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Generic Name: dextroamphetamine-amphetamine

Brand Name: Adderall XR oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

It helps. I take it twice daily.

I hate it so much no matter how it dlayed release control it's crappy and not enough it should be re designed for extended release control

Ok...20mg works

I feel angry as hell it doesn't work it's a peace of crap don't get this stuff it is crap and it doesn't work anymore and it won't last long I hate it

I've been taking 15mg twice (Sometimes once a day as needed) prescription. It helps me with a lot of things, my attentiveness and focus of course, but also my anxiety and ability to socialize; I used to be a complete "wallflower" as they say, and a recluse. With the help of this medication I've overcome many of my mental illnesses. Now for the negative: I get center chest pains, I'm not entirely sure if it's caused by Adderall XR. However, the chest pain which comes and goes is typically a mild ache type irritant. On the other hand, I had a "freak" heart attack at the age of 24 due to two of my heart ventricles clotting 100% and 90%. I nearly died, they did a cardiac cath procedure through the the groin to poke out the clots. I made a full recovery. The doctor didn't even put in stents. This event was PRIOR to be being prescribed Adderall XR. They could not figure out the cause of the clots, as my blood had showed no proof of clotting disorder. I am no doctor but my guess would be it was caused by using hard street drugs for multiple years from about the ages of 15-20. But nobody including me will ever know for sure. I do get increased blood pressure, and heart rate, however, it almost always goes away as long as I become physically active. However, if I am sitting around lounging, or say... just driving around... I tend to notice not only the rise in blood pressure, the shakes, as well as the mild center chest pain. I would say I am worried about this causing me serious heart/cardiovascular complications, if it hasn't already. I do not know how serious center chest pain is, I've always heard it's the left arm you should worry about, which, aside from some nerve damage from the heart procedure (which I take Gabapentin for) which also preceded the Adderall prescription. Should I be worried? I feel like I can't truly live without being on Adderall, I don't ever over take my prescribed dose (no abusing.) However, I feel like it could be a risk to my heart healh. It's a bit of a catch-22. But I think I'd rather risk dying, than living as I used to. Which was essentially a life of nothingness, and uselessness. At least now I can work, socialize, pay attention/focus. I'm afraid to tell my doctor, because I don't want to Adderall to be taken away. I am hoping someone here with some medical expertise can shine some light on my situation.

Had it once and worked

adderall makes me less foggy, and allows me to focus on and maintain conversations better. not sure what i would have done without it! the side effects can be an issue though, expect your libido to go down

Cool meds, will recommend.

I always had issues, but not diagnosed until 40 years old. I am much calmer and focused. In the first 8 hours of taking, I sometimes forget to eat. My addiction to porn is gone and no desire to drink alcohol. Exactly the opposite from Concerta. Only issue is the anxiety from my sexless marriage is 100 percent in focus. At least now my focus is shifted to trying to fix and not wanting to kill my self. On the right track. If medications like concerta or ridalin are not working, this might be a great alternative. Good luck with your journey.

On it for 24 months now. Good for high level anxiety.

Was just perscribe and took my first 10mg dose this morning. My afternoon I was in the ER with elevated heart rate and blood pressure of 189/103. Won't be taking that again.

I can now find rest after using addy 20mg IR for close to six months. I will be thankful for my physician though now on retirement. I m so greatful as my anxiety has step down.

Took this medication as prescribed. It worked for me.

Reviews takes time to show up, the system..........of the web anyways, the meds work for me, Addy 20 ER Can recommend

great meds, a life safer

Starting dose was 20mg XR for me. First few days taking it, I fell asleep within an hour. I understand this is to calm my sporadic mind, and it did so much that I took some of the best naps of my life. It's been four weeks now, still having a hard time eating throughout the day and getting enough water. Sometimes I am starving, but food just doesn't taste good. Definitely took off a star for that because I love food and our bodies need it. I have to force myself to eat. As far as focus goes, I have noticed a slight increase in focus. Better than I was before, and I'm able to sit in my chair longer. But with ADHD, I may never be fully focused and I've come to accept that. During days where I can relax, I try not to take it to let my body have a break. Especially since I don't need any type of focus during them.

Great things here

This works

okay, thanks to my physician