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Generic Name: Plavix for Heart Attack (clopidogrel)

Plavix for Heart Attack Reviews

"I didn't have a heart attack, but was getting ready for one when I had an angiogram and then had 3 stents put in my right coronary artery. I have been taking Plavix for the last month with no problems. The doctors tell me I will be on Plavix for the rest of my life. At this point in my life (64) I have a cast iron stomach. Because of the aspirin I have been taking for years (perhaps the reason I didn't have a heart attack), I bruise easily and bleed profusely. Different bodies, different results. I'll try to check back in a year and update my experience."

"I have been on Plavix for a little over 5 years. It was prescribed by my cardiologist following a vascular blockage and placement of a stent. Other than bruising and bleeding at the slightest contact, I have had no known side effects. I give Plavix a 10 because I am still kicking at 73."

"I have been taking Plavix from the day it came on the market because of my unique clotting problem. My heart doctor has me on both Plavix and 325 mg of aspirin once daily. When I developed atrial fibrillation, they put me on warfarin also. Then I started having bleeding problems. They took me off the warfarin and I was fine on the Plavix and aspirin, no clot problems encountered."

"I have severe bruising on my arms from very thin skin. I have debated for a long time about taking Plavix. I started taking it 9 years ago when I had a very mild heart attack and a stent in a 90% blocked artery. There was another artery that was 60% blocked which they told me should be watched. 6 months ago, I had a heart catheter and they said the blockage was gone, and they didn't know why. My doctor said that I should continue taking Plavix, and that stopping probably wouldn't help the bruising and thin skin. So that is what I will do."

"I was a heavy smoker and ate all the 'bad' foods, and then, one year ago this month (April 2011), I had a heart attack. Now, one stent later, and after one year of Plavix, I have had no recurrence. Of course, I also quit smoking (hard to do but I figured my life was worth it), changed my diet (also a hard change to make), and started exercising. I guess I will be on Plavix for the rest of my natural life but, thanks to the Plavix, that life may just be a lot longer than I had hoped for last year. As for side effects, I feel the cold a little more due to the blood-thinning properties of Plavix, but I don't think I bruise any easier than I used to, and I am not a 'bleeder,' so all in all, it's good."

"Suffered a heart attack 12 years ago, then 2 weeks ago suffered severe angina, got scared, went to the ER, they ran tests and told me my arteries were severely clogged, needed stents put in, had the stents put in, they put me on Plavix, told me I would be on it for life. Well, it's been 3 weeks now on the Plavix, love it, so far no side effects."

"I guess it is working great to relieve the possibility of clots, for I have no sign of a clot returning. However, I am covered in bruises, and my stomach is in knots more, I feel bloated and uncomfortable. I am unable to drink even a small amount of coffee in the morning, even a few hours after having taken the dose. That being said, I have to take it for at least a year after my heart attack, so I guess I have to deal with these side effects."

"Had a heart attack on July 3rd, stent put in, put on Plavix for one month. Stent partially collapsed after stopping Plavix and was having some chest pains. Doctor put me back on Plavix and no more problems since. It sure works well for me and no side effects."

"RCA blockage of 95% in 2007. Two stents (medicated). I took Plavix for eight months, then discontinued it on doctor's orders. Eight months later, I suffered stent thrombosis, and the two doctors I saw in the hospital seemed surprised I had discontinued Plavix. Another stent was inserted, and I have been on Plavix since. I jog or bike for at least an hour a day, usually more. My GERD has gotten worse lately, and I just switched from Plavix to Effient, along with proton pump inhibitors in the morning and evening."

"I've been using Plavix for a couple of years now since I had 2 angioplasties. It works just fine. However, some of the drawbacks are: - easy bruising and long recovery time - easy bleeding from injuries, so don't take chances - my doctor told me I'd have to take Plavix for the rest of my life - cost is no concern since my insurance pays all but $9.00 per month."

"Just spent 5 days in the hospital with my father, who passed out at home from anemia caused by internal bleeding. Neuro, oncology, and gastro docs all urged that he stop Plavix immediately. We had to wait 5 days for an endoscopy/colonoscopy to clear his body of Plavix while they pumped him with iron and blood transfusions. If you are on Plavix or a loved one is, PLEASE ask your doctors about risk/benefits and internal bleeding risks regularly. Just because it helped for a specific problem at some point does NOT mean it should be a blanket prescription for 10+ years. Ask. Be annoying. Save your life or your parent's life. My father still needs more tests but will probably be on iron therapy for the remainder of his life as the damage is now irreversible."

"I had a heart attack July 7th this year. What a surprise that was. I had wonderful doctors, and they prescribed Plavix. I was told I will need to take it for the rest of my life. I had two stents and damage to the back of my heart. I feel much better now and will for sure take my Plavix."

"Easy to bruise, a bit of a bleeder, but I'm still alive after 2 years. Other clogged arteries are stable. Good news... I've been also told I'm a lifer. No side effects that I can tell other than the minor ones above."

"'RCA blockage of 95% in 2013, heart attack, and 3 stents. Been on Plavix 75mg since. I am fortunate I don't hardly bleed and never hardly bruise. Wife says I got thick blood and a thick head!!! No side effects, no interactions with my other 7 meds. I had Plavix stents and was told I would have to take this the rest of my life. I'm not going to argue since my father died last month from a massive heart attack, and it runs in the family: strokes, heart attacks, and diabetes."

"I am 30 years old. I had a mild heart attack in the first week of May 2012. I had 95% blockage. I had a stent put in and I'm taking 75 mg of Plavix and aspirin regimen. I bruise really easily but no side effects that I know of yet."

"It was 2 1/2 years now and 14 total stents. Just had my last 3 placed 2 weeks ago. Been on Plavix from the first one, this medicine, they say, is what is keeping me alive. I am 42, a smoker, and trying to change everything. I feel like I have 3 to 4 heart attacks a day. If not for this medicine, I would not be here. Not sure if any real side effects due to my health and other medicines, so I feel it has saved my life."

"Had a heart attack and angioplasty in 1992. I’ve been on aspirin since then, combined with Plavix in 1997. The artery they opened has long since totally closed. Collateral blood vessels give me good flow around 100 percent occlusion. I’m actually doing fantastic physically. Biking, hiking, and before that, basketball. Every doctor, and I’ve seen a few over the years, said they will never take me off either Plavix or aspirin."

"Been on Plavix for 3 years, since I had a quad CABG surgery. Just had two additional stents put in on January 6, 2015. The first two stents were open, no clots, no tissue buildup. I do have some bruising, but not extensive bleeding when I receive a cut. Thankful to stay alive."

"Heart Attack 2010. Stent in right coronary artery (RCA). Was on Brand name Plavix for 6 years 75mg. Switched to generic 2 years ago. I have noticed bruises and my ALT (liver enyzeme) has gone up. The first time ever. I am a phlebotomist. Trying to find coupon for Brand Name Coupon."

"I had a heart attack in June 2017, Angioplasty with one stent also, have been on much medication including Plavix since. Why was Plavix recently discontinued 'cold turkey'. I am feeling ok but very dizzy, but I am a very old person."

"I was put on Plavix after a heart attack and had no bad side effects at all. However I did have 2 more heart attacks while taking plavix and am now on warfarin. My doctor took part in a drug genetic test which showed plavix has zero effect on me and sadly there are others that this drug just doesn't work for so get tested and make sure it is safe for you. If plavix works for you its a safe drug"

"I had stents and triple bypass in 2019, have taken Plavix and low dose Aspirin since then. No issues on Plavix except for easily bruising. I am switching to Vazalore 81mg to see if this works better for inflamed stomach caused by these two meds. Cannot take PPI as it depletes bone mass over time. I just turned 70 and am happy to say Plavix has worked so far."

"I had a stent put in April 2023. I have been on Plavix and a chewable baby aspirin since then. I have no ill effects from the Plavix. I also have PAD which the Plavix helps. Occasional bruising but nothing of any significance."

"A great deal of bloating and some digestive discomfort. Every few weeks, it feels like I am getting a bad head cold, then it goes away. I hope it's doing the trick!"

"It has helped me a lot as I had a mini-stroke not too long ago. It has been a lifesaver for me."

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  • Drug class: platelet aggregation inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Plavix drug information

Professional resources

  • Plavix prescribing information
  • Clopidogrel (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Ischemic Stroke
  • Heart Attack
  • Acute Coronary Syndrome
  • Acute Coronary Syndrome, Prophylaxis