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Generic Name: clotrimazole-betamethasone

Brand Name: Lotrisone topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

A great help for genital itch. Immediately relieves irritations and itching. Easy to use and very effective. Gone within two weeks.

works like nothing else!!!

awesome, stop itching and inflamation right away.

caused skin thinning, now going though topical steroid withdrawal, I hate this product. betamethasone is horrible stuff

I was prescribed lotrisone for a fungal infection in the groin area and penis. I used it for 2 weeks, went back to the doctor and with redness. The doctor recommended that I continue the lotrisone and prescribed again. I used it for 6 weeks. I realized it had caused skin atrophy and immediately stopped. The fungal infection is gone but I now have damage from the steroid. It has been over two months sine stopping and I still have a constant burning sensation on the penis, skin atrophy on the foreskin, redness that does not go away. I can not describe to you how much I HATE this medication and the idiot doctor who prescribed it and advised me to continue using it. These steroids are to be used judiciously and should not be used more than ONE WEEK on the groin. If you have been prescribed this medication BE CAREFUL, if you are a physician and prescribe lotrisone for guys to put on their penis you should know that you may very well be causing a lot of damage to that person. I have discovered however that a great majority of MDs are quite ignorant of the nasty side effects of topical steroids and prescribe it routinely without any regard for the patient.

It stopped the itching and did away with the bad patches of skin that were creeping up the sides of my feet.

Gets rid of eczema fast

Got rid of my eczima redness fast in 2 days!

It seems to make the infection worse, with reddening of the skin and pustules that weep.

Very slow to achieve results

used for urethrocele

This is the ONLY medication that has been successful with my Candida yeast problems.


It doesn't seem clear up the infection any quicker than OTC medicines, but it provides extreme relief from severe itching and inflammation.