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Generic Name: fluorouracil

Brand Name: Fluoroplex topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

used on field aks. did nothing. had 1 dry skin spot go away however. dermo told me to use it between. visits if I get an ak. picato also did nothing

Medication caused burning, oozing and extreme sensitivity and pain. Two weeks after procedure and beginning treatment with this "medicine", the cure turns out to be worse than the small growths I had removed.

I don't know why more Dermatologist won't prescribe it. I always have to ask for it. I love it!

It is amazing how it works. It is painful but needed to be done.

To gladly use an otherwise overused cliche, this topical creme is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Which is better: to suffer a bit of embarrassment at a reddened area whilst applying the topical treatment, or having one's skin carved upon with permanent scarring? This works on both precancerous sun lesions and basal cell carcinomas. It has worked for me INSIDE the hairline, even on the scalp on the top of my head with no recurrence and no loss of hair. (It only affects fast-dividing cells, presumably the diseased ones.) If you have not heard of this—which has been around more than 20 years—indeed it makes you wonder why!

After a few days the area treated became red and burned. this lasted throughout the treatment. Eventually I had to discontinue the drug due to side effects, but I believe it worked by that time. I have used other similar creams with drastic side effects. This one was so much better, and certainly better than more surgery and scars.

Your pay no more than 10.00 discount card is useless! I was rejected for use of the card due to having Medicare part d coverage along with supplemental coverage which was also rejected for use. I guess being over 65 and on Medicare affords us the funds to pay $415.00 for tube.

I have used 1% Fluoroplex cream on pre-cancerous or early cancer areas on my face/scalp on multiple occasions. The facial areas have all healed well. I have not had any skin cancer (or any cancer) leasions removed.

this treatment is awsome. I love drugs.

A miracle drug!! Dr. Canada and this drug saved my nose and maybe my life. I had a dry red spot on my nose. Each time I removed the dry skin flake that seemed to continuously come back, the spot enlarged. Over a years time the spot grew to 2cm diameter. One hack M.D. carved it off my nose but it came back. Dr. Canada (now retired), directed me to me to use this cream for 10 days by rubbing it into the skin out past the afected area two to three times a day before returning to see him. He warned me that the affected "pre-cancerous" area would become like a blood scab and not to pick at it. Only the "pre-cancerous" tissue would be healed and the skin that was not "pre-cancerous" would just be softened. He also warned me that once I started the treatment, I MUST not stop until seeing him after 10 days. During the treatment period only the affected area became a dark red. As directed, I treated the entire nose. The large scab on my nose was embarrassing. On the 8th day while rubbing on the cream, the scab just came off in one big piece. Under the scab was this smooth pink skin. When I went to see him, he was amazed that the spot was so much larger than he thought. I saw that he was very happy with this outcome as was I. I had another spot on my upper chest/neck that I treated on my own with the same results. I have never suffered a reoccurence until reciently (20 years later) I noticed some sun damaged spots on my forearms. I will ask my physician for a prescription. Dr. Canada practiced in Flint, Michigan.