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Generic Name: doxorubicin, peg-liposomal

Brand Name: Doxil intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I allowed them to give me this swill exactly once. Worst two weeks of my life. I never went back for more, I decided death was preferable, but I am still here four years later. Your results may vary.

Dx April 2015 stage 3 OC..Frontline was Carbo/Tax. This treatment was a lot easier than Doxil/Carbo. I was in remission for 11 months then it showed back up in pelvic and abdomen. I've struggled with nausea/hand /foot syndrome. BUT..my CA125 has now come sown to 26 with one treatment left. Its been difficult but worth it. Neulasta has made it a lot worse with all the bone pain for over 6 days each time. God is my strength and pray for us all.

After several different chemo drugs, Doxil worked the best. Taken once a month, no hair loss, no side effects other than dizziness & a little nausea the day of treatment. Tumors shrunk significantly & did not spread. One tumor was gone completely. No new growth. Baseline of the heart decreased slightly, but nothing to be too concerned about. After over a year of successful treatment, doctors canceled treatment for 8 months until a new growth appeared. Unfortunately, can no longer receive this wonderful drug.

Have had 3 treatments and so far no bad side effects.

Once a month IV. Minimal side effects and I even kept my hair which everyone said I'd lose!

Doxil, as part of a trial at UH Hospitals with an immunotherapy shot, has reduced my tumors by 26% after 5 treatments. I got hand/foot syndrome and it was difficult to be on my feet for very long. I soaked my feet in 'Instant Ocean', put them on ice, and used 'Utter cream' which seemed to help. I would wake up at 3:00 am with terrible burning and itching feet and got only temporary relief after putting my feet in very cool water. It was much worse at night. I used 'Litacain' numbing cream (left over from when I had a port) on the red areas on the sides and bottom of my feet and I could go back to sleep. Saved my sanity. Please ask your Doctor for this if you get the bad burning/itching on your hands or feet. I only used it at night because I didn't want to walk on numb feet. Also, consider putting your feet on an ice pack while having the infusion. Can't hurt and may help to avoid the hand/foot rash/peeling/blisters and keep you on Doxil. I have quit the Doxil because of the lack of mobility, but I am glad it shrunk my tumors and would still be on it if not for the feet.

2010 stage III ovarian cancer. First chemo was taxoil & carbon Had complete hair loss and medium nauseousness. 8 months remission. Second round, same drugs with Avastin added. Could not tolerate Avastin. 6 months later, Ca125 began to elevate. Just finished my third infusion of Carbo and Doxil. No hair loss, mild nauseousness. Ca125 was 1040 now after two treatments, was 640. CT scan shows tumors starting to shrink. If this progress keeps up and I have no side effects from the Doxil, I will be very happy. Have hope, faith and keep in God's word.

Diagnosed Sept. 2010.Had 6 treatments with Carboplatin/taxol or taxatear. Remission for 6months. Tried Carboplatin/Gemzar for 3treatments but stopped due to harshness on bone marrow but remission lasted another 6 months. Carboplatin/Doxil sent CA 125 to 6 after 1 treatment, after 6 treatments still at 6 but CT scan showed tumors 70-75 percent gone so chose to continue for 3 more treatments. Very little hair loss, no skin or mouth lesions, no discoloration of skin, just fatigue for10-14 days.

Violently ill could not continue with this med

having bad bad nausea but numbers still going up after third treatment

After 2 doses of Doxil (given every 4 wks) we reduced the infusion by 20% to help with the mouth sores and skin rashes. We reduced the dose by another 10% for the 4th dose for the mouth sores & Hand/Foot syndrome. The biggest mystery to me was the daily fevers up to 104 degrees. Now that I realize they are chemo related & not infection, I just do my best to keep them low with aspirin and resisting getting too bundled up in blankets. Night sweats accompany the fevers. I also have joint pain and weakness that parallels the fevers. The higher the fever, the weaker I am and the more joint pain. The fever goes away, the joint pain/weakness go away. Movement also helps with the joint pain. So when I wake up I lay in bed and bend my knees and pump my ankles before getting up. Later, I walk or ride a stationary bike. I use Orabase to help with the mouth sores to eat and then apply Triamcinolone paste at night to help heal them. They aren't as bad now that the doses have been reduced. My breast CA has resisted Adriamycin/Cytoxan, Taxol, and 5FU/Cytoxan/Methotrexate. It metastasized to my lung. After 3 infusions the masses haven't really changed... not the greatest, but it could be worse. This breast CA might be a late effect of mantle radiation I received for Hodgkins disease back in 1979. They don't radiate like that anymore. Otherwise, doing fine. God bless you all and may you feel His presence and comfort!

Going to get my 8th treatment soon. Very easy on the body. Easiest chemo so far. Don't know what is in store drug wise after next treatment.

my mother had carbo/taxol, recurrance in 5 months. started doxil/carbo.after second treatment numbers went down. had third treatment and is now in hospital with severe blisters in her mouth and all over face and in scalp. very, very weak just had to sleep all the time . can't eat. nausea, vomiting. fever of 103.2 . they are giving a lot of antibiotics, she has been in hospital 6 days, still not over this. no more doxil.

Update: (1st reply was 3/2010) Finished six treatments doxil CA125 was 11, had ct scan no tumors. Drs. decided to keep me on doxil for maintaience, today CA125 is 11 (went as low as 10, still don't like when it goes up, even by 1 point)I do believe in this drug and find it very easy on body. Still have hair, brows and lashes! Prayers to All...

i have had two rounds of doxil and my iga protiens have from 6k 3500..i dont have a pick line,for my treatment this thursay morning...other one got infected..the nurses act like they are scared to death to give me one dose by iv this time..i cant get a port before thursday..as i am stil on antibiotics bcause of the infected line...any advice..should i put off this regiment until i can get the port line put in..is it just too dangerous to administer my iv as opposed to a port line

I have completed 12 cycles of doxil and have had excellent results with liveable side effects. The lesions in my liver are smaller and no new ones have appeared. The cancer in my bones has also stabalized. I wish I could have had more cycles but my oncologist limited the amount I received because of the potential for heart problems.

I have had 7 treatments of Doxil (7 months). CA 125 is rising around 9 or 10 every month. I have had a few side effects (fatigue, low white blood counts, hand-foot syndrome), but the one that I would like to see if anyone else has had, is in the second week (when my counts are actually at their highest due to Neulasta), I run a fever, then develop a cough and end up with Bronchitis (at least that's what the doctor diagnoses me with). I guess the thing that bugs me the most is what if I don't have an infection and take an antibiotic for nothing! The antibiotic always makes me feel better. I'm not feeling too good about the treatment I'm receiving, but oncologists seem to think it's effective.

so far so good on this drug. amalso talking avaston with it . bon

CA125 was 2000 when diagnosed in Oct.31,2008. took carboplatin and taxol for 8 treatments. Had an allergic reaction to the carboplatin and also showed resistance to it. At that time my CA125 was at 64. I have had 3 treatments of doxil and as of now(One year after diagnosis) My CA125 is 45. Doxil is working. I have had redness and paain in my feet and haands buit nothing that put me down. Other than that I have had no side effects. Hope it ddoes the job

was on Doxil for 13 (months)treatments. Not working too well anymore. New side effects cause chest discomfort