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Generic Name: Reglan for Nausea/Vomiting (metoclopramide)

Reglan for Nausea/Vomiting Reviews

"I went to the ER for extreme nausea and vomiting. They gave me Reglan. Within minutes, I started having a psychiatric break. I had never experienced anything like it. My body wanted to rip out my IV and run from the hospital. My hands were shaking, and I couldn’t focus well enough to even make a phone call. My brain knew I was out of control, but it couldn’t stop the reaction. I felt completely helpless. I tried to explain how I felt to the doctor, and he threatened to send me to the psych ward. One of the nurses finally suggested I might be having an allergic reaction. They gave me two doses of Benadryl, and 15 minutes later I was back to myself. I will not ever take this medication again!"

"I was given Reglan via IV injection in the ER because of nausea. When I tell you this is the worst drug I've ever taken, I mean it. As soon as it was injected, I felt like I was in a different world. I then threw up 15 times, and it is almost a week after taking it, and I am just now getting over the suicidal thoughts and depression. I still have nightmares and anxiety, but nothing like it was. I will never take this drug again, and neither will my children when I have them because I think this drug shouldn't be on the market."

"Within minutes of being given the Reglan, I had a sweltering hot feeling come over me. I began to panic and become restless. The more I watched the clock slowly tick by and tried not to focus on the impending doom feeling, the worse it got. I wanted to rip the IV out of my arm. Between the anxiety, wanting to run for the hills, and my pounding heart in my chest, it was a miracle I didn’t scream bloody murder. This went on for a good 30 minutes before the feeling subsided and I passed out. Although the medicine made me extremely anxious, it did knock down the nausea. I hope this validates any concerns and past experiences. I do not have a history of psych, but with this medication, I don’t believe there requires to be one to make you feel this way. Please do not let a doctor try to tell you that Benadryl will make it better and cancel out the anxiety feeling or that you can breathe through it. Trust your instincts and self-advocate! Hope this helps!"

"The worst experience I’ve ever had regarding medicine. I was sixteen at the time-30 now. Went to the ER for stomach pain and was administered Reglan and morphine. The only thing I remember is feeling like I wanted to rip my skin off and had no awareness of what was even happening. I remember telling the doctors and nurse, “drain my blood.” Get this out of me. Sounds dramatic and crazy, because it really was. How I recall them telling me it was a bad reaction to this medicine, I’m not sure... just remember looking at my dad as they held me down and sedated me with Benadryl. I’ve never in my life experienced something so scary. I literally have PTSD and am scared to take any meds because of this drug. The most uncomfortable I’ve ever been in my life."

"I was given medication through IV for a flare-up of vertigo. I am so glad I found this thread because it just confirms I wasn't crazy. I literally described these same feelings to my family after. It's been a week, and I don't feel myself still. So immediately after the injection, I felt like I wanted to run out of the hospital. I sat up in the bed and wanted to peel my face off. I felt sad, hopeless, and like if it didn't stop, I would go crazy. I got so worried I called my mom and told her my body is so agitated and I can't stop moving. If I called the doctor in, I wouldn't even be able to talk for him to understand because this felt HORRIBLE and like I was being tortured. Avoid this drug, please. These comments are real!"

"Hey ladies, My first pregnancy was a breeze! Then I got pregnant with this one and at 5 weeks we found out because I was so sick I was vomiting at least 5 times a day. I finally asked my Dr. for help due to being concerned about my baby getting nutrients and food. He prescribed me Reglan 10mg and I take it 4 times a day - 30 minutes before I eat and IT IS AMAZING! It does take about 25-30 minutes to kick in. I don't have any side effects yet and I hope it stays that way. So far I have been taking it for almost 4 weeks."

"I am 15 weeks pregnant, and have been fighting hyperemesis since week 10. I obviously don't want to take any medicines while pregnant, but the risk of not eating and drinking has become much worse. I've had 3 IVs. I tried Unisom with B6, Zofran, even Phenergan. Nothing touches the vomiting. Reglan is the only medicine that will stop the vomiting and allow me to eat and drink. I take it only when I'm totally desperate, but it is a miracle."

"Don't ever take Reglan. It is an old-school antipsychotic that was given to severely ill patients such as schizophrenics. It's like Haldol. It blocks dopamine receptors and can cause movement disorders. These uneducated, idiot doctors that hand these out for headaches and stomach conditions should lose their licenses. It's disgusting. NEVER take them."

"I was 2 months pregnant and losing weight. My OB/GYN prescribed Reglan, and since then, my life changed. After two weeks of taking it, I woke up with a panic attack. The first one I ever had. I emailed my doctor, and she said it’s normal, you are hormonal. The symptoms started with that panic attack. Then I was afraid of the dark, I was unable to be alone, lack of sleep, my brain thinking extremely fast, no connection between my body and brain. My appetite started to disappear, and I had one moment of clear thinking and went to the ER. The doctor told me I had Akathisia induced by Reglan. When that happened, my self-confidence, character, independence, and happiness were gone. To make this story short, I saw a psychiatrist, attended therapy, yoga, and what I believe saved me: acupuncture! My parents moved to my house to stay with me. I retrained my brain, and the panic attacks started to disappear."

"I've been suffering from nausea and vomiting due to my pregnancy. At the emergency hospital, I was prescribed to take Reglan 10 mg. I bought the medicine and was afraid to take it, it took me two weeks to finally try it due to the horrible reviews I read online. This medicine stopped my vomiting and, to my surprise, I never had any side effects from it."

"On April 28, 2020 I went to the ER for gastrointestinal problems due to bloating and nausea. The ER doctor injected Reglan in my IV without telling me the side effects of the medication. After she injected meds, I started to feel anxious, antsy, and I wanted to rip my Iv out of my arm. I couldn’t pick my phone up to call anyone. I felt I was going to die and lose control. This meds is no good."

"This was given to me as an IV, and I felt restless and anxious. I had hallucinations and unbelievable depression and emotional pain. I thought I went crazy and had suicidal thoughts. I was depressed for a month after that. I couldn't tell you if it worked because I was too busy arguing with myself on whether I was crazy. I am one of those people who never thought suicide was an answer to anything, but this medicine made me believe it was the only answer."

"If you have any sort of anxiety disorder, panic disorder, or really any mental health issues, do not take Reglan! I was first given this medicine through an IV at the ER, and it didn't bother me. When I started taking it at home, after my 3rd dose, I had the most severe reaction to it. My blood pressure was off the charts, my heart rate was sky high, I had a rash on my chest. I was dizzy and lightheaded, I could've passed out at any second. My husband took me to the ER, and they did say I was having severe side effects/allergic reaction to it. Please be aware of the dangers of Reglan!"

"I’m in my first trimester and was prescribed reglan 3x a day for my severe nausea. I literally took a dose this morning at 8am and haven’t taken another one since. This pill is awful. I have been on it for a week and have experienced anxiety, insomnia, nightmares, and STILL nauseous. I would take it and feel like I had to get up and move around, I was antsy. I’m so glad I found this forum so that I know I’m not going crazy. Please, if you have nausea ask the doctor for a different medication."

"I was given Reglan via IV and mouth just prior to both of my c-sections. On both occasions, within minutes, I was very anxious. On the operating table, I had an anxiety attack and was begging for someone to help me. Everyone just thought I was freaking out because it was a c-section. I thought I had gone crazy. It ruined both of my childbirth experiences because I didn't care about the birth - all I wanted was to crawl out of my skin and disappear so I could get away from the awful panic and anxiety. Although I was physically present for the birth, mentally and emotionally, I had checked out."

"I have been having heartburn, nausea, and generally feeling sick to my stomach for years. I have been taking this drug for 3 days, and my stomach has not felt this good in years. I hope this continues to work, and I can now sleep late because I am not getting up to puke or take an antacid."

"I was given Reglan intravenously for nausea while in the emergency room. Almost immediately, I began having these overwhelming urges to rip the IV out of my arm and run away as fast as possible, it felt like a shock wave was passing through every muscle in my body. The nurse said it was 'restlessness,' and it wasn't uncommon. Every few seconds, the sensation would return, and all I could do was wiggle around in the bed and cry, I felt so helpless. It took an hour for the feelings to go away."

"I was given Reglan in an ER when I couldn't stop vomiting when I had a migraine. It helped to stop my vomiting, but I reacted horribly. It made me uncontrollably agitated and nervous. I couldn't stop moving, I couldn't think clearly, and I couldn't relax until I was given a sedative. I now claim that I am allergic to the drug due to the way my body reacted to it."

"Second pregnancy, diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravadarum (severe morning sickness) I’m the natural queen when it comes to medications and treatment but this was something I knew I needed help with! I was first prescribed Zofran, the first hospital stay and it didn’t help at all! Fast forward 3rd visit to hospital I was prescribed Reglan in my IV and at first I started to feel antsy, could not stay still and my mask (due to covid-19 pandemic we all have to wear them) I felt I was suffocating!!! I was extremely hot as well, it lasted until about 15 minutes after meditation, I must say that Reglan has help tremendously with this sickness!!! It really saved me. If you can get past the first dose and the weird side affects of anxiety this medicine really helps with nausea/vomiting . If your morning sickness isn’t to bad I would refrain from taking any medications. Hopes this helps."

"I was given this in IV before surgery. I immediately became anxious and could not sit still. The PA said, 'Oh yes, this happens sometimes.' They had to give me Benadryl to calm me down. It was the worst experience I have had - out of control and jumpy."

"They gave me Reglan in the ER for my nausea I was having due to my pregnancy. The nurse slowly pushed it into my IV and walked out, as soon as he closed that door my body set into panic. I was extremely uncomfortable I wanted to get out of my own skin. I felt like I was suffocating and started sweating from the panic so I was hot and feeling like I was going into a bad anxiety attack. I had racing thoughts and I thought I was going insane but I didn’t know why, I have anxiety but not that made me feel like that. After 5 minutes of realizing I couldn’t calm down on my own I rang for my nurse and she came in knowing exactly what was going on. I mean I'm literally in here close to ripping this IV out of my arm so I I’ll take nausea over this feeling any day. Do not take this medicine if you don’t have to or have pre existing anxiety. I know there aren’t many options for pregnant women but this is a kind of torture I could live without."

"I was given Reglan pre surgery last month. My daughter was with me and warned me that she had a bad experience with the drug; made her anxious and weird feeling. The nurse said that the chances of me experiencing any symptoms were very low, so I went ahead and let her administer it to me. Bad decision! The side effects were horrifying. I felt the need to leave the hospital and felt super anxious. Luckily they were able to rinse out with saline and the effects subsided. If my daughter wasn't with me to explain, I would have thought I was losing my mind! Never again!"

"I was given this a year ago in the ER. Almost immediately I had unpleasant side effects. I felt like I couldn't sit still, and I was extremely anxious. For two weeks I couldn't take care of my kids alone. I cried all the time and thought about suicide. I ended up in the ER a couple more times after that. Fast forward to three days ago, I was given Compazine for vomiting. I had no idea the two are closely related, and I experienced similar side effects. On the drive home I had to talk myself out of jumping out the car. Very deep thoughts consumed me. I do have a history of anxiety and depression so I'm not sure if there is a correlation or not, but I've never had a voice in my head trying to convince me to take my own life. It was very scary, and three days later I'm still anxious and unable to sleep or stay at my house alone. I know all meds affect people differently, but please take these reviews seriously. There are much less dangerous meds that can treat the same things."

"I’m shocked to see so many people had bad reactions! I have SEVERE vomiting at the beginning of my pregnancy with my twins. I had lost 20 pounds in a matter of weeks and was totally unable to keep anything down. Eventually I was taken to the ER because I lost consciousness due to dehydration. They first gave me Reglan at the emergency room and it worked WONDERS. I was on it until about 16 weeks and was able to start eating and drinking and have had a healthy pregnancy since. I had no side effects other than it making me a little sleepy."

"Was given an IV dose of Reglan before I left the hospital and I cannot sit still. Wanted to rest when I came home but all I'm doing is pacing, moving my legs, and wishing I never let them inject me with this."

More about Reglan (metoclopramide)

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  • Reviews (351)
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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: GI stimulants
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Reglan drug information
  • Reglan (Metoclopramide Injection, Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Reglan (Metoclopramide Injection Solution)
  • Reglan (Metoclopramide Tablets)

Other brands

Gimoti, Metozolv ODT

Professional resources

  • Reglan prescribing information
  • Metoclopramide (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands


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  • Gastroparesis
  • Migraine
  • GERD
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