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Generic Name: Tradjenta for Diabetes, Type 2 (linagliptin)

Tradjenta for Diabetes, Type 2 Reviews

"I’ve been on Tradjenta for three weeks. I was on it before but stopped due to side effects. A new doctor insists it has no side effects and is easy to take. I disagree. My anxiety has gone through the roof with frequent anxiety attacks. I get so dizzy, I fall, often. I’m hungry all the time. I was losing about a pound and a half a week. Now I’m gaining again. My blood pressure has gone from 89-90 on top to 166 today. I thought the joint and back pain was from sleeping funny. This med needs to be stopped. I talk to her tomorrow. Praying she stops it. Oh, and my numbers are as high as ever in spite of eating better."

"I took Tradjenta for three days. Severe headache, stomach pain, joint and muscle pain, depression! Stay away from this drug, it is very toxic. I am still having issues from it five months after I stopped taking it. It causes nightmares also. It is a horrible drug that I can't imagine how it was ever approved for distribution."

"I started on metformin for type 2 diabetes, and the doctor then added Tradjenta. Since February 2017, I have recorded my blood levels first using metformin. I was averaging about 150 before breakfast and about 130 after breakfast, and cutting back on carbs. I started taking Tradjenta on July 20, 2020. My recording showed no significant decrease in my sugar levels. I stopped taking Tradjenta in October 2020. My average was about the same, plus or minus either way between 2 and 4 levels. I didn't experience any side effects other than sleepiness, but I think that was the metformin. I honestly don't think metformin or Tradjenta really help. When the pharmaceutical companies that make Tradjenta put that the use of the drug may help, that should raise questions. Especially when pharmaceutical companies are charging $400 for 30 pills and I pay $40.00 through insurance. This Tradjenta will probably make it to the lawsuit arena. Thanks for listening, God bless!"

"I started taking Tradjenta for 2 months. Recently, as this time passed, I have been waking up short of breath with lots of muscle pain, back pain, stomach pain, headaches, and nosebleeds. I have been freaking miserable. I literally took my last dose before I wrote this. I am glad I did research. I knew it was something different I was taking. Glad I read these reviews, done with this rubbish."

"I've been taking Tradjenta for over a month and feel fatigued throughout the day - absolutely no energy. My blood sugar levels are higher than ever. Just last night, my number was 317! In the mornings, it hovers around the 200 level. I'm in a panic, and I'm going to ask my doctor to give me another medication. I also feel lightheaded at times, but I also suffer with sinusitis - I don't know if it's the sinuses or the Tradjenta, but I'm sharing that to help others if they have the same symptoms."

"I have been on Tradjenta for 90 days. I have gained 13 pounds, my daily fasting numbers are up by 20 points, my joints and back ache regularly, I have diarrhea several times a day and I have no energy. Today, I called my doctor with all of these side effects, and he told me to stop the medication and keep track of my daily fasting blood sugar. I wish I could do it on my own, with no drugs!"

"This broke my appetite, especially for junk food. Lost weight at 5 mg/day. Made neck skinny! Increases the potency of glipizide. I only take 2.5 mg Tradjenta and 5 mg glipizide with a pill cutter. My blood sugar is 90-100 with much decreased spikes after meals, almost as if it repaired my body's regulation. I exercise daily. Better than Metformin, I can have 1 beer now. Gas is the worst current issue (from glipizide)."

"Started tradjenta almost 6 weeks ago. I thought it was fine but I started having bad anxiety, headaches, I'm tired all the time and worst of all is my sugar has gotten higher!! Dr is switching me to Januvia and I hope it helps. I can't take feeling like this. I would not recommend this drug for diabetes!"

"I was taking Januvia, but my insurance will no longer cover it, so I was then switched to Tradjenta. I take 5 mg Tradjenta with Metformin daily. My blood sugar is not as low or stable as it was with the Januvia, and I am having very bad muscle and joint pain, severe headaches, back pain, and weakness. I never had these symptoms previously, so it must be the Tradjenta. I never associated the problems with this medication until I read an article on it. I will be contacting my doctor regarding this medication."

"I have been on 5 mg Tradjenta a day for about a month. My levels have gone from 130 and up to less than 120, with lower numbers in the 80's (which I NEVER had before). No side effects yet. Not sure if my insurance covers Tradjenta as my doctor gave me free samples to get started. But now that I'll be getting a prescription, my doctor gave me a 'savings card' from Tradjenta that is supposed to lower the cost to as little as $10 a month. Haven't had to use it yet, though, so I don't know exactly what I'll be paying."

"Interesting results, which vary from day to day. I have had higher than usual blood sugar readings on some days. I have taken Tradjenta for only three weeks. I deleted almost all carbs from my diet and had better blood sugar results: 124 vs. 143 upon rising. I also eat an earlier dinner and avoid snacking after dinner. This resulted in a 124 reading in the morning. I will take it for a month and decide if I will continue."

"I take metformin/glipizide, and my doctor added Tradjenta 5 mg. I took it, and within an hour I was dizzy, had a bad headache for over 12 hours, back pain, and nausea. It did lower my blood sugar a little, but these side effects were overwhelming. Not going to continue with this medication."

"Have had stiff ankles, digestion problems, some vomiting, some dizziness, went to the doctor for sinus problems, didn't need medicine, but I think it is related to the Tradjenta, increased acne on face, cough, and increased sinus drainage."

"Using Tradjenta as a Byetta replacement. Byetta never lowered blood glucose but made me feel much better. Tradjenta, similar to Byetta, also gives me good energy and a non-sick feeling. No feeling of constantly having to urinate. Not sleepy after meals. Take Tradjenta with metformin and have also used insulin Apidra, but insulin doesn't seem to help me much. Only on day 5 but noticed the positive effects after day one."

"Been taking Tradjenta for 5 days and I feel really bad. Worst of all, my blood sugar is actually higher than ever. Plus, I've had several of the symptoms that others have mentioned, like a cough, dizziness, and stomach pain. But, the fatigue has been the worst. I'm off this drug as of today!!"

"On Tradjenta after being forced off my Januvia by my insurance company. Taken for 2 days now, and it seems not to be working. Testing at about 500 two hours after meals, has yet to come down below 250. Going back to doctors in 2 weeks if there is no change."

"I have type 2 diabetes and I have been taking Tradjenta for over a year. I also take Tresiba. I switched insurance and had to have a prior authorization for them. I have been off both Tradjenta and Tressiba for a week while waiting for my new insurance to approve. I realize that I no longer have joint pain or stiffness. No lower leg edema or dizziness. I don’t think this drug is the most appropriate for me. I had drug induced (Metformin) that caused acute/chronic renal failure so I have to be sure that the medication will not cause further kidney damage."

"Been on Tradjenta for 10 days. Daily blood checks show an increase of 40 points, up to 163, higher than I ever had before on Onglyza, which was hurting my kidneys. Disappointed, because I am hard-core compliant."

"I got metformin intolerance & was not believed by doctors, so I took pics of extremely heavy nose bleeding, and so then they said stop metformin, take Tradjenta 25 mg with gliclazide 40 mg twice a day. The Tradjenta took about two days to work, then I took it at 3 p.m. with blood sugars 8.2, and in one hour I got a drop to 4.3. Since then, I have noticed afternoon headaches, dizziness, back pain, but still taking them as they reduce my blood sugar with effort, stop me dozing after eating. I do get slight tenderness around my pancreas, but usually stop the Tradjenta for two days and restart. I find the gliclazide irritates my pancreas and stomach more. Overall, a very good product, shame we can only take it once a day."

"I have tried a few drugs now that are for type 2 Diabetes. My regular DR sent me to a specialist and she had me try Tradjenta, she said it would help me curb my hungry and such to which it did. The big down fall was that my Blood Sugar went sky rocketing I am also on Lantus pen slow release at night time. We upped my intake at night and it was even higher on fasting. I have experienced weight gain even though I am not eating as much or carbs. I have called every week with updates on the issues that I am having with no response from the DR. as of yet. I have stopped taking this drug and back to just diet and exercise and Lantus at night before bed and guess what, my BS is lower by almost 50 points and this is just one day !"

"My blood sugar has slowly been decreasing. Each time I check, it points are dropping. I'm pretty sure it's the medicine because I've not really changed anything else. My sugar is usually high, hardly ever low, so I'm more hyperglycemic."

"Started taking Trajenta Oct 22, 2018 my co-pay $105 for 30 days. Blood sugars went down great with diet and excercise but starting getting rashes and a lot of itching all over my body. Doc took me off after a month. Gave me Onglyza 5mg I only filled half of RX which my co-pay was $50. Didn't want to spend that $100 again with the itching and rashes. Well after day 2, itching and rashes came back. I won't take this med again too many side effects. Also taking Glimepiride 4mg twice a day and Metformin 1000 mg once a day. I'm going to see if blood sugar stays good if I don't take anything. Metformin gives me very toxic gas. I feel like a guinea pig with the doc prescribing me all these different meds. That are very expensive. Was on Baslglar, didn't really see a change in blood sugars. Can't take insulin with the type of job I do. I will get my blood sugars down with diet and exercise."

"Started taking this med and was having terrible headaches and nose bleeds. Stop for about 2 weeks and started back to make sure it was this med was causing my head pains and nose bleeds and it was..so I no longer take it and feel much better."

"I have type 2 diabetes and have had severe osteoarthritis for years prior to taking Tradjenta. The one good thing about it is my doctor says it makes you feel fuller, and I'm able to verify this. I'm able to resist sugar cravings easier. However, I MUST go off this because of severe joint pain and stiffness that is unusual even by my standards. I can't sleep or get out of bed it's so bad. It's so bad, I'd rather not take it and take the risk of developing kidney failure because it's not worth it"

"I've been on Trajenta for about 6 weeks and I can hardly walk. My hips are so sore and achy I thought I was going to need hip surgery but after reading the same side effects others are experiencing I no longer want this medication. I haven't seen my sugar lowered either. I was told it may cause me to lose weight and I did lose 3 pounds but the pain is not worth the effort."

More about Tradjenta (linagliptin)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Tradjenta drug information

Professional resources

  • Tradjenta prescribing information
  • Linagliptin (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Diabetes, Type 2