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Generic Name: estrogens-methyltestosterone

Brand Name: Estratest oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

My GYN at the time (I was about 46 or 47) prescribed Estratest (full strength) to help my libido. She expressed that she doubted it would help. But va va va voom!!!! Did it ever! I have NEVER had much of a libido, but while I was taking it, I was always in the mood. And for the first time, I understood what it was like to be a man....wanting sex all the time.

I had a complete hysterectomy at 30. I’m 38 now. Started taking this medication to see if it would help with weight, energy, sex drive. Instead It gave me fatigue so bad I was sleeping about 17 hours a day. I couldn’t function. My feet and hands swelled, my heels were tingling, horrible acne, bloated, weight gain, stomachaches, nausea, confusion, horrible depression, hair growth in all the wrong places, my tongue would swell right before I’d fall asleep, my hips and legs hurt so bad!

I’m 71 and have not had any sex drive for years. My Dr. started me on this drug and it has changed my life. I have a sex drive and feel fantastic. Wish I could stay on this for long term. Maybe there is another drug out there that I can continue to use long term.

Headaches Numbness and cramping of calves Swollen feet Blurred vision- intolerance to contacts Memory loss Cannot focus Brain fog Irritability Mood swings Dark urine Decreased libido Painful intercourse

Hysterectomy at 31, I am 62 - took off market and and I was in panic mode because I tried 3-4-5 other hormones. This one kept my weight under control, my mood swings, my sex drive! Then another mfg took it - YEA - now my Blue Cross Blue Shield says they won't cover because FDA is taking off the market - HORRIBLE - Don't know what I will do without it. Generic does not work

Been taking this for about 2 weeks. First week I felt great, second week my legs and feet are hurting so bad that I can barely walk. I'm a 35 year old active woman. I have been on almost everything and that I had finally found something to help my night sweats and irritation . Also my vaginal antrophy. Back to the drawing board. I would rather sweat and be able to walk than not sweat and be on the couch all day listening to my three baby's asking me to play with them and I can't.

Before Estratest, I was a soprano. I now do well to sing in the alto section. Sometimes tenor is easier. Had I known of this possible side-effect, I would never have taken it as I was a voice major and did a lot of solo work.

I have been taking this medication for 20 years after a complete hystorectomy and cannot live with out it. I had a heart attack when i tried to stop taking it. I feel good when i take it and have energy. I can't afford it anymore. Any tips i could get on how to afford this $120 med would sure help. I am currently taking something else and have lost libido, energy, muscle mass, and have hot flashes all the time. i am 47 years old and want to still live a good life and can't afford it. It just keeps going up because it is now a controlled substance. How fair is that to the people who need it?

This is a wonderful drug for women such as I having had a total hysterectomy. I have energy and good quality of life.

Last year at 38 yrs old I had a complete hysterectomy.Thanks to estrotest I only noticed minor changes whch was small drop in my libido. Then they stopped making it and the generic was pricey and didnt work. I have since been on estradiol patch,vivelle dot,estradiol oral,bio identical creams.I have absolutely no sex drive and am having frequent hot flashes and have emotionally damaged my 13 year daughter from my "outbursts" and fits of emotional unpredictability.I feel so guilty about my behaviorand awful about myself. another person on here said it is manufactured under the name COVARYX.I found it at Costco for a very reasonable price $42.14 month supply here in Phoenix. I am on my way to pick it up. I hope it helps others who are looking for it.

Tingle hand and fingers, loss of hair, etc. Very bad drug.

I had a hysterectomy 11 weeks ago, I am barely 28, I have yet to have a hot flash. The shots i had at first now I take this and I feel great!

Had a total hysterectomy when I was 51. I was miserable. Doc put me on Estratest and all has been grand since. No night sweats, mood swings, depression and I am 70 now and still have the same sexual drive as I did when I was in my 20's Feel very good about myself. Still working a full time job as a manager.

I've been taking estratest for 16 years after going through surgical menopause at 40. Sex is still Awesome, and I've never had a hot flash. I tried life without it 3 months this year, due to all of the doomsday ads you see. I had total lack of libido, and vaginal dryness. I got back on my estratest now all is back to normal, or is this better than normal at 56.

Extremely satisfied with this drug. Noticed immediate decrease in hot flashes. But the biggest change was an extreme increase in libido.

I am experiencing cyst just under my skin tissue on my breast.Could this be caused from my hormone replacement?

At age 47 I had a total hysterectomy. My libeto went flat as warned. The flashes made me feel horrible every day and night. I started Estratest and it was like a miricle. Within days if felt 'normal' again. I am 62 and scared to death as I cannot get my pill anymore. I am truly afraid. I am a horse trainer/rider. I downhill ski. I run a company and work full time. My bone density is normal. I look and feel younger than my age. I have energy. I have no health problems. I love intimacy with my husband. There has to be something available for women like me. I can't stand the thought of not having my pill. There are only 4 left in my bottle! Today my doctor said,"you are getting older now so just see how it goes." That is not acceptable.

Estrotest was described for me when I was about 53-55. I had always suffered from PMS, but I was beginning to feel this way even more. I am now 76 and the generic I take is Estrogen-Methyltestos. I only take half a tablet now because I was felt like it might be making me feel more aggressive. I have had none of the other side effects and am very healthy. I asked my doctor if she thought I still needed the prescription. She said it was up to me, but that everyone needs harmones. My husband is no longer alive, but I still have sexual feelings.

I am a 56 year old woman who has been taking Estratest for 25 years since my hysterectomy. I was given many hormone replacements after my surgery, none of which eased the symptoms,until I found the Estratest. Now after 25 years I am being told it has been taken off the market for FDA review. I assure you that none of the members of the FDA review panel or their wives are on this medication or it would not have been pulled from the market.There is no medication available which is comparable to Estratest and as for me after I have run out of the 5 I have left I do not know what I am going to do.This is a really serious issue that I wish someone would do something about