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Generic Name: methyldopa

Brand Name: Aldomet oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

My doctor was hesitant to try methyldopa since it requires me to take it every 6 hours. Before starting at 250mg, my blood pressure stubbornly refused to go below 150/90 regardless of what medication was tried. I went back 1 month after starting and my BP was 130/80. Dosage was increase to 500mg and a month later, my BP was a very respectable 115/62. I also take 100mg atenolol, 320mg diovan, and 80mg furosemide daily for blood pressure plus other medications for diabetes type 2, hyperthyroidism, and glaucoma.

This does lower my blood pressure but I Have been struggling with my bladder.I Feel like I need to go every ten minutes.The same thing happened when I tried Micardis without the water tablets.The doctor said that It cannot be the tablets.He didn't believe me.

This medication worked good for my high blood pressure. I am 32.5 wks pregnant started taking it about a month ago 500 mg 2xs daily...I would not recommend taking if you have a history of anxiety of depression. I am weaning myself off this medicine because I hadn't had anxiety the entire pregnancy up until about a wk after taking this medicine and now my anxiety is the worst

I have been taking this medication for less than six months but so far it has worked to keep my b/p down for the most part, much better than any of the previous drugs I took including Clonodine, which I think was down right dangerous, but I read some people have headaches with this medications and stress taking it at the same exact time each day and in the same dosage each time and be concise to the minute and after a week or so the headaces will cease the meds just need to get leveled off in your system and you need to keep the same amount of meds in your system for it to be most effective I've experienced. but at the beginning the headaches can be a bear but suffer through for a few days and it should stop if your precise and consistant.

I just started this medicine last week. I have never been "on" anything besides daily multi-vitamins, Claritin, or birth control in my younger days. I'm 35 (today) and just had my 2nd child on 8-29. My doctor prescribed this because I am breastfeeding and it is supposed to be the safest for the baby. My blood pressure was always pretty regular (135/70 to 145/80) but after I delivered, it was creeping up to 150/90's. My doctor put me on 1000mg a day (500 morning & night). Besides being up every 2 hours to feed my daughter (which could account for me being extremely tired), I am getting some bad headaches, which I think is the meds. Any idea when these may go away? Being exhausted is enough.

I was 35 when I became pregnant with my second child. I developed HBP early on the pregnancy, so my doctor put me on Aldomet because he said it was the safest bpm out there. I had a great pregnancy and labor, and that was the only med I was taking. Now I am 49 and my son is 15 and Moderately Autistic despite having a full term plus pregnancy. I dont know what causes AU, but for those of you that are pregnant and this is subscribe, be forewarned. My first son, I developed toxemia during the last trimester, and I was put on partial bed rest but no meds, and he is fine. Just something to think about. Many Moms take this med and have no issues later, and as my doc. told me he did not want me to be on any prescribed meds, but due to my HBP. and if I wanted to continue the pregnacy, this was the best choice. I took the smallest amount , I think it was either 5-10 mg 1x a day....you just never know, be aware and ask lots of questions.... to your doc, they sure are getting paid for it, If I had to do it over again, I would have told him to take me out of work and put me on bedrest, Ilove my son dearly and this may not be the reason he is AU, but I cant dismiss it....this Autism is a bitch is the easiet sense of the word, and world....

I have been taking aldomet for about two weeks (trying to conceive). I have to admit that it controls my HBP 110/73. I am 34 years old. Aldomet gives me horrible headaches and I am extremely tired. I am working with my doctor to find a med that I can function on while trying to get pregnant. Currently the side effect are unbearable.

My doctors prescribed it throughout my pregnancy, and 3 mths after delivery I am still on it. I don,t like taking it while nursing but the Dr. says I don,t have a choice. My bp just refuses to normalize.

I had been on Clonidine, Transdermal System 0.3 mg/day without getting my blood pressure under control for 3 plus years. My doctor put me on Methlydopa, 500MG tabs,twice a day, 7 days ago. For the first time in many years, my BP is 132/82 and lower. Works wonders for me.

This medication caused me to get Drug Induced Lupus. I had been on aldomet for about 5 years, starting late in 2004. I had HBP and changed due to trying to conceive. I had one child in Dec 2005 and another Aug 2007. Not knowing my status with more children my dr kept on my it. In Dec 2008, I had a severe joint pain, unable to walk up stairs and blisters on my hands. I had two more 'flare ups' in Apr 2009 and July 2009 before being sent to a Rheumotologist and getting diagnosed with Drug-Induced Lupus. Within 3 weeks of changing to Benicar, I stopped feeling like I was 90 years old. Which was good ( I was in my late 30's). Now I feel like I am in my 60's and the same Rheumotologist diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia. I am wondering if Aldomet set that off as well. Benicar controls my blood pressure much better. I wish there were better options for women tryign to conceive. I have been sentenced to a live of extreme exhaustion, aches and pains and never realized the risk.

I am a 37yr.old black woman and I am currently taking aldomet for my high blood pressure. I have been taking aldomet for 5 yrs. now. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure in 2005 when I was pregnant with my now 5 yr. old and with my 2 yr.old. It is very safe and there was only one side effect............it made me rest, which I was in much need of.

I am taking this due to my Pregnancy induced Hypertension at 29 weeks. I was originally on Labetalol starting at 16 weeks but the side effects were increasing daily and I had to stop taking the Labetalol. I am hoping that the Aldomet 250mg twice a day will control my BP for the next 11 weeks I have before my due date without any unwanted side effects.

this isn't exactly a review. i just got methyldopa (aldomet) yesterday I am 29 and trying to conceive. I am extremely worried about all of this. if anyone has any words if wisdom it would be very much appreciated. thanks.

I changed to this drug over a year ago because I am trying to conceive. We eventually had to add Procardia as a supplement to get my bp under control. I am very tired and have a lot of leg swelling by the end of the day.

I've been taking Aldomet for about 5 months, at first 250mg once a day it brought my blood pressure down but not consistently, so my doctor increased it to 500mg twice a day, now I'm tired all the time and dizzy. It is brining my blood pressure down consistently, I too am trying to conceive. Before I was on Benicar which is a wonder drug. It brought it down and kept it down but had to change do to the fact I'm trying to conceive.

I took aldomet while pregnant and had no side effects or problems. It worked very well.

I am a supposedly a healthly fit 39 yr old female with Stage II HTension. Have been taking this drug for 7wks now, lowered bp to only about 148/98 average..I am tired all the time which I don't like and I seem to be a bit more "forgetful"...maybe because I'm tired? ugh and I would like to conceive before I'm 42 -

I was diagnosed with chronic hypertension 4months ago. Since my doctor prescribed Aldomet(methyldopa)my blood pressure has been under control and I hadn't had any problems controlling my blood pressure since. This medication has helped me tremendously.

This medication is extremely dangerous my mother was on it for many years. It created liver and digestive complications an eventually she died of pancreatic cancer; which is all related to Aldomet 0ral. Every one just stay away from this poisong.