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Generic Name: Cipro for Bacterial Infection (ciprofloxacin)

Cipro for Bacterial Infection Reviews

"Without a CT or any proper diagnosis of diverticulitis, based on symptoms, I was prescribed Cipro twice a day for 10 days. On day 3, I woke in a panic early in the morning, thinking I was dying with the worst feeling of panic and terror I have ever felt. Day 4 was worse. I looked up the side effects after the 8th pill (evening day 4), and every single bizarre symptom I was having, including the panic attacks and psychiatric symptoms, neuropathy, major abdominal pain, and worsened diarrhea, were there. Terrified, I decided to stop the medication immediately. I had no idea that I had just been poisoned by a fluoroquinolone. 2 months later, I had a CT scan that said NO diverticulitis. Fluoroquinolones are extremely dangerous, as ear drops and as pills, and should be pulled off the market. Doctors who prescribe these pills that make us sick and destroy our lives don't take any responsibility or apologize or help with the multitude of side effects and permanent damage."

"I have had bacterial and kidney infections for about 15 years, off and on, and docs have prescribed many different antibiotics to me, but Cipro is the only thing that ever worked for me and is strong enough to kill the bacteria. Cipro is my only hope once my infection starts!"

"2017 FDA Black Box warning issued for Cipro and other fluoroquinolones for severe permanent tendon damage that can take months to show up! Cipro should ONLY be prescribed as a last resort drug but a lot of doctors are unaware! Beware! Read the professional prescribing info on this website for the black box warnings."

"The severe side effect after only 2nd pill of cramps in calves, legs and shoulders were not worth the medications use. Very scary. No one told me the damage could be permanent, not dr or pharmacy- this should be advised up front. Will never use again."

"I was diagnosed with an abdominal infection after stool testing. I took ONE pill and ended up in the ER. Within minutes of swallowing Cipro, my lips started to swell—then my eyes and whole face followed. My throat started getting scratchy so I went to the ER because I was scared my throat would swell to the point that I couldn't breathe. After this incident, I thoroughly researched Cipro and along with other drugs in its class—I will never take any of them. They are so scary. Yes, it's true that any drug can cause harm, but these drugs carry a much greater risk. Much greater."

"Warnings on this drug should include avoiding fluorescent lights (as well as sunlight.) Exposure - in doctor's exam room, gave me horribly uncomfortable, itchy, unsightly rash that won't go away two weeks later."

"been taking antibiotics for almost 3 month now, cipro for 6 weeks for an apparently antibiotic resistant infection. started on merropenem i.v. (dont know why if its antibiotic resistant) i think doctors do whatever they can with the knowledge they have been given by these companies. which most dont even now of the side effects and say dont believe everything you read on google. but i had diarrhea straight away after the first pill (500mg) i have also had tennis elbow. yet never played any tennis or golf.i have muscular pain in my shoulder and it felt like it popped out or something almost a week ago. and only now i re read the symptoms and the reviews i see others having this problem. i dont trust pharma companies i want to stop taking now"

"I was prescribed Cipro for a nasty and on going sinus infection. I realized after many months of physical therapy on a bad case of tennis elbow that when I quit Cipro the tennis elbow disappeared. The side effects listed tendon problems. I believe it affected my elbow rather than other tendons."

"Cipro is the worst drug ever, makes you paralyzed, wonder how these drugs mafias are still making it, they should be arrested . Took one capsule and woke up as if someone is chopping off my legs with saw. Very commonly prescribed by doctors without any acknowledgement of side effects . Further more they don't believe this drug can do any harm, making it worst."

"Had to take Cipro 750 mg for a severe bacterial infection after knee replacement surgery. Was on it for 7 months, and it cleared the infection (mycobacterium fortuitum) but a year later I have what feels like a ruptured Achilles. Now I’m starting to have pain in my shoulder (unexplained). It was basically risk vs reward! Lose the leg or suffer possible side effects."

"This was a bit scary to be on because of possible side effects but it worked. I had a severe inner ear infection for a year. It started with sinus infections, then inner ear. It went to my tonsil and adenoids. A Z-pack, then 10 days of normal antibiotics, then Cipro last. I was nauseated the first dose but ate some crackers and it settled. I followed the rules to the letter of how to take and what not to take with it. I was also on a corticosteroid so was very careful not to strain or work too hard. Had no real problems with this."

"It really helped my husband's lung infection. It was great!"

"I have taken Cipro for several sinus infections. It is probably the most effective treatment you can get. I have stubborn sinus infections, so many antibiotics don't work. I take the 500 mg tablet."

"It worked wonders on my bladder/kidney infection, unfortunately, it returned 3 weeks later, though."

"Was on Cipro for 3 days and in the hospital for 4 days. Even though the doctors at the hospital couldn't properly diagnose my condition, I got better with no side effects."

"While this stuff works to kill the infection, it is hard to keep down. I throw up every few hours on this drug. I feel queasy right now and I took cipro almost 8 hours ago."

"It cleared up my swimmers ear but gave me a rash."

More about Cipro (ciprofloxacin)

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  • Reviews (318)
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  • Side effects
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  • Patient tips
  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Support group
  • Drug class: quinolones and fluoroquinolones
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Cipro drug information
  • Cipro (Ciprofloxacin Oral Suspension)
  • Cipro (Ciprofloxacin Tablets)

Other brands

Proquin XR

Professional resources

  • Cipro prescribing information
  • Cipro Tablets (FDA)
  • Ciprofloxacin (AHFS Monograph)

Other formulations

  • Cipro HC otic
  • Cipro XR
  • Cipro I.V. injection

Related treatment guides

  • Bacterial Infection
  • Bacteremia
  • Anthrax
  • Anthrax Prophylaxis