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Generic Name: fexofenadine-pseudoephedrine

Brand Name: Allegra-D 12 Hour oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

It works all right. The problem is that I can't sleep at all when I take it. So I'm not taking it anymore.

Works great, has kept me out of the doctors office with upper respitory infections! Is this considered safe to use daily???

I've never taken pseudoephedrine before. I was pleasantly surprised with this medication. I usually take over-the-counter meds when I get bad colds with a stuffed up nose that's also runny, head aches, body aches, sneezing, teary eyes, and sore throat. My doctor informed me that the only medications that are truly going to give you results when it comes to congestion and runny nose relief are those that you need to sign for from behind the counter. I was unaware of this. But I am very glad I know now. I took Allegra-D 12 hour yesterday afternoon for the first time, and I have to say, the results are astounding. I can breathe normally out of my nose, sore throat is almost gone, and no more teary eyes or sneezing. This medication has also given me a little more energy. I am able to sleep on it. But at work when I take it, there are no drowsy side-effects. Which is a plus for me. I will say when the 12 hour period is nearly up, I can somewhat feel the congestion coming back, but I just used a nasal spray and immediately I can breathe normal again. I've never used a medication that works this well when it comes to cold symptoms.

With severe seasonal allergies, I decided to try Allegra-D. During the day, it works well, allows me to breathe and I'm not sneezing and blowing all day. But at night, my heart rate is up and doesn't allow me to sleep... not a wink. Will try to take Allegra without the D and see if it helps.

I have a middle ear condition called otosclerosis which was treated 14 years ago by surgery but after the surgery I felt like my eustachian tubes were plugging up and it affected my hearing and was annoying. My doctor told me to take allergy medicine year round to help with the inflammation that was causing this to happen. I took Claritin for 10 years then it suddenly did not work anymore after living in AZ for a few years. The mesquite flowers burn my nose. I tried Zyrtec and it made me too sleepy. I switched to Allegra and I have not looked back. I live on a ranch where there are multiple desert plants species and mesquite dominates the landscape. I have 3 dogs and 2 cats, and I am allergic to cats. Allegra has made a difference in my life. It does not make me groggy.

Like I have taken nothing....

This medication is good, and really eliminates all those unconfortable feelings of seasonal allergies. The only thing is that we believe that it is making it very difficult for us to fall a sleep. Even so, I will not change it for anything else. And I have tried everything else and more.

Taking it twice a day has really helped me. My question would be how long should I keep using it on a daily bases?

I was on Allegra D for years (daily) and it was very effective. I have given up on using it since it has gone OTC. I cannot open the plastic. I've tried scizzors, staple puller, etc. The plastic is so sharp it cuts my hands. Claritin D is not as effective for me, so I'm trying Zertec D, but am not having much luck with opening it. What is it with these manufacturers, have'they ever tried to open these pills for regular use? I realize a lot of the issue is regulations, but it Claritin D can do, the rest should be able to.

I was a 19 year old soldier in Vietnam. I grew up in the dry desert southwest, and when I was exposed to a humid jungle environment, and diesel fumes and road filth/dust (I was in convoys on an open air gun jeep) I developed allergies due to long-term exposure to some nasty stuff (Agent Orange included)... When I got back to the United States, I was diagnosed by the VA having "chronic allergic rhinitus". As a result, here I am 40 years later with constant post nasal drip which goes into my throat, causing me to constantly clear my throat. I get the worst tickling and gagging sensation in my throat unless I clear it. And when I do so, I get the rudest looks from people when I am out in public (as if I am trying to draw attention to myself...) At the DFW airport late last year while on a brief layover, a woman approached me and asked me if I had ever tried Allegra D. At first I was embarrassed (and a little put-off) but when I got home, I purchased Allegra D and I have found it helps a lot with my ailment (the V.A. has been worthless in helping me, but this over-the-counter drug has been great...) Where Ilive, we have a very nasty tree called the Texas Mountain Cedar, the pollen is nearly toxic! Allegra D helps with this problem, but it isn't perfect for this particular pollen.

possible erectile dysfunction

Rx for multiple tested allergies by ENT physician. Very effective. Now is OTC, problem is pricing, as my insurance payed most when as an Rx...now hoping for a generic, but really like the Allegra D

My doctor prescribed Allegra D for my seasonal allergies years ago. I am a type 2 diabeteic who takes Glucotrol xl to controll my blood sugars. Taking Allegra D with Glucotrol caused my blood sugars to drop below 40 for 2 days. I was hospitalized for 3 days put on IV glucose for 3 days and nearly died. There has been no warnings not to take Allegra D if you are on Glucotrol so I want to warn diabetic patients who take oral meds to control thier blood sugars that there could be serious drug interactions. I would have died if I had not been under that hospital care round the clock, I nearly died in the hospital. They had to give me IV boluses og every hour and I was continuously eating and drinking things loaded with glucose and they could not elevate my blood sugars above 50 for 2 days. It took 2 days to completely rid my body of the Allegra D and Glucotrol. I will never take Allegra D again. I have been able to take Zyrtec with no trouble. Today I use a generic for Zyrtec to control my allergies.

Allegra D was extremely effective however, my eyes became dry and almost tear free. Now on medication to increase tears and had to discontinue Allegra D and use nose drops, which are def not as effective.


Allegra-D works. I don't get drowsy like I do with Zirtec, others. Claritin doesn't work on me. decongestant is best around. I need antihistamine/decongestant for seasonal allergies and occasional bug bite reactions (facial swelling). Allegra-D keeps me normal, but is expensive. Generic not on my insurance formulary accepted list. Why the heck not? I am not made of $ money. Otherwise, so far, so good for 5 years now.

I was on Allegra for two years before I lost my health insurance. I have severe allergies and was at times unable to function because of stuffy nose, fuzzy head, sneezing, itchy eyes, etc. My only issue with Allegra D 12 hour is that I could only take 1 a day instead of the recommended 2 (12 hours apart of course). Since it is non-drowsy, if I took a dose after about 3pm, I was unable to sleep at night. I did just fine on one dose and my doctor said it was fine as long as I kept taking it and it was working. I recently started a new job and hen my health insurance becomes effective, I hope to get back on Allegra. It is the only allergy medicine that works for me!