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Generic Name: econazole

Brand Name: Spectazole topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Within 3 days I began breaking out in foot and leg pimples, blisters, itching and red spots. Terrible. I am 73 years old.

While easy to use and quite helpful in clearing up ringworm I found the side effects to be quite severe. My skin was red, itchy and peeling and often felt like it was burning.

We tried OTC drugs for 3 weeks & it seemed as though the symptoms only got worse! Then the Dr. prescribed Spectazole. A miracle! Within a week you couldn't even see it but we continued Tx as directed. THANK YOU!

I had been using Lotrisone for at least 10 years due to a rash in my groin area and under my breasts due to sweat. The doctor prescribed this medicine to me and within two days I was completely healed! I have had no flare-ups since using this.

I used Penlac for 3 years. this medication did more for my nail problem in 3 months; than penlac in 3 years.