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Generic Name: Hailey 24 Fe (ethinyl-estradiol-norethindrone)

Hailey 24 Fe Reviews

For Birth Control "Before I started on Hailey 24 Fe and I was reading the reviews on this site, I was really nervous for bad side effects. I am happy to say my fears weren't all justified. I just started my second month on Hailey 24 Fe. So far, my symptoms have been as follows: - Loss of appetite - more emotional but it has steadied out - Larger swollen breasts - Can't stand the smell of fish or cooked bacon - Super mild periods - Barely any cramping or bleeding - No weight gain - No acne. Overall, starting Hailey 24 Fe has been almost stress-free and everything is manageable."

For Birth Control "Obviously, some of these symptoms could be related to other issues… but I firmly believe this pill is ruining my life. I’ve been on it for over a year now, and I have never in my life been more depressed, anxious, irritated, or exhausted. My skin has been so dry (and breaking out). I’ve gained a TON of weight. I have zero sex drive. I won’t get my period for 4 months, and then randomly I’ll get the worst one of my life that lasts 10 days, and I’m practically bedridden, and I am tired ALL THE TIME. My boyfriend literally calls me “sleepy bish” because I’m always so tired and moody and mean for NO REASON. I know everyone is different, but I felt I had to share in hopes it saves other ladies out there from the same miserable experience I had :("

For Birth Control "I just wanted to put this review out there for people who are really nervous about starting birth control like I was. I’m 5’6”, 115 lbs. I haven’t gained any weight, however, my boobs have gotten a lot bigger. My skin has always been pretty clear except for the occasional period pimples. On this birth control, my skin has been very clear. However, in the beginning, my skin did break out for a few weeks, but now it’s perfect. My period hurt very badly the first time on the pack. Also, I had spotting for about a month, but it could have been from a UTI I had at the same time. Normally, my periods are 8 days and heavy. On this birth control, it was 2-3 days and light. My emotions are completely normal as well. Once the meds regulate, this is a very good birth control. Overall, I recommend this birth control and have had a very good experience on it."

For Birth Control "This was prescribed for endometriosis/PMDD. Obviously, everyone's experience is different, but taking this pill actually improved my quality of life. My 'periods' are very, very light and last maybe 2 days at most, so it may be more alarming for someone who is sexually active, but for me, this is way better than horrible cramps and bleeding through my pajamas the first two nights of my periods before going on the pill (and I spend like no money on sanitary supplies anymore). Any bleeding is predictable (I'm not spotting before my placebo pills). My PMDD gave me brain fog, fatigue, attention issues, mega cravings, and really bad emotional symptoms (all the symptoms people say the pill will give you). After only one month on Hailey 24 Fe, these symptoms were way reduced, if not gone. My acne may have gone down slightly, especially on my back. No weight gain. This pill seems to get average to bad ratings, but if you're suffering from endo/PMDD, I would recommend at least giving it a shot. It's made me super happy."

For Birth Control "Let me just start out by saying, WOW. If I wanted a prescription that aggressively shook my hormones and emotions down to my core, this would have been my #1 choice. (And yes, I did mind the excessive breakouts of blemishes/cystic acne that accompanied it.) My mental clarity was in danger. Woman to woman, I HIGHLY recommend against! We're better than that."

For Birth Control "My pharmacy quit carrying Blisovi 24 FE (I was on it for three years). I switched to Hailey for a month and am stopping birth control all together because of it. My breasts are very sore, my face broke out like crazy, no libido, skin is itchy and I'm very emotional."

For Birth Control "I had to switch to this birth control because my insurance stopped covering Junel, my doctor told me it was the same thing, but it’s not. I’ve been on this for 3 months, and I have a headache every day, moody, bloated, and nauseous almost every day. I stopped taking it because I’d rather not be on any birth control than feel the way I did. Since I’ve been off of it, I’ve been feeling better than ever."

For Birth Control "I’ve been on this birth control I would say for about 3-4 years give or take possibly 2. I really liked it at first, it made my periods lighter and less symptoms of my period like cramps and headaches. But over the last year I’ve gotten so moody . I thought it was just me going through stuff. Even thought I didn’t wanna be with my boyfriend of 5 years any more because there’s times I wanna rip off his head, like I literally can’t stand him. But then other days it’s norma , how I’ve always felt for him . I also NEVER get my period anymore . I’ll have spotting for a day and that’s it . I also have lost all my sex drive like it doesn’t even interest me anymore unless I am drinking. I wanna get off of this BC so bad but I don’t know what to switch too . I would NOT recommend this BC . Many other side effects I haven’t included ."

For Birth Control "PART ONE: This is for someone who bases their decisions off of reviews (like my self). This is my first experience ever using the contraceptive pill. After reading numerous reviews of this product I was really scared to start Hailey. My doctor prescribed me Junel, but my providers only carry Hailey. It has now been two weeks going on three weeks of being on Hailey and using Birth Control for the first time. I am 22 years old, height 4'11 and 95 lbs. I did not experience any crazy symptoms. I wanted to put this honest review out, to ease peoples decisions. However, if you currently already use Junel or another brand I do not recommend changing your formula. But this was my first time, and feel perfectly normal. My face has remained clear. Some minor headache an hour or two after I take the pill but shortly goes away. I take it at night so I sleep it off. My boobs are a little sore now. I haven't got to the sugar pill yet so I am curious how long my period will last and how much cramps."

For Birth Control "I wanted to add to the less scary comment section for if you were a nervous first time user like me looking at other people’s experiences! I have been on Hailey FE for about 5 months. The first month, I gained 10 pounds but mainly just water weight/bloat. Which is expected I think? I went through a few cycles when my skin was worse than normal, but nothing too too bad. My moods were fairly normal (I am prone to anxiety and sadness) it only got really bad for one week near my birthday (so could have been to do with that outside variable). All in all, it could have been worse! My periods are super light with hardly any cramping, and no pregnancy! So yay! Give it a go(:"

For Birth Control "I'm 27, tried this pill for over a year (been on BC since I was 15 trying to find one that doesn't make me hate my life), the only great thing about it for me was that it works well as birth control. The first 3 months my cycle was normal on it, but after that it was SO irregular. Gave me terrible cystic acne, and also acne on my back (which is very rare for me). Basically my new mantra was "another day another cyst" because basically everyday a new one would appear and they take FOREVER to clear up and hurt so bad!! I work out 3 times a week and have an active lifestyle and mostly eat healthy, haven't gained weight but I'd imagine I would've if I wasn't active. Besides not being able to lose weight and having terrible skin, and abnormal bleeding, I definitely felt moody and like my hormones were imbalanced on this pill. I started taking "Nikki" a few weeks ago, and am starting to feel better and have had no breakouts, so hopefully that does the trick."

For Birth Control "THE WORST ! I’ve been on my period for the last 5 months and that how long I’ve been taking Hailey . I take birth control because my periods are so painful and sickening it sometimes puts me in the hospital, so my goal was to stop my periods . I used to take Junel Fe and that was THE BEST. But I moved and when my insurance ended I had to find a new one. The provider told me this was like Junel but no way it’s nothing like it. I’m breaking out. I’m bleeding everyday. I’m always feeling bloated and uncomfortable. I've been trying to loose weight and it’s definitely harder now that I’m on this birth control. I went from losing 3 pounds a month to none at all. I asked my provider for a different birth control because this just ain’t it ."

For Birth Control "I would like to start off by saying I have never written a review in my life, but I had the worst experience with this birth control and I feel like I need to warn other people. I was previously on Sprintec for about 2 years and LOVED it except for the fact that it made me a little dry down there. I talked to my doctor and decided to switch and she put me on Hailey 24 Fe. I’m not sure what happened and I may sound crazy for saying this, but it quite literally made me lose my mind. I’ve always experienced some form of anxiety in certain situations but never in my life has it been as bad as it was while I was taking this medication. It would last all day every day and it got to the point where nothing felt real. I tried to stay on it to let my body adjust and stuck with it for about 4 months, but I eventually couldn’t deal with it anymore and completely stopped birth control all together. It also affected my periods and it made me get about 3 a month."

For Birth Control "I've been taking this birth control for a little over 3 months. They told me give it 3 months and it'll level out everything. Wrong. I have literally been on my period every other week or every week. I take it at the same time every I'm supposed to and it just does not work for me. I just ended my period on Sunday and I start spotting yesterday (Saturday) and today I woke up cramping and bleeding AGAIN. I'm so sick of being on my period. Waiting for a call to switch. Also, last week when I was on it, it literally was as if I didn't even take it. Clots, bad cramps, going 6-7 days. I feel like I've been patient enough. ALSO, I had a terrible migraine for about a month when I started it."

For Birth Control "This birth control Hailey 24 Fe started off really good. Noticed my minor acne going away and actually felt that my self esteem went up. Never got pregnant which is great. However within the first pill of my second month I threw up twice in that week. Then I started have horrible migraines where I lose my vision. At first I brushed them off and thought it was because my body was adjusting but well into the fourth month of using it I was still having those migraines every week or more. As of right now typing I have a migraine. I am getting off of it after my last pill. I don’t know if this will help anyone but this is how my experience was."

For Birth Control "I started this medication 3 months ago. My doc switched me from a BCP I’ve been on for years with absolutely no issues. I was trying to be an easy patient so I went along with the switch. I’ve had unbearable cramps since the first pill I took. To the point where they’re debilitating. I’ve also had insane mood swings and constant anxiety. I’ve had issues like this years ago, but the first 2 weeks on the meds I was an absolute nightmare to everyone around me and I still don’t like how I am. I’ve had to reach out to my other doc for anxiety medications because this drug has set me so far back. I’m switching back to my old BCP ASAP!"

For Birth Control "I was originally on Junel fe until my insurance switched me to Amethia, which I had spotting on for over a year, until I was able to get switched to Hailey…unfortunately this pill is the worst I’ve ever been on. I’ve bled constantly since I started it, almost to the point of it being a full period, which I use birth control to skip because I have endometriosis, so, not ideal. I already struggle with mental health but I have never felt this bad on any other pill, the anxiety is constant, I have frequent stomachaches from my nerves, I don’t feel in control of myself and I keep having random crying fits but I’m completely numb. My sex drive is nonexistent, and that’s never been an issue before. Thankfully I haven’t been breaking out, as I’ve seen others mention, but that’s about the only upside. Obviously everyone will have a different reaction to meditation, but I only have negative things to say about this one and can’t recommend it at all."

For Birth Control "I was on this for around a year and I’m about to switch off of it. I think that it helped my skin, so that was nice, but lately I’ve been prone to these crazy OCD episodes - I’m not sure if it’s related, but the timeline matches. Aside from that, Hailey Fe COMPLETELY stopped my period from the moment I started taking it, even during the placebo week. My doctor said it wasn’t an issue and that some people just have that side effect, but I’m switching away from it because of that. It was sort of a plus actually but I’m worried I wouldn’t be able to tell if I was pregnant"

For Birth Control "This pill has single handedly ruined the last 11 months of my life. I have been an emotional disaster. I’ve experienced some of the worst mood swings I’ve ever had. I also just don’t have a period anymore. I haven’t had one since I started this pill. The reason I’m getting off this brand is mainly because of the mood swings though. It’s gotten so bad that I almost broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years. I would definitely not recommend this to anyone."

For Birth Control "Was forced on this because policy refused to cover LoLoEstrin which I have been on for the majority of my menstruating life. Hair fall is soo fast I have lost an inch of the circumference of my pony in less than 2 months. Cystic acne on my chin and neck."

For Birth Control "Well, I'm not pregnant and my skin looks amazing! That's about where it stops. I think that this medicine will probably work amazing for SOME people, but I am unfortunately just not one of those people. My period while taking Hailey 24 Fe was extremely irregular, coming several times during the month from anywhere between 2-5 days at a time. Perhaps the worst side effect were the mood swings. I absolutely could not control myself at all on this medicine when these random bleeding episodes arrived. I would feel emotionally devastated at the smallest things, things that were not even issues, that I could recognize weren't issues... but that didn't help much. I sobbed for hours on end to my boyfriend over the phone over absolutely nothing. My boyfriend and I recently were trying to decide where to go for dinner, and I didn't want pizza. My reaction? To cry that I didn't want pizza. And then when we finally got where we were going (not pizza)? I cried again. Hailey messed me up."

For Birth Control "Hailey Fe 1/20 is such a miracle birth control brand I ever been on so far, when I was on the depo shot for a couple of months it made me more hungry than usual, had me get longer periods, made me gained 15 pounds TBH I was feeling less confident anyway one day I decided to stop taking the depo shot for good. So I decided to give the pills a try in early November till now Honestly it was the best decision I ever made I have less increase of appetite, regular period cycles and no weight gain increase. I give Hailey Fe birth control a 9 out of 10."

For Birth Control "I’ve now been on Hailey for 3 years. I originally wanted to start birth control because I was suffering severe PMS depression & moderately heavy flow periods. Bonus for the fact that it was also, well, birth control! Within the first few months of starting it, I gained 10 pounds. Yes, TEN pounds. BUT, it stopped after a couple months, no more immediate weight gain or any other unwanted side effects. I am 5’4 & 150lbs (previously 135-140lbs range, 3+ years ago). This pill varies for everyone, but for me, ever since getting past the initial weight gain I’ve had INCREDIBLY light periods and only about 3-4 a year. They are unpredictable— but when they do come, they’re easy to deal with because of the light flow, & cramps are minimal, if any at all. My PMS depression (& really any PMS symptoms) has vanished, & I feel great. I haven’t gotten pregnant & the pill did what I needed it to. Don’t forget— it’s different for everyone, but worth it to try!"

For Birth Control "I have been on birth control for 10 years and in the 3 months I have been on Hailey I am considering going off it altogether if this is my only option. I didn't notice at first, as my prescription was changed and by looking at it, assumed it was the same. I have been heavily bloated for weeks and am honestly concerned about my mental state. As a fairly mentally stable person I can say that this pill has caused me so much anxiety and unexplained mood swings that I was genuinely concerned for my health before I made the connection. I would not recommend this to anyone."

For Birth Control "Ive used Bislovi for years, all of a sudden 3 months ago I was given a 3 month supply of this instead. I’ve always been able to skip periods on any other birth control for 15 years, if I didn’t skip they were light and mild and short. Oh, but with Haley, I have at least 1, sometimes 2 HORRIBLE periods per month. They last for 7 days. Terrible cramps the entire time, and heavy bleeding. I’ve never had back pain and I’ve since had awful lower back pain nonstop. Constantly hungry but only chocolate sounds good."

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