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Generic Name: peg 3350-electrolytes

Brand Name: Colyte oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

This is simply a barbaric treatment. I understand that it works well for some but there are also quite a few that suffer greatly from this. I am one of those. The disomfort and eventually emotional stress caused from knowing that you have to take more and more liquid was just too much. I stoped after 6 glasses, I simply was in too much discomfort. The product was supposed to start working rather quickly but it did not. I continued to be in an extremely inconfortable state until I vomited the entire solution about 2 and half hours after starting the treatment. Only then did I start to feel better. Knowing that a significant proportion of people go through bad experiences with this product I don't understand why it is still used. Complete garbage.

It is not a satisfying experience, but man does it WORK. It tastes awful but it is a little better with crystal light lemon. It caused some nausea but I powered through it. Other than that, it wasn't THAT bad... tiring though.

I like the taste of plain colyte. Tastes of tears

I had to drink this for a Colonoscopy. I was given the unflavored version by the Dept. VA. Yes it tastes like salty plastic flavored water. Just do it and stop complaining. Once every 10 years for solid piece of mind of knowing you don't have Colon Cancer or Ulcerative colitis is worth the bad taste. As we say in the Military "suck it up buttercup, carry on!"

I read up on the colyte and was extremely nervous about doing this prep. The taste of it was not nearly as bad as I was expecting. I was easily able to drink down a cup every 10 minutes till the 4 litres was done. It had the desired effect of bowel emptying but caused basically no discomfort. Don't panic if you have to do this it is really not that bad just makes you go.

I got Colyte filled.I was shocked by the side effects, and illnesses listed for reasons not to use Colyte.Which I told my Doctor three weeks prior to my colonoscopy and endoscopy. Plus a pill called Raglan, never told it was for nausea/vomiting? Really? Thank you all for your reviews. Very sorry for your sufferings. I had a colonoscopy before and drank the little bottles the night before. This Doctor gave 10 complicated pages to read.A 72 hour strict order starvation diet. On day of treatment was told to wake up at 3:30 AM. Drink remainder 1/2 Galon of Colyte with no food,liquids,or medications four hours prior to 8:30AM Apt. Time. I cancelled that visit 72 hours ahead and finding another doctor. Get reviews of your doctor's, all new medication, and procedures Don't become a Ginny Pig. We are the consumer and deserve the best quality medical treatment with individual respect as human beings.

I have had 3 prior colonoscopies. This is the first for Colyte which was very difficult to stomach! I did very well with the prior preps used with Gatorade and was told it was physician preference. Ask for another option. If I had known how bad Colyte would be to get it down, I would have discussed with my doctor before hand. I do not recommend.

Within an hr of taking about 19oz...suddenly I couldn't take any more. After about 1hr I started to have about 6 to 7 bowels. I had forgotten what this prep was like. By my 7th bowel...I was shooting water out of my bum. I only used my shower water spray to clean myself. I didn't want to get soar by using toilet paper. I'm not sure if I should finish taking the liquid...Im going to call dr to see...oooh oh...got to go again...praying colonoscopy is normal---( tomorrow)....and this was only difficult to prepare...

worst experience. stop breathing. had heart attack

Had to take this for colonoscopy test in the morning, followed directions precisely and here it is 4 hours later and have not gone to the bathroom. Called dr on call for tonight and they still have not returned my call. May have to cancel procedure. I am in excruciating pain, there's got to be an easier way.

I'm in the midst of drinking my solution. My instructions stated that I could flavor it with Crystal Light (not red). I'm using the lemonade and it is completely palatable now!I'm adding quite a bit, I hope that's okay, it's the only way I can drink this stuff.

Ridiculous to expect a woman of petite build to drink all of this in two hours and not get sick! There are simpler preps used by other dr's. I rate this a 0 on a scale of 0-10.

The 1st time I used this product it came w/ flavoring which made it somewhat easier to get down.The 2nd w/o flavoring was gross, I had to hold my nose to drink it.

Although the product was effective in cleaning out my bowel, I could only chug down 3 of the 4 liters. 5 hours later at 3 am, I started having dry heaves once an hour until 8:30 am. There has got to be an easier way to clean out bowels!!!

taken to prepare for colonoscopy. Very effective, but difficult to get down 2 liters in 2 hours, because of salty taste.

Cleans out your bowels really fast