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Generic Name: Levothyroxine Sodium

Brand Name: Unithroid

Unithroid Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had an ablation done in 2012. I tried several over the years. I had issues with the compound extras. This one is working well. When I have issues at all, I have to check to see if I am taking it correctly and usually that was the culprit. I don't use the generic anymore because of consistency issues.

I had been on synthroid for 10 years and was fine. Insurance Company forced me to switch to another drug. My endocrinologist put me on unithroid and the trouble started within 2 days. Severe diarrhea, headache, fast heart rate, leg cramps,hair falling out. Two and a half weeks after being on unithroid i have lost 12 lbs so my doctor ran another thyroid test. TSH had dropped from 1.290 to 0.152. Going back to Synthroid. Do not take this medication!

taking Unithroid, my TSH plummetted while my symptoms got so bad, I was short of breath, weak, my hair fell out in alarming amounts, heartburn and excruciatingly painful leg cramps in both legs and feet. Was on it over 6 months, couldn't get a new prescription right away because my doc left the practice and I had to wait for a new Doc. This drug should be taken off the market.

My experience has been quite positive. After trying other meds to treat my thyroid, I'd given up. My doctor suggested Unithroid and very pleased with the results. I feel energized,clear minded, a decreased appetite, overall feel great. Can't stress how happy I am with the results.

Recently had a prescription refill and my pharmacy gave me Unithroid rather than the Mylan levothyroxine I have been on for a couple of years. I have been treated and been through other changes in the generic brand but this one was by far the worst. The pharmacy never even mentioned it as a warning when brands are switched. After about 10 days on unithroid I felt horrible, heart rate was all over the place and dropping to 55bpm, terrible headache, anxiety, sweating. I ended up in the ER after passing out. Follow up w/ my primary and asked for script to find the previous Mylan brand refill, got it that day and started on it the next day. 5 days later feel MUCH better. While there are still inherent side effects of levo I am no longer having this extreme reaction. If what you are on is working and the pharmacy wants to change speak up, ask ahead that they don't switch.

Since being on Unithroid, I'm feeling much better but my hair is falling out rapidly. I've been on the medication for 5 months and over the last 3 weeks, my hair has fallen out so fast that I already have bald spots and am on my way to being completely bald around my face and around my neck line.

I am concerned because this medication is causing rapid heart beat, insomnia and mood changes. I have called my doctor about the issues. At this point I don't know if I should stick it out or request a change again. I am feeling less fatigued but I worry about my level of anxiety and what I think is negative /scary thoughts.

I had severe egastric issues with tyrosint, synthroid and levoxyl. Was reading on-line similar symptoms in others and that they could take Unithroid, have been taking unithroid for weeks now with NO side effects. People should note, that when you switch brands of medicine, your dosage usually has to change, this is because the manufacturers include different ingredients that affect how and when it is absorbed. Thus when switching between brands, your optimal dosage is almost certainly going to be different- this is why endos don't like you switching meds, they have to start over at ground zero. A doctor who switches you and doesn't follow up with blood work is being passive agressive to my mind! Folks negative reactions of their "symptoms returning" may be that they have to have a higher dosage on unithroid to not be hypo because unithroid is easier on your GI track because of buffers that other medicines don't have, but may mean some people don't absorb as much of the medicine. That's my guess anyway. Highly recommend unithroid if the other thyroid meds give you GI issues.

No energy, fall a sleep anywhere, skin and hair problems. Forget memory.

I had a similar experience as others have posted. My perscription plan changed and I recieved the Unithroid instead of my usual Abbott brand Synthroid. Within a few weeks all my symtoms came back. It is now $375 a year more expense to get the synthroid. If it's all the same why can't they make the cost the same. Abbott or Abbvie should not take advantage of consumers who need the medication.

I have been on thyroid medication for 19 years. I switched to generic about 10 years ago to save money but soon started having the same symptoms again. I have switched several times since then, mostly to see if it really was the generic drug causing it, because my Dr. keeps saying there is no difference. Each time I switch I start having symptoms and my TSH levels go haywire. The savings is just not worth the the trouble or the suffering.

started taking this on june 20, broke out with hives, heart palpitations, and headache, was told to continue did till the 10th of july,still had all symptoms, after 2 days off all symptoms were gone. doctor and pharmasist told me it was not the meds. doctor told me synthroid was real expensive and pharmasist said he does not know how to calculate the dosage of armour thyroid. I have hypothyroidism and have had for 12 years , now can't find meds to take, this is scary , going to a specialist hope that will help and not cost me a fortune..not cover by insurance..

I took Unithroid for 2 years. Prior symptoms of weight gain, constipation, loss of hair, tiredness, and high LDL level disappeared. Upon retirement I had to change companies to fill my prescriptions. The new company switched me to Synthroid. Since then my LDL has risen by 28 points and I have experienced very mild constipation and hair loss. It has taken awhile for me to put this together as the changes, other than those determined by a blood test, were mild. My diet has included less fat and sugar since the change to Synthroid, and I have been exercising more. The only other change prior to the higher LDL (up 28 points on two separate tests)has been the switch to Synthroid. Obviously, different people's bodies react differently to the same drug, and my body needs Unithroid orpossibly a higher level of Synthroid. At this point, I am asking my doctor to insist on Unithroid for my future prescriptions.

Medicine is not working. I was taking synthroid, which was great. Drug store substituted this crap.

I have been losing my hair ever since the beginning of my hypothyroid disease,now that it has been removed I am currently taking Unithriod the hair loss is worse,extreme dry skin and slight weight gain too! I will request that my Dr. change my script to Synthriod.I have read that there is a difference.I will update to let everyone know the result.

recently my pharmacy switched my Synthroid to unithroid without me knowing it. pills look a lot alike and unless you are aware of it, you will not notice difference. shortly after i started experiencing same symptoms i had before i was diagnosed. well, my life became struggle again. FDA may say that all thyroid pills are equal or biocompatable, but my feeling is they have to look into this statement. a lot of people will tell you that they aren't.I just don't feel the same and being hypothyroid, I already know when symptoms return,and in my case they did return.i talked to my doctor about it, i even wanted to change medications, but she refused to give me anything else but Synthroid. Turned out that instead of Synthroid i was actually taking Unithroid for last 2 months.it is very frustrating, because while taking Synthroid i felt like i was alive again, but now i feel life has been draind out of me.Hope it helps somebody. Pay attantion what are you given in the Pharmacy

i had radiation treatment(I131) when i had hyperthyroid and a goiter.i have taken generic and synthroid for the past 9 years and i have yet to receive normal labs. I've gone from .025 dose to .100MG and now my doctor is lowering it to .088. i dont think the treatment is ever going to get me to normal what ever that really is? i guess i will continue to seesaw and take lab tests every 6 weeks.

Recently, my pharmacy switched my Synthroid medication to generic Levothroxine. I didn't notice the change at the time but began to feel very fatigued and started losing my hair. After researching thyroid medications, I decided it had to be the generic hormone. At my next doctors visit, I requested the brand name, Synthroid, be prescribed again. My symptoms disappeared within a few weeks of returning to Synthroid. Supposedly, they are the same drug but I had a very negative reaction to the generic. That tells me that they are not the same for me. Buyer beware as all thyroid generics apparently are not the same.

I have experienced hair loss, weight gain, mood swings. I do not like taking this drug and wish anyone having to take this drug a lot of luck. It's awful and should be taken off the market.