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Generic Name: enfuvirtide

Brand Name: Fuzeon subcutaneous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have used this drug for 10 years. The first co. that manufactured it was very helpful. The location to give the injection is very important for the individual to tolerate the injection site reactions. You may have to try different sites to find the one best for you. This company does not include alcohol pads as the first co. did. the dr. should give you deposal instructions for used needles.

I have recently started taking this medication. My first experience was that the Drug Co failed to incude Alchol pads to clean injection site as wellas not a word about storage & discard of used needles. When I contacted the Co. by email, they NEVER acknowledged anything, after about 1 1/2 weeks, I phoned, and was met with bad, bad "customer service", rude individuals, no caring, compassion or any assistance at all, they tried to pass the buck to the Pharmacy &/or my Dr, but WRONG. THEY did not include wat the printd info had indicated, and received nothing but resistance from them. I told my Dr I would attempt this product, not easy to use at all and especially since the Co. that makes it is ABSOLUTELY UNCARING to it's Patients ATALL, and am still in limbo on certain issues that they did everything but answer my questions. BAD, BAD Company that does NOT mak any attempt to assist the patients that are taking their product.