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Generic Name: difluprednate

Brand Name: Durezol ophthalmic (eye)

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I feel like this steriod has caused anxiety, nausea, excessive blurriness, and high pressure. I had to go back to the eye doctor today and my pressure was 44. It is normally 12. I do not reccomended this eye drop.

After using began feeling I was oxygen deprived. Had trouble wearing mask awaiting cataract surgery. Symptoms got worse with high anxiety and having to move all the time. Would wake up in the middle of the night thinking I was dying. Oxygen and blood pressure checked good. The sixth night I couldnâ??t sleep because every time I dozed I woke myself up thinking I was dying. Before going to the ER I checked side effects of the surgical drops and found someone had anxiety and depression from Durezol. Discontinued and symptoms almost immediately went away.

I have experienced depression and anxiety since being prescribed durezol.I still have eye pain and discomfort. After research, I learn that not only can this drug CAUSE cataracts and retinal detachment, there were no blind studies to determine its effectiveness against patients who DID NOT use this medication. I have never suffered from depression until using durazol. I am absolutely through with this drug and possibly the eye doctors who have prescribed it.

corticosteroid steroid, several decade old medications, now eye drops, jack up the price to 10X or 20x plus, based on few smart doctor's report? this is typical price gouging from the senior group(we are the majority of the users). doctors, pharmaceutical companies drug stores are legalized, robbers.

After only two drops developed severe vertigo which lasted 6 - 7 hrs and prickly itching of face, neck and arms. Took Benedryl and MD changed to another drug.

This medication works well for Uveitis, much better than the generic Prednisone. The only issue I have had is that my vision has gotten much worse since starting the medication 2 weeks ago.

Used after Cataract surgery. Had no pain but did the drug work? Maybe not, but I used as directed.

I was put on this eye drop after Lotemax was unable to rid my eye of all inflammation. After taking this for a few days, I had some blurry vision, light sensitivity (including seeing halos around lights) and numbness on the side of my face. I went to the doctor, who found my eye pressure was 50, more than double what's normal. So I immediately stopped taking this.

I never had trouble with it and could see again.

I experience Uveitis/iritis frequently, often several times a year. Durezol is amazing for treating this pain and inflammation. Having dealt with uveitis for nearly 20 years, I've seen a huge difference using durezol versus pred forte. Durezol requires much fewer doses and heals the imflammation in 3 - 6 weeks compared to 6 - 8 weeks or more with pred forte. The only negative for me is that I sometimes notice s bit of stinging when I place a drop in my eye. Frankly, it's worth a little stinging to take away the uveitis pain and heal the inflammation so quickly.

This med has helped me tremendously, the pain had went away but recently return so my dr increased my dose and it's been working fine.

I had cataracts surgery 4 weeks ago and use this med since 3 days previos. The pain and dryness is unverable. The Dr doesn't want me to stop the use. I don't think the med really helps. I don't recommend it.

I have been on this drug for over 8 weeks with no result, though I notice an reduction in stress coping that may be related.

Severe iching Dr doesn't seem to care Would have liked to know and try in advance there are oth steroids

I had prk surgery my dr prescribed Durezol 4 times a day and then tapered me down to 2. I noticed my eye lids were hurting and very sensitive to touch, but didn't think it was related. Two days after I went of off the medication I broke out in blisters around my eyes, VERY painful. Dr said it is peri oral dermatitis caused by thus drug!

Repeated development of uveitis during the weaning stage cause my prescription to change to Durezol attempting to reduce redness swelling flashes of light and severe pain caused by light sensitivity. I was excited to change medications but after 3week on Durezol and 12 weeks on different prescription for same symptoms I'm hoping for the best results. I don't want to lose this fight. So I look to the professionals for guidance.

I ate shrimp and went into anaphylactic shock. I went to emergency room. I told my Doctor who immediately asked for the Durezol as he had another patient who experienced the same symptoms. He said he would contact FDA regarding this drug. He did not hear from them. My question is this. I live at the beach and have eaten shell fish all my life. I have never had a reaction. Is there information regarding this type of extreme causation with this product. I would love to eat shell fish again. Please answer.

I developed a severe allergic reaction to this medication after my second cataract surgery and had to stop using it immediately. I broke out in hives and had swelling of the hands and arms as well as severe conjunctivitis.

My inflammation is severe and almost non responsive to these drops.