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Generic Name: fluocinolone and shower cap

Brand Name: Derma-Smoothe/FS Scalp Oil

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I experienced a pretty big hair loss when I first used it. After a few times, it is less, but still noticeable. My dernpm said it was stress—I am sure it was product.

I have used Derma Smoothe periodically all my life and I'm 42 now! Especially when I was a younger adolescent...this product is amazing! I'm an African American female that had extremely bad excema and especially on my scalp which resulted in the puss, crusty and dry scalp which lead to hair loss. So my dermatologist prescribed me this product and recommended her to use Neutrogena T-Gel shampoo. My mother did not follow the instructions of washing it out daily it was more like every 3-4 days with oiling my scalp nightly. Immediate results! Seen a huge difference in less than a week, weeks to a month went by hair growing back. I remember this because being a young child in middle school being picked on because of my hair falling out...that was traumatizing to me but I'll never forget it! I eventually grew out of my symptoms that I no longer needed it. Until my adulthood when I would use hair products for the first and didn't know I was sensitive or allergic to it then I would have to go back to use Derma Smoothe until my scalp was cleared. Unfortunately my daughter had inherited excema and the same symptoms on her scalp and I knew immediately what to use. I trusted it on me so of course I trusted it to use on my daughter who eventually grew out of the symptoms as well. Excellent product! Never got to thank the makers but if they are on here to read this...Thank You! You saved my self esteem as a child...Thank You!

Does anyone notice their hair comes out a lot after using dermasmooth all night, then washing out the next day, I do. When out of the shower, I gently pull on my longish/fine hair and a lot comes out. Then when I let it dry & brush, way more comes out with the plak. Is anyone worried about using it on a prolonged basis? It is a corticosteroid. Also a tip, try using shampoo without chemicals like Live Clean, great products.Maybe I leave it on too long. At least 11 hours?

I was prescribed Derma-Smoothe for mild sebbhoric dermatitis. It was a pain to use overnight (I shower at night) and you end up having to take another shower to rinse the oil out. I stopped using the solution five days ago and I STILL can't get my hair clean. I've shampooed multiple times a day and yet my hair is still tacky and oily. It looks like I haven't showered in a week and I'm showering every day! (Tried multiple shampoos too!) Did anyone else's hair continue to react after discontinuing? I don't know what to do, because my hair looks gross.

WOW! for the first time something actually really works. My little girl suffered from atopic dermatitis on her scalp and nothing seemed to work. My only complaint is with the way the bottle is made. I suggest that a brush applicator is better suited instead of the pour bottle. I dipped a paint brush on it to apply to the scalp so the hair did not look too oily. She has improved so much that she has not needed a treatment to her scalp in over two years. If she gets a little patch I just rub it on and it clears right up. Thank you so much for a great product.

The medication did not help. It resulted in hair loss in the back of my head.

This product was the only thing that cured my severe seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp. I had large scales that, when removed, would take clumps of hair with them. This product softens the scales and removes them without any big clumps coming out. It was the only thing that would work - I tried T-Gel, T-Sal, and every other medicated shampoo under the sun. This worked in only 2 treatments - the scales were just falling right off my head. It doesn't burn or offer any discomfort besides the inconvenience of having to wear a shower cap but that was definitely worth it to have my self-confidence back.

This oil is Scalp saver, without it I cannot go to my hairdresser. Recently after trying 2 different pharmacies I have been unable to have my prescription, they tell me it is not available but dont know why. As anyone else experienced this?

For the past year my scalp has become very crusty & scale so I went to the Dermatologist. At first they prescribed a topical steroid, after using this for several months my conditioned didn’t get any better. I went back to my doctor and she prescribed Derma Smoothe. I used it three nights in a row and it has worked so fantastic. My scalp is completely cleared of all crusty scales and when I shake my head it doesn’t look like it’s snowing…YEA! Wearing the shower cap at night was so worth the wonderful results. I only wish I would have started to use this months ago.

I have had scalp problems for years but thanks to my new stylist, she was able to identify my condition and referred me to a Dermatologist. I was prescribed Derma Smoothe and it worked wonders! My scales were literally almost completely gone after one use. I treated my scalp with Derma Smoothe for 3 days and the results are amazing!!! I am african-american and I can tell you that this product works. Yes, it is drying to our hair but with a good conditioner, you should be fine. Now, I only have to use Derma Smoothe when I have flare ups. I am so grateful that I do not have to walk around embarassed anymore. I feel free!!!!!

Works well for my itchy, flaky scalp which seems to come and go with the seasons. Use a little and keep it on during the day.Very thick hair so the oilness of the product does not affect me as much.

My normally healthy hair was falling out in clumps. A wonderful dermatologist at Emory correctly diagnosed psoriasis and prescribed a two-step treatment: First Derma-Smoothe for at least 4 hours to loosen the scales, then after shampooing, applying Fluocinonide. The Derma-Smoothe is predominantly oil, so I agree with those who find it challenging to wear the shower cap for hours, but it really works. Without the softening oil treatment first, the Fluocinonide just made my scalp flake, but the Derma-Smoothe makes the scales disappear. Using it once or twice a week has kept my scalp psoriasis under control for about 10 years now, and I have a thick healthy head of hair.

Both of my daughters have eczema and when it got out of hand on their scalps I used this...it was prescribed by the dermatologist. It works! & I have only had to use the cap on them once!

My son had a drug reaction to Remicade which caused severe Psoriasis on his scalp for 8 months. I tried every shampoo and prescribed shampoo and washing hair up to 5 times a day. I was at my wits end, I was even using pliers to break the scales apart on his scalp and ready to cut off all his hair since he couldn't get it cut anywhere because so bad. Then GI refered us to dermatalogist who prescribed Derma-smoothe. This product cured my son's Psoriasis in 2 treatments. 1st treatment he left on for 9 hours and then washed it out. That night he was late home and couldn't do the treatment on day 2. The next morning he showered and the scales just fell right out of hair when drying. So we did treatment (2) that night, and by the next morning everything was gone from hair after washing. No other treatments have been needed since. This in my book gets 3 A+'s. I might even think about letting my son go back on Remicade now that we can treat the side effect of a much needed treatment he requires.

I prefer to shower at night, so allowing the medication to sit for 4 to 6 hours was problematic at times. However, the product worked wonderfully for me. I have used it once every other day, and approximately 96% of all scales were gone after one use. Unfortunately, this is not a cure for scalp psoriasis. At least it helped me with removing the scales, and it appeared to slow down the accumulation of scales afterwards or in between uses.

Only used it for for four days. Head was flaking, and bad itch.

Works for awhile then the problems comes back. Would not recommend this product.