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Generic Name: fentanyl citrate

Brand Name: Abstral sublingual

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Almost immediate pain relief! Blister pack could be improved for easier use. Flavored tablet would be better but they probably dont want it to taste good in case kids get into it. I am very satisfied with the pain control of this drug

I have been taking this for over 2 months I have to take 2 to 3 tablets at a time to get any relief I was taking fentura which helped me with one 400mg tablet am going back to fentura even if the co pay is more

Blister pack is difficult to open. If you pull it open to fast the top layer separates and you will need something sharp to get into the blister.It tastes like aspirin. They should flavor them like the lollipops. The medicine works fast and doesn't damage my taste buds like the lollipops did from three years of use. Finally a pain medicine that makes me tired. The lollipops amp me up as did the morphine.I take 1-2 600mcgs twice a day.

was taking fentanyl suckers 300mcg and my doc suggested abstral for me to try. it was difficult to open and tastes like salt and backingpowder. i could forgive the taste if it worked but it had zero effect on my pain. i prefer the transbuccal suckers. also about a week after i stopped taking them i developed sores under my tongue were they dissolve.