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Generic Name: estradiol-norethindrone acet

Brand Name: CombiPatch transdermal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have loved this patch!! Was doing the implant, and I could not get regulated on that, so this patch has been a lifesaver - HOWEVER - the itching is awful! I always end up scratching my skin to the point of irritation... please address the adhesive! Thank you a forever client!

Love this patch! It helped me tremendously! No more hot flashes, mood swings, or insomnia. The problem is that it’s soooo itchy on my skin. I put it on my butt because my belly was extra sensitive from the adhesive. My butt also get a red spot and itchy wherever I put the patch, but I can’t take life without it. If only it didn’t itch my skin. Please, please, please change the adhesive!!!!!

I have used the combipatch for 2 years. It has relieved all of my menopausal symptoms. I suffered from 15-20 severe hot flashes a day and could barely work or sleep at night. I was miserable. My GYN first recommended a low dose paxil which did not help, then the combipatch. I was a little hesitant about using a hormone but because I was so desperate I decided to try it for a while. Well after 2 years and no hot flashes I love it! I will try to wean off at some point but I want to make sure all the menopausal symptoms are gone. The combipatch gave me back my life!

I’ve had some minor spotting, between weeks 3 & 5. Comes and goes. Not enough to use a liner.

3 years post menopause. I got complete relief from severe and frequent hot flashes within 2 weeks of beginning the combipatch. It’s a miracle. I am wish I had started it sooner.

The problem with the patches is that they are causing me a huge skin allergy in my abdomen.. I just don’t know how to manage it.

I was on combipatch for a couple of years. No hot flashes , no night sweats. It changed my life until recently. The patch was very itchy, my skin was very bright red where I applied it. The spot would remain there for days after I took patch off. I couldn’t take it anymore and stopped using it. Wish they would go back to the ok’d adhesives because night sweats are coming back. Just read where someone else said they change the adhesive this explain it.

So I read comments on how it comes off easily after putting it on, especially if you sweat, showers or pool. I found a hack in case anyone wanted to try. I place a sterile transparent film over the patch so it never moves or lifts and have save me many patches. Otherwise this is a life saver for hot flashes. I was having them every 15 minutes prior to the patch. However the manufacturer in my area is out of stock so upped the dose and will see how I do.

I have been on the combi patch for over 20 years! Iv had no problems! I’m 65 this year and just found out that Medicare will not pay for it! I’ve had no night sweats, not hot flashes, no bleeding and I have felt like I’m 30!

Has worked great for me until recently. Manufacturer changed adhesive and now having terrible reaction as have others I have discovered. Extreme itching, burning, dried red skin and the patch falls off prior to time change out. Not working as effectively because of this. Adhesive used to be great with no complaints at all. PLEASE go back original adhesive and replace what I currently have been prescribed. I xant take this anymore!

I've been on the combipatch for a year. I did begin experiencing heavy bleeding in Jan 2021 fairly regularly. In February it was regular but light and March light bleeding in first week now nothing. I've recently in the last couple of weeks had very light hot flash and actually last night a night sweat. I've been very satisfied until Jan 2021. I'd been menopausalfor about 4 years until I started taking Climarapro in August 2019 which caused excessive bleeding after about 2 months and continued for 6 months until my doctor finally prescribed combipatch. I began combipatch in Jan 2020. I've read where women claim the patch causes cancer. If you have not got a uterus then you don't need progesterone so yes it can cause cancer and also if you're menopausal over 10 years the HRT isn't safe. There are special factors that could cause cancer. I recommend Dr Barbara Taylor aka menopause barbie. Check her out on YouTube or her website. She gave me the answers that influenced my positive outlook on HRT. Basically just keep going until you find what works for you. The benefits in my opinion outweigh the risks.

I have used combipatch for over a year. Took away all my menopausal systems. The most recent batch I received is definitely different. The disk is more rigid as the past was pliable. Also, I am now experiencing pretty significant irritation from this new patch but no issue prior. Trying to tough it out but its very uncomfortable. Wondering why

i've been on this patch for 11 yr; i never took it at full strength (1 patch twice a week) as even 1/wk caused bloating and breast pain. i've tapered over the years and now am at 1/2 patch every 10 days (on the 10th, 20th, 30th of each month). i tried tapering to Zero last year, and my hot flashes returned after 3-4 wk. hopefully, i can continue tapering successfully over the next few yrs.

I have been using the patch for almost 9 months. While hot flashes, night sweats and moodiness have gone away I am left having irregular spotting that lasts for 3-5 days a month. My doctor suggests half a patch we will see if this is effective.

I, too, have been on and off the patch. I tried it and hated the red itchiness of the patch, even after I take it off, the spot itches and is red for a week. I tried estrogen gel for a year, but it didn't work as well and I needed to use progesterone. So, recently, I went back on Combipatch. It's been 2 weeks. It works well for menopause symptoms, but the red itchiness drives me crazy. I put up with it because the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. I wish there were something I could put on topically to ease it all. I don't want to give it up. Any ideas?

I developed breast cancer after being on this drug for almost 3 years. There is no other breast cancer in my family and genetic testing proved that the cancer was not from a genetic mutation. three of my cancer doctor's said the cancer was because I was on the Combipatch. According to Noven's label, the risks of breast cancer are very minimal. Don't believe it. If you are taking this drug, get off of it and get your yearly mammogram. My cancer could not be felt from from self exams. Please don't take this risk.I know how bad menopause can be, but cancer is so much worse.

Love this combi patch. Felt immediate relief within a week from hot flashes, irritable. Noticed weight gain due to feeling hungry all the time. Cut the patch in half which is much better. Working on my diet habits to lose the weight. Overall it is a winner!

I have used this for 15 years successfully inhibiting hot flashes. I donâ??t have any problems with the patches adhering and I wear them for a whole week. I had some bleeding so have backed down to 1/2 patch a week which is enough for me. The company has terrible customer support and would not replace the 2 defective patches I got which did not adhere. They are ridiculously expensive.

Was given this to help with hot flashes, mood changes, irritability etc. for those who say patch wonâ??t stay on-apply immediately after bathing when skin is clean and dry. Otherwise use alcohol to swab area clean, dry completely, then apply. I swim daily in our pool and have to peel the patches off when theyâ??re due to be removed. Have had success with patch thus far and would recommend.

Used the patch for nearly three years. Worked on the hot flashes. They stopped completely. Unfortunately, it caused periods (heavy) every two weeks and cramps the entire two weeks before the period. I've been off the patch for about two months now and the hot flashes have returned. Seeing another doctor in a few weeks for some help!