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Generic Name: Dimethyl Fumarate Delayed Release Capsules

Brand Name: Tecfidera

Tecfidera Drug and Medication User Reviews

Multiple Sclerosis: “I was diagnosed with MS in June 2017; and was prescribed Tecfidera 2019. I was fine on the initial 120mg dose, but once I had to take the 240mg dose, I started having severe GI issues...vomiting, diarrhea, cramping...lost a lot of weight/body fat rapidly within a few days and could barely stand up by end of the day. so with medical adviceI stopped taking the Tecfidera for two months until my body got back to normal; then MS nurses gave me 120 mg capsules for week longer before increasing to the 240mg dose; and this time i started to take it with a meal with saturated fat content: using the 'Overcoming Multliple Sclerosis' Diet so I compromised (cashew nuts/soaked chia seeds/very small egg). Resulted in a better response: I've not had any signifaicant new lesions upto last scan but only been on medication for just over a year now. I do get tingles, itchiness etc- if i forget to include fats etc. However now, after a year, my 3 monthly blood tests has been monthly for last three months as one count? is lower...

Not good drug for me because it didn't make M.S M.S symptoms be less and didn't make numbness be less and I have fire feelings in my hands and feet all the time,Avonix was better for me I will stop it soon and change to another drug

This company harasses you all hours of the day and night as well as are rude enough, I returned the drug to stop the harassment....

Unfortunately I don't feel this drug is a good fit for me. I was on coppaxone for years

I can't give this a proper review I guess, as I only took 1 tablet of the lower dose. I had such an awful flushing, skin crawling rash I did some research on the internet. I decided to stop taking it as I found out it was designed to be sprayed on leather furniture to stop it going moldy in storage. It was then banned as it caused people to get rashes when sitting on sofas. After that I didn't fancy eating it TBH!!!

And then it seemed like I was looking at PML crazy horrible sx Taken off + for exposure to CJD will start on Copazone Any suggestions.? Took for 3 years with no complaints till this happened.

so far this med has kept my Progressive M S at status quo. after 19 years and many different forms of treatment...I cannot ask for any more than that. My new challenge is JCV antibodies too high now :(

I was diagnosed in 2010. I started taking this drug end of 2015. I have experienced new inflammations and relapses. It is easy to use, but has not been very effective.

I had increased agitation while taking this medication, spoke with my providers office they advised me to contact another provider for the aggitation and contact Biogen. Biogen advised me to contact my provider and I advised them that I had contacted the provider prior to contacting them and was told there was nothing they could do other than make a report to the FDA. My provider also never ordered any testing after starting Tecfidera as recommended in the "prescribing info" and seemed unconcerned by my previous elevated liver enzymes and my LIVER US and Fibro Score.

Couldn't handle side effects of Avonex anymore after being on it for 5 yrs. Have been on Tecfidera for almost 2 mo. I was worried about side effects, but have just had occasional flushing. Make sure you eat enough before taking it. I think it really helps. Taking Aspirin helps also. I'm hoping my labs continue to look good so I can stay on the med. My Dr reccomends an MRI 6 mo after I've been on it.

I am coming off rebif and going on Tecfidera.Im very scared of this new medicine. I had a nurse tell me its like a chemo pill. I already had bad reactions on the rebif. Any Thoughts?

I've been on this less than a week and it is driving me crazy feels like pins sticking me. Eyes are burning legs are itchy lasts for an hr and a half i don't think this is going to last the needle pain from the Rebif was over in 15 seconds. I think im done

Initially, I tolorated Tecfiera well, but had to stop it after about 60 days due to GI side effects. I talked my neurologist in to giving me a month long 120 mg bid regimen. After a month, I tolorated the 240 mg bid dosing schedule well. Feel great, great mental function, improved mood, stamina. Intermittent flushing comes at intervals with no rhyme or reason. Baby ASA helps with this. Dyspepsia continues to be a problem.

I was diagnosed with Relapsing MS in 2015 and this was my first drug. I had a horrible initial reaction to it. Seriously thought of going to the ER because of it! All of my MS symptoms magnified by 120% - it was awful! I'm on Gilynia now and doing much better.

I have just completed the 8 week honeymoon that it takes to get used to the drug...it was a rough honeymoon. Recently diagnosed, this is my first medicine. In the last few weeks, I have started feeling better than I have in months. Symptoms are reduced. Some reason for hope here.

It made me feel awful. I wasn't even having a flare up but made me act like I was having one. I got really pale

Though this drug stopped the relapse, it caused severe drying of mouth, eyes, and mucous regions. Drying of eyes required drops all day, mouth caused my dentist to prescribe mouth wash and special toothpaste, bleeding from vagina area required moist wipes only. Had to discontinue use.

This was my first oral MS medication taken to replace Injections medication. It seemed ok at first. After 6 months I began noticing differences in body functions. Severe diarrhea happened once or twice, Very severe. I stopped Tecfidera for a couple of days when it happened. At day two I felt great. Tested how my body was reacting to Tecfidera vs reactions to certain foods. The day I returned taking Tecfidera, the Diarrhea began again. My Neurologist immediately took me off it as I was experiencing dehydration.