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Generic Name: clotrimazole

Brand Name: Mycelex mucous membrane

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

On my 3rd bottle, and it's not completely gone yet. Not sure what is next, I have crohns and breast cancer not sure if my other drugs are affecting my treatment.

I got Oral Thrush from receiving a C-pack for a Sinus Infection and was on Nystatin for 14 days. It didn't help so now I'm on Mycelex and on the first pill it eased my sore throat and is beginning to work. My problem is it states in the directions for use to let it slowly dissolve in your mouth for 15-30 minutes. It is gone in 5-7 minutes and I'm not doing anything to speed up the process. I called the Pharmacist and he states that there is nothing else I can do! I believe they stated the directions wrong and they mean to not drink or eat anything after it dissolves for 15-30 minutes. Any help with this I would be grateful.

Aftering Mycelex for 7 days, I have had good results, but the ALLERGIC REACTION has been my problem, headaches, severe dizziness, after taking would had some trouble breathing hard to swallow food down into the esophagus unless I washed it down with water. Very small bits of food that I would chew up into small pieces.

I've only been on Mycelex for 3 days.I wish I would see quicker results however;I will do the reccomended full course of treatment (14 days).

this treatment is awsome. I love drugs.

I had 4 surgeries in 5 weeks the last one due to a bone infection. I was put on IV antiotics for 6 weeks and usually have a problem with oral antibiotcs causing yeast infections and thrush. I have been pleased with Mycelex because I've had no signs of a flare up. My stomach has'nt bothered me and they don't tast bad.

It seemed to help after the first few days of use, but then I forgot a few doses, and it came back and now I cannot get rid of it. I'm on my second bottle. Side effects include painful stomach cramping and diarrhea. I have Crohn's, so I do have an especially sensitive stomach, though.

My stomach has bothered me since I started this treatment

I am taking Doxil, a chemotherapy drug for the treatment of Ovarian Cancer. It has caused mouth sores and my doctor prescribed Mycelex. There is NO TASTE to this simple to use lozenge. Just pop it in, let it sit on your tongue, and it dissolves. EASY...