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Generic Name: L-Arginine (arginine)

L-Arginine Reviews

For Diagnosis and Investigation "I QUIT SMOKING BECAUSE OF THIS. Yes, it is true. I was a pack a day smoker for almost 20 years. Nothing would stop me. My mom died in 2004 at 60 years old, of lung cancer due to cigarettes and I still smoked till one day after working my regular 12-hour shift and being type 2 diabetes I needed extra energy to get me through all the stress. My brother told me about 2 amino acids, L-arginine - L-ornithine. I gave them a try started at one 2000 mg capsule a day then 2 a day and guess what I could not stand the taste or smell of cigarettes and I just stopped and no withdrawals. I could not believe myself and I had no intentions of quitting but here I am smoke-free. All I can say it worked for me."

For Dietary Supplementation "For my high blood pressure, I take two 500mg capsules 3 times a day, and my BP has dropped from as high as 190/110 to 115/64. The Heart Failure clinic, my cardiologist, and I are all very pleased. I have not had any side effects. This is not a prescription drug, it is OTC. I do not have drug coverage."

For Dietary Supplementation "I started L-Arginine in December 2010 due to heart disease. I had 3 heart attacks at age 33 due to spontaneous artery dissection. I went almost a year with constant angina attacks that my cardiologist could find no reason for. We tried so many different medicines and nothing helped. I was getting worse and could hardly even exercise anymore. I started the L-Arginine and within a month of taking it the pain pretty much went away. I could finally run again and my endurance and strength increased drastically. I still have pain breakthroughs here and there but they are perfectly tolerable compared to the previous pain that would knock me off my feet. I highly recommend this medicine for anyone dealing with ongoing angina."

For Dietary Supplementation "I read that L-Arginine could be helpful for nighttime leg cramps. Mine began suddenly, occurred several times nightly, usually in my ankle, groin, toes, and tibialis anterior. I took 1 or 2 500mg L-Arginine, and they stopped almost immediately. However, during the 2 months that I took it, I experienced extremely heavy menstrual bleeding with clotting. I stopped the L-Arginine, haven't had any more cramps, and the menstrual periods have returned to normal."

For Dietary Supplementation "I took this for my High BP and had no change"

For Diagnosis and Investigation "It looks like I have found the over the counter I was looking for instead of arabinogalactin?"

More about L-Arginine (arginine)

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  • Side effects
  • Drug class: in vivo diagnostic biologicals

Patient resources

Other brands

R-Gene 10

Professional resources

  • L-arginine product monographs

Other brands

R-Gene 10

Related treatment guides

  • Dietary Supplementation
  • Diagnosis and Investigation