think I see yeast like discharge only the drug. I am now on day 6 and still the drug is coming out. Really wish the doctor told me it would take 7 days or more before the residue is gone and about the itching/burning. Hopefully in a few more days I will feel better.

I find reviews to be helpful for people looking for real life answers like myself. Information is valuable. I had been dealing with BV for 6 long torturous months. The fishy smell was embarrassing and it would make me nauseous after while. When I got tested from my gynecologist, she told me that I was borderline BV....so they refused to give me anything. After a 2nd visit and more compliants from me because it would come back every single month after I took Monistat every month....my doctor finally prescribed me with Clindesse! The rx was like $120 even with my insurance! Luckily, my dr gave me a coupon and it dropped the price down to around $40. I inserted the vaginal cream that same night (it's only one dose). Ever since I inserted it, I've had no more fishy smell and no more thin milky discharge....and it's been 2 months so far that I'm BV free! I'm so relieved! However, I did get a yeast infection that keeps coming back after I've tried several treatments (I tried Monistat, Diflucan and Gynazole). BV gone but YI is still lingering around. I'm currently trying boric acid suppositories for my reoccurring YI. I hope it works. But as far as Clindesse for BV, it worked for me! I'm 2 months free of BV and I was getting them every month for the last 7 months! I would recommend Clindesse but please beware of possible yeast infection or UTI. I hope that this information helps.

The experience was messy; I took it 6 days ago and continue to have excess discharge. It seems as if I am now developing a yeast infection as I am experiencing a lot of itchiness. I had to wait almost 3 months to fill this Rx as I couldn't afford the outrageous cost ($150). Having to cut down on my already slim grocery bill for my family for nearly two months so that I could save and take the treatment plus having the manufacturer coupon turned away at the Walmart pharmacy really left a bad taste in my mouth. My NP refused to prescribe anything different - almost supporting the appearance of a kick-back from the manufacturer versus providing a cost-effective solution. I would have selected 0 stars for satisfaction if possible.

I was diagnosed with BV and my doctor prescribed Clindesse. He even provided me with a coupon and I ended paying $35 out of pocket for it. I went home that Tuesday showered and inserted my one day application. Itâ??s now three days later and I will say the smell is GONE!!! Thank you Jesus because it can be embarrassing. Especially when you know youâ??re not a dirty person. The discrage from the medication isnâ??t too bad but I am curious to how long it takes to disappear. Iâ??m scared to have sexual intercourse with my love and all this nasty cream is coming out.

Easy to administer, but I'm 6 days in and the itching from this medication is driving me crazy. The colored discharge from the BV is still present but the odor seems to have dissipated a bit.

I used this medicine for the first time although it's expensive it worked almost immediately. I can now sit with my legs open and my husband can lay in my lap w/o me smelling my cookie. I have the same question as everyone else. I just wanna know how long does it take for the medicine to come out of the vagina. I am 6 days in and the discharge is thick white almost gummy..it feels and hold together like clay different from a yeast infection but looks like 1. I know it's just the medicine but when will it all be gone..no smell though and I haven't had sexual activity for 7 days and I don't know how long i'mma be able to tell my boyfriend no...kind of depressing. Other than that I recommend this 1 time treatment over pills or the 7 day creams.

I just received today so my stars given are their because it's required. I have had BV just about every month for the last 14 Years. I had to research and research because the odor is embarrasing specially when you are a very clean person. I have found boric acid vaginal suppositories to be the best cure. It helps with PH and kills the odor. I also take acidophilus 1 a day as well which helps with the PH...I have had every oral antibotic to treat BV and as soon as you stop a week later you have 1st a yeast infection and then the BV comes back. I learned that using tampons and latex condoms can cause BV. I will review this Clindesse after I take it, but I have a 5 day prescription. I wonder y it's not 1 like most of you guys. Also it was very expensive and my insurance did not cover it. The RX was $104 I called my DR office back and they gave me a coupon that said pay no more that $25 but I still had to pay $48. I recommend researching Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories and Acidophilus

I took this medication and I haven't had any relief. I took on Tuesday and was back in the dr office the following Monday on fire. Now I have very heavy smelly discharge and bleeding. This is a mess.

I have suffered from BV for almost 4 yrs. I have spent a lot of money on doctors visit and different prescriptions over those years. Finally, a month ago I was given a sample of Clindesse by my Ob-gyn, and I haven't had any BV symptoms since! It's amazing! I'm finally BV free!

Worked overnight. The disgusting smell is gone! I get BV constantly and the Dr. usually prescribes me Flagyl, which makes me violently ill. I did have some mild pelvic pain and white, clumpy discharge, but it's way better than explosive and painful diarrhea.

DO NOT have sexual intercourse while using Clindesse. You will feel as though you are being scraped with tree bark. That being said, I had a reoccurring BV infection and I tried other prescribed medications, to no avail. I was on this stuff for a week and it knocked it right out! Within a 24 hours of my first dose I felt relief from the symptoms. Definitely use it at night, just before bed to prevent leakage though!

I was prescribed three days of 100 mg Cleocin Suppostories for Bacterial Vaginosis after having a terrible reaction to metrogel. The Cleocin did NOTHING to help the burning and pain and, in fact, made it MUCH, MUCH WORSE. It also caused nausea and stomach pains. My doctor is now prescribing Boric Acid suppositories. Hopefully they will help my condition because Cleocin was an epic failure.

Worked well

I am inserting it into the vagina not taking the pill....How long should it take before the ODOR is gone????

I took this stuff and had and still have Severe Abdomonial pain. I thought the pain was from my period, but after my period went away the pain is still there and I didn't start having the abdominal pains until after I took the medication. I would not take this again because the pain is not worth it. I would have to use another alternative. The cramps fill like I am in the beginning stages of labor all over again.

I used this twice in the last two years, the first time it worked great, cleared up quickly and actually brought almost immediate relief. Most recently, it took longer to cure the BV, about 4 days, and I had worse irritation for a few days after using. I also developed a yeast infection, which did not happen the first time I used the product. I think the effectiveness of the medicine depends on how serious your infection is and what else is going on with your body, hormones etc. It will work, give it time. If you do not feel better in a few days call your doctor and they will recommend something else.

this medication is quite messy, I find it better to use at night before going to bed and to use a pad for any excess leaks.