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Generic Name: Clotrimazole topical for Vaginal Yeast Infection (clotrimazole-topical)

Clotrimazole topical for Vaginal Yeast Infection Reviews

"I’ve been having yeast infections ever since high school, and ever since I got pregnant, it’s gotten worse, off and on. It’s super frustrating!!! And not to mention, my husband hates it. LOL I've tried Monistat and it never went away. This Clotrimazole cream definitely works. I recommend it to EVERYONE. After the first night, I had relief, and all my gross discharge came out all in one. And I don’t have to wear a pad throughout the day anymore. My life has changed forever! Super good 10/10 recommend."

"I’m in my late 20’s. I had the worst case of yeast infection I’d ever experienced. It was so bad down there! Stinging, swelling, burning. I was given fluconazole single capsule for the first part (twice) which didn’t help at all. Then prescribed some cream which provided relief for like 10 minutes before the itching and burning started again. It got to a point I was terrified to use the bathroom and would end up in tears whilst peeing! I was then put on Macrobid antibiotics (twice a day for 3 days). These didn’t make a difference at first. I didn’t have any side effects but they didn’t seem to work. 3 days later I used a pessary with the Clotrimazole cream before bed. I used the cream 3 times the following day too. No discharge but a day later I felt a difference. The stinging had gone down. I could walk & sit without as much discomfort and the horrible feeling when peeing had eased too. I definitely think the cream did the job."

Gyne-Lotrimin (clotrimazole) "I also preferred gyne-lotrimin when treating a yeast infection. It provides relief without the awful burn of Monistat cream. I asked my gynecologist why when I tried the one day treatment I felt like it was burning me. She told me it is because if you use the 1 day cream versus the 3 or 7 day treatment cream, it kills off the yeast faster and when the yeast is killed it releases a toxin that burns like that. So that’s why the shorter the treatment the more you can expect to get that awful burning sensation. Sadly, for some reason, GyneLotrimin and it’s generic seems to have disappeared from stores where I live. Once in the past the pharmacist ordered it for me, or I found you can buy the generic version of it on Amazon."

"the clotrimazole vaginal has been my holy grail for yeast infections! Currently pregnant so I couldn’t take the usual diflucan pill. Tried Monistat 7 with horrible itchy and burning. Tried Walgreens clotrimazole 7 and felt relief in the first day! Definitely recommend!"

"I have been dealing with severe yeast infections for months, on and off. I never wanted to use another cream after having a terrible reaction to monistat that burned like crazy. However, I went to Walgreens and bought a 7 day trial of clotrimazole and after ONE use I feel amazing! Clotrimazole is the answer to my yeast infections. I will never buy another product. I was so skeptical to ever insert another cream onto me but this worked instantly."

"Please use the clotrimazole instead of monistat! Save yourself the money, pain and time! found it at Walgreens and it started working immediately! Love it already! will continue to use this product for my yeast infections!"

"I had reoccurring yeast infections due to pregnancy. I tried Monistat and it burned me so bad, went to the dr and they prescribed me terconazole twice which didn’t help either. So finally I bought this and my symptoms were relieved in one night. I couldn’t be happier!"

"It's a very strange medication. Sometimes it's very effective, sometimes the side effects make it feel worse, and sometimes you can't even tell if it's working. It only "cures" what's being caused by a more complex imbalance from antibiotic use. It also depends on how your body works and reacts to different things. I prefer it over that dreadful Monistat because it doesn't burn as much... My best advice to any lady is listen to your body first. This is still a Drug. If you have frequent infections there it could be telling you something you might not understand yet."

Gyne-Lotrimin (clotrimazole) "I always preferred to use this Gyne-Lotrimin instead of monistat 7. Monistat 7 causes horrible itching but I never got the same those problems from Gyne Lotrimin. It's unfortunate that it's seems harder to find where I live."

"I'm very sensitive, so my dr prescribed compounded clotrimazole: clotrimazole in petrolatum; no other ingredients. 5-alarm vaginal fire! My labia are swollen and purple. In so much pain, I'm having trouble sleeping. So disappointed."

Clotrimazole-3 (clotrimazole) "I have Emetophobia (fear of vomiting) so I was too afraid to take the Fluconazole my GP prescribed me.. after trying all sorts of stuff, including the misery that is Miconazole, this finally cleared it up, overnight! However, I did have horrible Diarrhea the next morning AND cramps/flank pain... definitely worth it, though."

"For 20 years I kept getting yeast infections, got miconazole, lived thru 7 nights of hell since the miconazole movement in the vagina woke me up constantly, wait a month, and repeat. The miconazole would clump up during the night and drop in a lump In the morning. I got clotrimazole by mistake in a small pharmacy. I was pretty pissed that it cost me twice the miconazole and had only 1 applicator for the 7 nights. After 1st use I noticed my sleep wasn’t effected and no clumping whatsoever AND the itching was gone with 1 use!! By the 3rd night the infection was totally gone. Cltrimazole stays put and creamy and works 24/7. It is the best cream ever. I am never going back and I google every medication now!"

"I was one if those who tried Monistat 7 and had to have an icepack on my hooch for 3 hours. Horrible burning but on top of that I had an allergic reaction and swelled up like a balloon. Tried baking soda baths and did not work. I was desperate and going to try this cream n if that failed I was ready to try vineger baths. Good news, I put a small test portion on my hooch of Clotrimazole 7 and felt instant relief on that spot. Tried the rest and omg it's much more tolerable. The relief is pretty quick. I'm going to shove it down there tonight and see if it works. So Far So Good. I am able to move around without wanting to cry."

"This medication worked well for me, but the tube and applicator were a nightmare. I could barely get the tube screwed on, took several tries, each time. And then the cream refused to come into the applicator. There seemed to be some air in the tube, and I could NOT get it out. Bad mechanics!"

"This cream helped not only relieve the symptoms of a yeast infection but also kill the fungal infection that causes it. I was prescribed this cream coupled with fluconazole and within days my yeast infection was gone. If I ever happen to have another flare up I will be using this cream ASAP."

"I’ve had a horrible yeast infection back to back with this pregnancy. It caused me to have sleepless nights. My doctor prescribed clotrimazole 7 mg and it works wonders. I’m only on day 2 and I went from crying in pain to not having to sit in the tub every other hour. Highly recommend."

"I have not had anything better for a yeast infection outside the vagina. Clotrimazole is the best cream ever. The infection was gone by the 2nd day."

Clotrimazole-7 (clotrimazole) "Awesome, three-day step, and start helping as soon as you start using the medicine."

"Best vaginal yeast cream. Very soothing. It really works for me."

"This is the only product that ever worked effectively for me. Very, fast acting, over the counter product."

Clotrimazole-3 (clotrimazole) "Amazing, works best with first onset of uncomfortable pain. You honestly feel much better after the 3rd day. I've been using this for years and it truly works wonders!"

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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: topical antifungals
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Clotrimazole topical drug information
  • Clotrimazole vaginal
  • Clotrimazole Cream, Ointment, and Solution
  • Clotrimazole Vaginal Cream

Other brands

Lotrimin AF Athlete's Foot Cream, Mycelex, Lotrimin AF Jock Itch Cream, Clotrimazole-3, ... +4 more

Professional resources

  • Clotrimazole monograph
  • Clotrimazole (FDA)
  • Clotrimazole Cream (FDA)

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