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Generic Name: collagenase clostridium histo.

Brand Name: Santyl topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Santyl gives me nightmares. I'm literally up all night in excruciating pain. The Dr.said she didn't,think,it was the Santyl but I know it is. When I gave my wound a break from Santyl I had very little discomfort, slept at night etc. Tried Santyl again and,here I am up at 4 am, in tears because of the burning and pain. My leg looks like,its veen burned and,its peeling. This is not good for me. Its been 6 weeks,of agony and very little healing.

Thank you for this solution. Even more importantly, another user described my (also cause unknown and thus undiagnosed) issue to a 'T'. So I got another idea to run by my physician at my next visit.

I was diagnosed with pyoderma gangrenosum, cause unknown and (("they" think) a disorder of the immune system. The wound is on my ankle with necrotic tissue, thick slough and very deep. The wound was about 4" x 6". Initially the NP suggested wet to dry treatment on gauze but this isn't a recommended treatment for pyoderma gangrenosum. I changed NP's and the recommendation was to cover the entire wound with Santyl and use an alginate dressing. This combination of treatments (in addition to other treatment) has been tremendously effective in getting rid of the slough so that healthy tissue can grow. The recommendation of the NP is to continue to use the Santyl until the wound is completely healed. Hopefully the wound will be healed in another month. PG is a very painful condition and I experienced a great deal of shooting and burning nerve pain that wasn't caused by the Santyl. If you're having pain ask your Dr. for pain meds. It is very difficult for the body to heal while in pain and many Dr.'s seem to know too little about wound care and pain. Santyl is a highly effective treatment for wound care. For this I am grateful.

My husband has an diabetic ulcer on the bottom of his toe. This has been since January. Started to heal nicely but then stopped and became infected. His podiatrist reopened the ulcer and started to apply Santyl. He did not experience any burning, pain or redness. It is now all most healed completely and its only been one week. I never leave reviews but felt to do so. I'm very pleased with the results so far.

Way to expensive for a small amount of benefit. Doctors that prescribe this must be getting a "cut back." There as got to be cheaper, better products. It is a shame Doctors are not concerned with quality of care a cost. If you Doctor prescribes this - change Doctors. They obviously don't know or don't care about their patients

Entering a 2nd week without sleep since attempting to use Santyl with Bandages to treat a fairly severe case of leg skin ulcers. As the previous gentlemen indicated, the degree of pain I have experienced using this Ointment most closely compares to that of 2nd & 3rd Degree Burns received in a Fire Explosion.

My Doctor prescribe this ointment, because my wound was not healing. Been using it for almost three weeks now and the wound is healing nicely. I did not experience any burning, just redness and that gradually went away.

This works but the pain and burning in the wound is unreal. Can't sleep at all from pain, oxycodone 30mg doesn't touch the pain. I have a pressure wound on my ankle. The pain on the nerves is just unbearable. The pain is so intense that it radiates out all over my ankle and up my leg. I got 8mg dilaudid and still the pain is there. If you love pain this is for you. When I put another dressing on the wound the pain drops 90%.

Santyl works to remove dead tissue very well but it burns and hurts like hell right inside the wound. I could not sleep the pain was so bad so at night I replace the Santyl with Solosite Gel so I can sleep. No doubt about it, it's the Santyl causing the pain because with Solosite the pain drops by 90%. The MedHoney will also burn like hell right inside the wound.

I was prescribed this drug to help heal an incision from hip surgery that had not healed by the time the scab fell off. I have used it for 5 weeks and the wound has not changed at all. Dr. concerned that it has not healed using the Santyl.

I was prescribed Santyl on a Friday with a ulcer on my pinky toe having a small ulcer from wearing a pair of shoes that were to small according to my doctor. By Monday, I spent three days babying the wound applying the medication and was put on an antibiotic, by Monday the ulcer turned into twice the size as Friday. Color went from red/ yellowish using bactracin to blackish taking Santyl. On Tuesday I had to have my toe removed. Being 36 years old this has been very emotional for me. I read all of these posts because I was not sure if anyone had any other experience but I seem to be the only one. I am not sure that I will ever use this product again.

Have a pressure ulcer on 3rd toe from bunion and hammertoe. Using Santyl for 7 days,once daily . By second day, terribly painful,burning and redness. Podiatrist never warned me nor gave me any instructions on use . Asked pharmacist and was told to ask Dr. Duh!!! Each one passing the buck. Decided to soak It in warm water then use bacitracin . Did this for 2 days.ulcer is much better. No one discussed cleaning or debriding this. Pretty poor medical care so far. Looks better but each time I use Santyl ,I can't walk. How long will this last? Am trying to use this as it cost over $200. It better work but causes awful pain.

My home health nurse started using this on a decubitus ulcer on the back of my thigh after noticing the silver alginate used by the hospital was making things worse. Santyl has worked wonders with healing. I don't have any pain from it just great results. Highly recommend.

I had a serious skin ulcer on my foot and Santyl helped my foot heal. It was amazing!

I had lipo scarcoma in the groin area. The hole above my groin area was deep and the RN used the Santyl. I went to the wound care clinic 2 times a week and used Santyl the other 5 days. It is a magic cream.

I have bergers from smoking. I developed an ulcer on 4th diget pad of my toe. Used this medication for over 6 weeks and it started to heal when a scab developed but I kept using it. Pain was horrible. Should have stopped using it when scab developed but didn't. It ate bottom of my toe. Stopped using it after next scab. Like what it did but needed to be told to stop using this medicine when scab developes.

The ankle ulcer was improving but I started new treatment due to transportation difficulties. The new topical had silver in it and my diahrrea reaction became extreme. I have celiac also. How long does it take to get a topical ointment out of my system so I can finish my treatment with calcium alginate and silver antimicrobial?

I had hardware removed from below my ankle on 12/19/2012. On 1/8/2013 I sent to the dr because I thought I had an infection or something as I had severe pain. The incision site was coming open. They prescribed Santyl. VERY expensive, and on my 2nd tube, it's now 3/9 and very little improvement. Two weeks ago I got contact dermatitis (VERY itchy/miserable) from the Santyl, and 4 days later my dr offered nothing for relief. It became clear to me that his primary focus was healing the wound and mine has become healing the dermatitis. 10 days later I thought the contact dermatitis was healed enough to start using the Santyl again with absorbent gauze and expensive soft cloth surgical tape as directed by the wound care specialist and my dr. After less than 8 hours, the contact dermatitis came back. I still have a 1" x 1/4" hole in my foot that is not healing, accompanied again by a very itchy, miserable rash. I refuse to use it anymore. I have another appt in 3 days; I hope they have a Plan B, because I'm OVER Plan A (Santyl).