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Generic Name: crotamiton

Brand Name: Eurax topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

We use it for bites, stings and irritation from insects and vegetation. It has almost always worked quickly and effectively.

I was eaten up by mosquitos in Cabo San Lucas. The pharmacy recommended Eurax cream. The 1st day it seemed to help a lot with the itching and then seemed to lose it's effectiveness. Still glad I was able to get some relief with it.

I found crotamiton cream in London, where it is sold over the counter at Boots the Chemist for about $5 under their own name-brand "Dema-care". It was very effective stopping chronic itching from dry skin (I am over 65 and suffer day and night from terrible itching). I asked my dermatologist to prescribe Eurax crotamiton lotion and was amazed to find that, even with prescription insurance, it cost $85. Unfortunately, Eurax, stops the itching but appears to be a migraine trigger and each time I have used it I have had terrible migraine headaches within hours of its application. Recently I was in the UK and stocked up on the Boots' brand which works very well but does not have the same migraine effect. I recommend crotamiton for chronic itching but be very careful of Eurax if you are a migraine sufferer!

Best chigger itch medication ever. Have been using and recommending for 30+ years. Have a long list of grateful friends.

The Dr prescribed a pint and have applied 8 times over a week, in the AM after a shower, again that night before bed for 2 days, missed a day and again for the last two days. This is after trying Permetherin a couple weeks before. So far, still itching. Will re-review in a couple weeks.

I stayed at a B&B in Ireland and was bitten by red bed bugs. I have localized allergic reactions to most bug and bee stings. The itching and swelling was excruciating. The owner took me to MD who prescribed Eurax which cost about $7. Itching gone in 2 days.

I didn't see that it helped my son with the scabies or itching, but I found that this medication worked really well for wring worm and other skin irritations...and yes, even with blue cross blue shield insurance this medication was $56.00...very expensive and lasts very little time.

this medication is so expensive, 90.00 and it goes by fast. is there a generic available.

After using prescription of 2 refills I am still itching.

cleared up condition very well.